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 Jan 2018 unnamed
i used to dream in black and white,
grays blending together the scenes that
spin spin spin
until i can't differentiate black from white.
i dreamt about shriveling flowers and endless hallways
and never being able to scream;
and then i met you.
suddenly i was dreaming in color,
a luxury i thought would never come to fruition,
flowers popping and life breathed back into trees.
i never knew how beautiful it was to have someone hold you at 3am,
to kiss your bruises and tell you your scars are angelic
even though the way you acquired them isn't.
i never knew how beautiful it was
to dream in color.
 Jan 2018 unnamed
zoie marie lynn
"the title says it all,"
she says, breaking the fourth wall.
"i was with a guy,
i know i know, so cliche,
but he really took my breath away."
the audience laughs,
she continued on,
"he told me all these enhancing things,
and at first i didn't know what to think.
the first date was a disaster,
i spilt wine all over my dress,
and the second went a little better,
but the third one was the best."
the audience anticipated the rest,
"on the 29th of September,
he got sick,"
her breath hitched,
"he told me not to worry,
as he layed in that hospital bed,
hooked up to so many tubes,
he'd say anything to get these thoughts out of my head.
he told me he knew all along,
that he had one month left to live,
i broke to a million pieces,
'but it was so worth it,'
he said lovingly as he coughed his last cough.
i thought of nothing else but the way he looked
hooked up like some middle school kid's science project,
and now here i am,
at this amazing poetry slam,
telling you all my story,
because it could be days, weeks, or even years until you discover your forever,
but for me,
mine was simply a month to remember."
babe, stay
Canyons of deep purple
Echoing with silent cries
So much grief, so much hardship
Hidden beneath happy eyes

It's a muted colour, often unnoticed
Bold colours are so much nicer and easier to see
Beautiful and happy
Life filled and free

Its the undertones that build up the bright
Mould the landscapes
The mountains and vallies of who we are
It's there swirling brushstrokes that outline our shape

Though they are layered over
With the thick oil paint smiles
They are still real, still raw
The base coat for all life trials
I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted in while, the site wasn't working for me. Happy New Year!. Skye:)
 Jan 2018 unnamed
Kayla Flanders
she was not fragile like a snowflake.
she was fragile like a bomb.
and i didn't know which was scarier-
                                                        ­  her explosion or her calm.
part 2
 Jan 2018 unnamed
Callie Richter
i used to think
loving myself
was hard
you came along.
you see,
you shouldn't learn
to love yourself
in spite of a person,
you should learn
to love yourself
along the side of
the person.
 Jan 2018 unnamed
astro eyes
(you are not mine)

I ride this wave alone.

up for air.
breathe again.
eyes open.

feet on sand.
i escaped the pull of pain.
within the waves.
of heartache.

i long for you.
to wrap me in a towel.
your arms.
cradle my small body.

strip out of wetness.
step into heat.
water washing away the fear.
i felt in the sea.


(and if you were...)

crawl into sheets.
mattress underneath,
you on top.
all your weight.
pushing me into bliss.

from slumber.
your body against mine.
warmth and wetness meet again.

chew. swallow.
nourished by grains.
wake me further.

my day begins and ends.
with you.
i find my way.
back to your love.

you quiet the noise.
you caress this soul.

i meet the sea again.
and you pull me free.
from the waves.
of a scarred brain.
that has seen evil.
and monsters.

you love me regardless.
of my foibles.
you set me free.
riding the wave alone in this life.
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