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dadens Dec 2018
she wears yellow when she’s sad in hopes that she’ll start to view herself the way the world sees her, happy
© d.a.dens
  Dec 2018 dadens
harlee kae
the sun is shining
while the rain cascades
down my windshield.
and i'm thinking
the sky is as confused
as me.
dadens Dec 2018
we often forgot how connected we are to the world
she has emotions and expresses them as simply as we do
so when you’re feeling alone, remember the sky cries too.
© d.a.dens
  Dec 2018 dadens
the black rose
i am deep in relations
with a deeper meaning;
familiar to a larger view
of a picture that most
can only see a spec.
so when i’m distant
don’t you take it
as a form of disrespect,
or neglect.
my space
is required,
my ability to function
is in compliance with
my ability to be silent.
in solitude
i confide and
they say no man is an island,
i am an island,
never to be integrated.
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