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 Oct 2016 amerhakim
I've said all I can say
I gave my heart and had it thrown away
Never thought I could have it all
To live I felt I had to heed your call

The little cuts so do add up
The gashes run too deep
Couldn't learn to keep that love I once felt long ago
I knew I had to let it go

I think back to that day
You turned your back and spirited away
Damaging pained and darkened heart
Our passion sundered souls were torn apart

It took all of my strength to live
Had nothing left to give
Wondering if you were aching too
I wept to keep a part of you

I found a place to dwell
Within myself I found my heart as well
I finally learned again to be
What I had lost you couldn't take from me

The scars I wear all over me
I know to let them be
They are part of me forevermore
I only had to find the door

As the raven whispers to the dove
Someday I will find love
Until then I will always journey on
And live my ever changing song
 Oct 2016 amerhakim
Stranger Blue
To taste the bittersweet nectar of thy lunar lips.
Lie me hope, sing to me the song of the helix.
Proffer me the chance to breach thy bastion,
encompass thee in my love and compassion.
Sanction me to be that one whispering love stories
in thine ear while bathing in the Aurora Borealis
dazzling and clear.
You and I, a rickety tent and a love nothing less of
heaven sent.
In mine heart thou shalt forever remain.
My panzer maid grant me...the fall of rain.
 Oct 2016 amerhakim
low hum, cold rain
i take three extra pills to focus on anything
but you
and how i was so proud to show you off
i put you up on a shelf
made sure you never got *****,
i was so proud to call you mine,
to have something of my own
that i forgot to lock the door to my own home
and let everybody in,
and they took everything
i was so scatter brained with you
trying to make you happy
planning my next move,
i never paid attention to my own pieces
and now they're broken
and i don't even have the energy to put them back together
i was so proud to call you mine
when you barely knew you were half the time
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