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Do foolish things for love.
It's the only thing you keep from this world
when you go.
 Feb 2017 David Ehrgott
the other side is heads
when dark is here
light is around the globe
blank is full
lonely is fulfilled
spin the coin on it's side
and for a while it is neither
try to comprehend all that is known
and you spin
try to love and you may
just fall
and know
heads nor tails
seeds lie barren
on the hardpan
of a soul craving

seek absolution
on scarred knees
search for bliss
in the brief bloom
after sparse rain
believe these offerings
are not in vain

seeds lie dormant
 Feb 2017 David Ehrgott
your spirit mind rides free
with the wind

the light in your heart
is a flame from a star

who would deny you
your freedom

who could be so cruel
and fail every time.
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