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Jul 2014 · 953
Follow My Demonds
Danni Bond Jul 2014
My demons trying to escape.
I can feel him.
Pulling and tugging.
Trying to do,
Whatever he can
To just break.
Break apart from the emotions.
Break apart from the tears.
Break apart from the lies.
He's trying to lead me
But I won't follow.
Where's he going?
He'll break through soon
I can already tell.
Rip my chest open
And pore out into he world.
Will I follow,
Who will know
Once I stitch up the wounds, and he goes.
Jul 2014 · 4.5k
Dreams vs Reality
Danni Bond Jul 2014
Dreams make reality worse.
They bring expectations up.
They make everything seem okay.
They make us happy,
They make us laugh,
They make us feel good,
They make us love.
And everything's okay.
But then,
In a matter of seconds,
That dream is crushed!
Devoured by reality.
Reality has always been reality.
Its never been good,
Its never been bad.
But once a dream can show that reality can be perfect,
It sets your expectations up.
Making reality,
Which was once bearable,
A living nightmare.
Leaving us with pain,
Leaving us with feelings,
Feelings we once had under control.
Feelings that now control you.
And these feelings will stay
Until you learn to control them,
Once. More.

— The End —