23/M/Oklahoma As i walk out the door
Towards the gate
That would lead to my freedom
I knee if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind I'd still be in prison
By Nelson Mendela (c) 19 followers / 532 words
How did we come to be here Next to each other In the night Were are the stars That shows us our love Outside the leafs flame Unusually in the darkness I am amazed by peace It is the possibility of you Asleep next to me breathing in the quiet air
If you can wait till I get home Then I swear to you We can make this last
I know I can't give you everything I know my heart to cold to care But for once I know how it feels to be loved
I know you can't wait Through everything But is this really happening I swear I'll never be happy again Don't you dare say we can be freinds I'm not some boy you can manipulate We knew this would happen eventually