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3.7k · Dec 2013
dainty wrists Dec 2013
I've been a failure for as long as I can remember

Never been happy
And honestly never will be

Failure at loving myself
Failure at an education
Failure at being happy
Failure at wanting to live
Been having a hard few days so haven't had chance to put any of my poetry on, more will come tonight x
1.7k · Nov 2013
i'm jealous
dainty wrists Nov 2013
you're so beautiful and perfect
and I love everything you say
you make me smile and make me laugh
in every single way
but it's such a shame
you live so far away
and I'm jealous,
so very jealous
of all the people you meet
who get to see you everyday
1.6k · Dec 2013
controlling my life
dainty wrists Dec 2013
why do you have to control me?
what I wear
where I go
if i'm allowed out
why do you have to shout at me
hit me
make me scared

everyday I pray that you're not in
because you scare me
you scare me to the point where I want to be alone
you pressure me to get good grades
and shout if I get a B and not an A
it's not about effort anymore
its about getting an A

you tell me which university I can go to
and what job I have to do
but you forget that it's my life
and soon you wont be in it.
I want to move to mums house
but you wont let me
you shout and scream to make me stay
and that's when I feel alone, afraid
1.6k · Nov 2013
eating disorders
dainty wrists Nov 2013
I see a lot of glamorising of eating disorders

what is so glamorous about sticking your fingers down your throat
using laxatives because you cant cope
starving yourself

there is nothing glamorous about eating disorders
they're mental illnesses which need to be addressed

I have an eating disorder
and I can tell you this
there's nothing glamorous about this
not one little bit
1.5k · Dec 2013
My ED Story
dainty wrists Dec 2013
I remember when you found out that I had Bulimia.
You never cried, or tried to understand,
You just shouted.
You grounded me, remember?
Said I was a failure.
You made me eat forgetting I have an eating disorder.
You pretended it never happened.
I had to cure myself because you wouldn't get me help.
"No daughter of mine needs help"
"No daughter of mine is mental"
Remember when you said that dad?
Do you?

And now, I've been diagnosed with Anorexia.
And I am literally terrified that you will find out.
Because you will get angry, won't you?
Like last time, remember?
You'll force food down my throat and make me not tell anyone
All because you're ashamed with me.
Well thank you.
For making me hide my eating disorder.
I guess I'll do what I always do.
And deal with it on my own.
I am genuinely scared to post this because this poem is a representation of what happened to me, and these are my most personal feelings. I like to put it in poetry because people can interpret it differently and I guess I like that. I'm sorry if this triggers anyone.
1.5k · Nov 2013
dainty wrists Nov 2013
red puffy eyes
broken glass
ripped skin
pulled out hair
tears falling
feelings crashing
self hatred
self regret
feeling worthless
i'm easy to forget
losing weight
losing sleep
losing hope
losing dreams
991 · Jul 2016
dainty wrists Jul 2016
Addiction is strange
Years of absence
But seconds to crack.

S u I c I d E
Crosses my mind from time to time
One pill here
One pill there
Only give myself a little scare

No more calories
No more food
Dainty wrists must be good
**** the crying over sliced bread
Just don't eat anything instead

Years of sanity
And a small relapse later
Here I am
The biggest stranger
Manic depression is really taking over my life.
A lot of things are strange and unnatural to me. Things that I am often used to are becoming my enemy which makes no sense. I hopefully will start to feel more positive and be able to write poems on a more positive note. It feels good to be back after 2 years.
941 · Dec 2013
my mind.
dainty wrists Dec 2013
my mind is everywhere
am I sane?
the end.
821 · Nov 2013
dainty wrists Nov 2013
dying to be thin
dying to fit in
dying to be loved
dying to be pretty
in the end
I'm dying to die
796 · Dec 2013
dainty wrists Dec 2013
I try to eat
but calories consume me
just looking at them make me feel full

disgusting, worthless
and fat
why did I look at all of those calories?

disgusting, worthless
fat pig
stop looking at calories
and don't eat a thing
I'm really sorry if people find this poem triggering but its the thoughts that are going on in my head and well poetry is my way of venting.
747 · Nov 2013
will this ever end?
dainty wrists Nov 2013
losing weight
losing friends
losing consciousness
will this ever end?

hate myself
hate my grades
hate the stress
will this ever end?

always alone
always thinking
always crying
will this ever end?
743 · Nov 2013
dainty wrists Nov 2013
I often depend on many people
in order for me to feel happy
they make me feel special
and listen to my problems


they leave, every time and every chance I get
to become close to another being, they up and leave
before I get the chance to beg them to say

even though I realise that I cant be dependant on others
someone else will come along, and I forget all about it
I like the company
I like the affection
I don't like being left
712 · Nov 2013
what is beauty?
dainty wrists Nov 2013
what is beauty?
I have no clue.
but then again
does anyone?

beauty isn't crying yourself to sleep every night
beauty isn't slicing at your own skin
beauty isn't wishing you were dead
beauty isn't skipping meals

this isn't beauty, so
what is?
706 · Nov 2013
no friends
dainty wrists Nov 2013
I watched my friends
leave my life
and the worst part
is that I feel like I
deserved it

all alone
with no friends
and I tell myself
I do deserve this
672 · Dec 2013
brings me peace
dainty wrists Dec 2013
cups of tea
reading books
brings me peace

being alone
listening to music
brings me peace

cutting skin
pulling hair
brings me peace

skipping meals
counting calories
brings me peace

using lax
feeling in control
brings me peace
664 · Apr 2014
dainty wrists Apr 2014
I’m still waiting for all of this hurt and pain to go away. I’m still waiting to be able to confidently look in the mirror and actually smile at what I see reflected back. I’m still waiting for the day where I can ask strangers “how much is this?” “What time is it?” I’m still waiting for the day where I can confidently voice my opinion whether it’s a popular opinion or not. I’m still waiting for the day where I no longer take art lessons with a sharp blade as my pen and use my wrist as the paper. I thought I was a lot better, I thought I was making progress. But now, I no longer eat, I exercise 24/7, I have made laxatives my bestfriend again. I thought people were proud of me, and now I’m giving them a reason to doubt me, take all of the pride away from me and swap it with guilt and remorse. Maybe there’s a way out, maybe there’s a way I can end this pain once and for all. Maybe just maybe I can get off this train and jump right into the tracks.
Just a summary of my current feelings...
625 · Mar 2014
dainty wrists Mar 2014
Isn't it funny how you spend so much time fighting an illness only for it to come back again.
I've been away fighting anorexia and bulimia
for what?
absolutely nothing it seems

i thought i had overcome it,
but clearly i was wrong.
i went two months without doing anything wrong
and now 3 months down the line
im back to square one
but this time

it feels so much worse.
im always at the gym now
im using laxtives
im starving myself at every opportunity
im stuck in a relapse and i have no idea how to get out
I haven't wrote any poetry in around 3 months because i was in recovery for my eating disorder and honestly i wasnt in the right frame of mind to write anything. I'm currently stuck in a relapse and its so hard. I think I'm going to try and write poetry on a daily basiss because it might help me in my recovery again. This has been a really personal poem so yeah. I'm back.
601 · Dec 2013
The scales
dainty wrists Dec 2013
balancing on the scales is my new home
I can stand there for hours
I like looking at the numbers drop
it gives me control, power
eat less and less
until I look my best
and when I weight less
then I will rest
rest forever
the new skinny me
balancing on the scales
is where I like to be
548 · Nov 2013
dainty wrists Nov 2013
sitting alone
at the
coffee table
in the dark
writing and
for you
while you are
in your own bed
far from here
dreaming of
someone else
539 · Dec 2013
Someone, anyone help?
dainty wrists Dec 2013
I need a shoulder to cry on
I need someone to talk to
I need someone to hold me
I need someone to tell me it's going to be ok.

Where is that someone?
I feel like I've been searching forever
and it's really getting to the point
where I can no longer search
501 · Nov 2013
dainty wrists Nov 2013
never loved by others
on my own all of the time
thinness is what i crave
how can i become skinnier and prettier
i don't want you to leave
need you here
I have no idea if this is even any good,  but yeah x
500 · Apr 2014
dainty wrists Apr 2014
I walk up to the mirror put on my makeup and sigh another day at college and another day closer to leaving and getting away.

I love college, I love learning and I always get the best grades. What I hate it everyone else, the people who are mean and cruel for no reason. The people who talk about you and make you feel so paranoid. I hate it. College is where young adult study and yet it's full of back stabbing children who make everyone's lives miserable. I can't cope. I know that if they found out about my illness they would laugh, say I was seeking attention and I can't cope with that. I can't cope at all
People at college are annoying me as per and ugh they just don't understand my illness and how college can affect me and I guess it makes me sad oh I don't know
500 · Oct 2016
I thank you... university
dainty wrists Oct 2016
493 · Dec 2013
you said
dainty wrists Dec 2013
you said things would get better
so why do I feel worse?
you said people would like me
so why am I still alone?
you said i'd lose weight and be happy
so why am I crying and holding my fat?
you said that starving myself, using lax and purging is bad
so why does it feel so right?
you said a lot on things
and none of them are right
so why should I listen now
just because you think I might
467 · May 2014
dainty wrists May 2014
isn't it weird how one day you could be stood on the edge of a bridge threatening to jump
isn't it weird how you have the power to end yours and another persons life
isn't it weird how people can hate themselves so much and no one notice
isn't it weird how one little thing can control your life so much
isn't it weird how little someone can mean to you even though they used to be your world
isn't it weird how we all develop into our own individual lifestyles praying that people will like us
isn't it weird how people can hate each other and cause them harm
isn't it weird how none of us are safe
we're not safe from others
and worse of all
we're not safe from ourselves
463 · Mar 2014
dainty wrists Mar 2014
I don't feel like myself lately
I feel like I'm not in control
but at the same time I do
feel like I'm in control.
Does this make sense?
I wake up and plan what I
will eat and what time I will
eat it at. I feel people noting
how many calories I consume
I just don't feel like myself lately
I feel like all my poems are about eating disorders and for that I apologise
451 · Nov 2013
dainty wrists Nov 2013
I used to have good days
and bad days
but now it seems that
good days have turned bad
and the bad days have turned worse
the bad days are no longer bearable
and I feel like I am suffocating
suffocating in silence
I know this one isn't really good, but it was on my mind so I just continued to write x
445 · Apr 2014
So this,
dainty wrists Apr 2014
So this is relapse
The thing I was most worried about
The thing I was trying to avoid
I’m back to crying
Repeating old habits
And this is what it feels like.
I didn’t want to feel like this
I thought I was stronger
So this is what it feels like
To be weak
To be sad
To be back to the way I was before
To be relapsing

— The End —