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-on empty life and aimless power: a guy's
big party that happened without him

Laughed out loud this morning
happy, lightly, free,
softly stumbling down the stairs
- but really, god it isn't me.

Broken glass in the living
scrunching under my feet,
torn portraits, burnt letters,
melted bottles, boiling books
- hahaha, no, it wasn't me.

Went out, caught fire, blew up
- don't know for which cause.
Touched down on the balcony
- from the victims no applause.
Hot red footprints ten inch deep
- not mine, I was sound asleep.

Hmmm, fresh air,
can smell it through the window glass.

Who is this guy outside,
stretching out his arm to me?

Just wondering...
will they ever remove these bars,
so we can shake hands?
Dark against a glacier-blue sky;
a flying Crucifix silent as a stone.
Bald Eagles are numerous where I live in Iowa.  Never a day goes by that I don't see dozens, if I want.
Making love to your memory,
  I watched her walk past

Blonde, eighteen and tan,
  and this decade my last

A memory comes back,
  as new feelings release

Of a field in September,
  when our hearts were at peace

And I thought of you fondly,
  as I watched her go by

I held the thought warmly,
  and tried not to cry

Turning my head now to follow,
  she passed to my left

My joint pain now hollow,
  old passions bereft

But this memory won’t leave me,
  as that summer you did

These thoughts now my own,
  where you once did forbid

And as she steps through the doorway,
  a fantasy unknown

I make love to her memory,
—with a wish now on loan

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
I loved her face
until her eyes narrowed
in disgust
and her red lips
spewed cringing hate
That's when I knew
beauty does not exist
All we have
is *** and
 Sep 2016 Deniece Long
23 Year have passed
Since your life was cut short
Each and every one a painful reminder
Though filled with hate
It teaches us to treasure
The life cut short
Despicable as it may seem
We still have to live
Asking the unanswered question
Wont you speak to us

There is never justice for the dead
Their quietness never provides the answer
Its never how but why?
Take a life you didn't create
Even if you created it you still have no right to take away
We vehemently condemn such acts
Silence is only but a crime
It is a luxury that many cocoon themselves with
Choosing guilt over shame
But is there shame in speaking out

Difference doesn't constitute death
The Stephens, The Trayvon, The Sobczak
Who will be next?
Is it me? Is it you
who KNows
Hate has no safety net
We ought to stand up against oppression
no BLooD is worth spilling
Hate is Hate there's no better way to define it. Oppression equals hate. Choosing to be quiet is complicit with actions. It a matter of joint enterprise. If only we could use such a law to deal with the issue. How many will freely escape its wrath. It isn't a matter of threatening others but raising awareness about the scourge of hate. No prison sentence can bring a life back. Therefore nothing warrants the premature and senseless acts of violence that ultimately lead to death.
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