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  Jun 2015 Curious Owl
oh me oh my
you listen.

when he tells you

when he tells you

when he tells you

when he tells you

you listen.
because im your father, and you have to respect your parents. you're just 16, you don't know anything. you won't succeed, you'll be just like your druggy brother, your other drop out brother. you're just like my bipolar ex fiance, that's the kind of stuff she would pull, you know better. you don't need that medicine, just get over it. you're going to hell for believing in that, you don't know any better, you're just 16. you are so disrespectful to sit there and talk back to me. you're wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, im always right, you're only 16, you don't know anything. youll grow out of it, you need to do better, you need to try harder, you'll never amount to anything. you need to stop, you need to listen, you need to think. why are you crying because i raised my voice to get my point across, you weren't listening, you should've known better, you need to hear the truth. you need to get your act together, you're 16. you don't need to say things like that, you don't need to go there, you can tell them you can't go, you're only 16.
Curious Owl Jun 2015
We were perfect running schemes,
A joyful river, a flowing stream
But we never saw this sunset coming,
A surreal yet perfectly painful ending
Curious Owl Jun 2015
Opportunities begin to unfold,
Clear vast spaces await to be filled.
Today I’d pledge to leave some uncertainties behind.
Today our story transfigures into an open-ended chapter.

— The End —