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18/F    Hello! I'm just a random girl who has too many stories trapped in her mind. This is where I set them free.
Dylan McFadden
28/M/Seattle    Just a guy trying to see things as they are, think rightly about them, and realize them in my own life
13/F    I don't have another name :)
Israel    A lover, a dreamer....
25/F/west virgina   
22/F/i'm not really sure    i'm just trying to learn
Mohan Sardarshahari
56/M/India    All poems are my inner voice and are protected under copyright laws.
F/California    All original work is my own, and copyrighted by Medusa, and A. Wild. unless otherwise credited. Medusa painting by S. Christian, my dear friend irl, ...
21    i whisper to the moon, somehow loud enough for the stars to know my name
Neychard Charles
F/T.C.I    Hello! My name is ney I’m a unique individual I love poetry
35/F/Ireland    Closet Writer of Stuff. Lover of Photography. Instigator of Nonsense. You'll find me on Instagram... a.mcqwrites
Victor D López
59/M/New York    Cypres Family Distinguished Professor in Legal Studies in Business at Hofstra University's Frank G. Zarb School of Business; author of numerous college textbooks and reference ...
Masha Yurkevich
19/F/Playing the piano...    Just a Russian girl with lots of curiosity. A poet, pianist, violinist, ukulelist and guitarist. I enjoy reading and writing. Trying to keep on smiling, ...
18/F/somewhere in my mind    you deserve a love that feels like a never ending summer.
Kate Copeland
29/M    A writer Is what I want to be For I truly can see What the world has to show I dabble in bits of my ...
23/F/NEPAL    An avid reader who likes to scribble my thoughts
19/M/India    Won't give up on nothing!
low poetry
27/M/Ukraine    born / suffer / grow / learn / play / fall in love / eat shrooms / write poetry
21/F    Poetry is the expresser of life poetry is music, Shakespeare, art poetry is pure emotion. It helped fill in the cracks of my toughest days, ...
Jaluna Rolik
26/Cisgender Female/New Jersey   
Raj Bhandari
Delhi, India    Trying through poetry, crying through poetry!
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