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2.8k · Aug 2013
little red devils
These demons dance over my shoulders,
They torture me.
When they’re performing,
Don’t ask me what’s wrong,
Don’t ask me if I’m okay,
Don’t steal them from their dance floor,
Don’t interrupt their dance.
I have a dark side too.
2.8k · Jan 2012
As You Hold Me Tight
Lay awake while you sleep.
Arm around me, holding me close.
Keeping me safe, even in your dreams,
As you hold me tight.

Roll over to face you,
Watching your seemingly lifeless body.
Resting my hand on your chest.
As you hold me tight.

My soft kiss, upon your cheek,
Wakes you from your dreams.
You ask me if something’s wrong.
As you hold me tight.

I shake my head from side to side.
You place a kiss on my forehead.
I smile up at you,
As you hold me tight.

I whisper that I love you.
And you say it too.
Then wrap both arms around me,
And you hold me tighter.
Suggestions? :)
2.7k · Dec 2012
we are, the demons
the monsters have moved
from under the bed.
they're living all around you,
all throughout the life you've led.
the demons no longer reside underneath,
but are the reflections
in the mirrors,
staring back at you and me.
2.7k · Aug 2014
Paper Cuts
My first paper cut happened so fast
I didn’t know something so thin
Could hurt so badly.
Thin was never an adjective
I’d associated with pain but
The sting of red blood that
Appeared on the surface of my skin
Would later become an addiction
I couldn’t get away from.
Thin silver razor blades
And thin white paper
Shouldn’t seem so similar.

My teacher asked me if I needed a
Band-Aid at my kindergarten conference
When a paper cut sliced my finger
While we were going through my materials
As if looking into my future.
I told her I didn’t need a Band-Aid
And in return, she told me that I was strong.

Kindergarten has come and gone
And after a very long time of thinking
Band-Aids made you weak,
I’ve realized that bandaging up your
Wounds actually makes you stronger
Than trying to bottle up the hurt.
what do you guys think so far?
Once upon a time,

Isn't that how fairy tales are supposed to start?

A man and a woman.

Fall in love.

And live happily ever after.

Isn't that how they all end?

Oh, not anymore?

There's too many dragons getting in the way.
2.6k · Aug 2012
left alone
The vibrating sensation,
Grabbing my attention to your hand.
Slide your hand across the screen to answer,
And walk down the hallway.

Mumbling words I cannot understand,
To some unknown, but all too familiar caller.
the start of a cheating relationship...?
2.6k · May 2014
Expired Love
I remember being tangled up
In a mess of bones and organs
That had lost their homes inside the carcass of my body.
We wrestled in nothing but our skeleton frames
While my intestines seemed to strangle me,
My lungs could no longer help me breathe,
My heart lay tossed on the floor,
A rib cage that couldn’t hold it any longer,
Couldn’t protect it anymore.
And I could swear our love was still alive.
I wrote this at 1 in the morning last night. I have no idea what I think of it. Please let me know. Feedback and comments are encouraged and appreciated. Thanks!
2.6k · Jul 2013
Puzzle Pieces
Grab my fingers, and
Lace them in between the space
Between each of yours.
haiku about love
You asked me to save you
And I couldn’t for what little life was left of me
Figure out why you would ever ask such a broken person to perform a task like that.
How was I supposed to save you when I couldn’t even save myself?
I’m sorry that we both had to die
Even when you offered to save me if I saved you.
But you didn’t know that I was too far gone to ever be rescued.
feedback is always, always appreciated.
like my Facebook page :)
2.6k · Oct 2013
Tally Marks
Three years have gone by.
A little over one thousand days
And it’s been thirty-six months.
I don’t know why I’m still counting
Each dawn that passes by.
I don't know why you haven’t called
To tell me that you miss me
And that you want me back.
But I do know that slowly the nights add up
And soon it will be forty-eight months
One thousand four hundred sixty days.
It’ll be four years
And I will still be wondering why
We haven’t spoken.
break ups ****
2.5k · Oct 2013
The First Snow
The sky was overcast,
A gloomy sort of feel to the air,
A gray haze cast over the corn stalks.
The breeze was brisk,
And brought goose bumps to my skin.
I wrapped my arms tighter around myself,
Reminding me of how you used to hold me.
I took a deep breath and watched my exhale
Disappear into the wind, my imaginary
Cigarette smoke leaving my system.
Only about an arm’s length away,
I thought I saw something fall.
Looking up into the sky,
I saw nothing, but
When I put my hand out,
Palm up,
A small white flake landed on my mitten.
Autumn had passed, winter was here.
may be a bit early for this, but whatever
2.5k · Sep 2013
Summer's End
The breeze sifted through the trees,
And the leaves started to fall.
A shower of orange, red, and yellow,
Littering the forest floor.
Summer had came to a close,
And autumn was here.
a new season :)
2.5k · Jul 2013
The Depth of Love
You tilted my chin back,
Tucked a strand of hair behind my ear,
Kissed my lips,
And whispered,
“Love you more.”
And in that moment,
All of the anchors that’d been holding me down
Weren’t a match for the rushing waves,
The salty sea,
Or the deep ocean floor.
2.5k · Jun 2013
the sound of love
Spend the morning,
Wrapped in cold sheets,
My skin touching yours,
Your warm lips pressed to mine.
The sound of birds all around,
But your heartbeat loud in my ear,
The only song I’ve memorized.
dedicated to the mornings spent cuddled in bed as the world continues to spin all around you.
2.5k · Oct 2013
a dorm on the fourth floor
I pondered everything
You did that I adored.
A smile played on my face
As I remembered
Your eyes,
Your smile,
Your cologne.
But mostly I remembered
The way I caught you watching me,
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
And the way you turned away,
A smile on your lips,
Blood in your cheeks.
when you catch him looking at you, and he casually looks away.
2.5k · Nov 2013
Drown Me in the Ocean
Like in the dead of night when I put one leg out into the brisk air because combined with your body heat,
The blanket is just too warm.
I feel exposed but hidden all the same.
Or when I push one sleeve up my arm, but keep the other hidden beneath the cloth because the evidence would smack you too hard in the face.
I don’t want you to feel the pain that I’ve kept hidden.
I feel shielded, but barely; behind a veil that is trying to reveal the hurt I’m sheltering because you were just too naïve to believe I’d sank that low.
The ocean pulls the anchor from the ship and gravity helps.
I can’t see the bottom, but I know I’m close.
follow my facebook fan page!
2.5k · Dec 2013
Make No Assumptions
If you are an aging book tossed on an empty shelf
Left to dust,
I will be the librarian who remembers you.

Even in my graying days and wrinkles,
I will find you within the musty bindings
Upon the shelves.
I will pluck you off,
Bypassing all of the others
That try and grab me as I walk
The narrow aisles.
I will push them back into their place
For you are the only one I have eyes on.
I will find you and blow the dust
Off your shoulders.
I will run my fingers over you,
Feeling your cover, your back, your spine
Before opening you and sifting through your pages,
Reading your story and discovering your scars
Where the corners have been folded over.

But I will love you long before
I ever open your cover and begin to read.
tell me what you all think :)
go 'like' my facebook page:
I wonder,
If you still lift your head,
From whatever held
Your attention,
When you hear my name.
And I wonder,
If you remember
The love we shared,
Until something else,
Grabbed your attention.
After you ignored her legs that she held clamped together so tight that magnets would be jealous of the strength she possessed to try and keep you out,
Did you confuse her groans of pain as moans of pleasure?
Did you not see the tears of shame glistening on her face?
Why didn’t you listen to her when she yelled for you to stop because of the pain you were causing her?
Is having *** with someone as she lays anything but still on the floor comfortable?
When she dug her nails into your flesh and bit with teeth into your arms, releasing the pain you forced on her, returning it into the monster who destroyed her,
Did you think that was permission for you to start again, when she had yet to finish fighting you off for the first time?
How did you confuse her silence when she finally laid still because she knew she could not push you out from inside of her as enjoyment?
I don't know what else I want to do with this poem. I want to add more, but I don't know what else to add.
comments and feedback are appreciated and encouraged!
2.4k · Jul 2013
the quest
I want to find the
Darkest depths of your soul, and
Love without limit.
2.4k · Jul 2013
ruffled feathers
The large, black birds,
They crowed at each other.
And anyone who happened to hear,
Would have thought they were arguing.
But I knew,
They were crazy about each other,
And passionately in love.
2.4k · May 2014
You Still Live Here
If I could write you into the walls of my home,
I wonder if it’d still be standing.
Would the candlelight dancing on the wall
Remember the way your lips danced with mine?
The kitchen where we watched the birds
Dance through the trees, chasing one another
Similar to how we played tag through the hallways
And bedrooms of our house.
The bathroom where the tub fills with water like
How my anatomy filled at dusk and dawn with your love.
The living room where we fell asleep so many times
Watching our favorite movies in nothing but our skin
And the light illuminating from the TV screen.
I leave the screen on, the images flashing against
The wall where our pictures still hang.
I blanket myself in make-shift flesh and tell myself
The threads of the cover are your hands and arms.
The sheets over our bed hold your absence
Like an infant child cradled in his mother’s embrace.
Your pillow, covered in cologne and aftershave that lingers
Rests in my arms as I hug the object and pretend it’s your body.
The shower head rains water that blends my tears
Down the drain with the heartbreak I’m left with.  
But your voice still sings from inside the painted walls,
Behind the picture frames, blowing in the curtains that
Cover the windows. Most importantly, you linger in the
Floorboards and inside the beams that hold my house together.
rough draft. comments and feedback is encouraged and appreciated :)
2.4k · Jun 2014
******* isn’t the same;
My collarbone doesn’t peek up through my skin how it used to when I removed my shirt.
I can’t see my ribcage protrude over my flesh under each breast like it used to.
My hourglass figure has too much sand; it’s spilling over.
The mirror seems to hide its eyes and turn away and the scale screams for me to scram.
The numbers glare up at me as I look down over the overfilling sand to where I wonder what it’d feel like if the ocean washed up over my toes in a skimpy bikini,
My hair blowing in the wind as I let the sun kiss my cheeks.
How it feels to be kissed by the glass watching me strip into the dim bathroom light,
Instead of slapped by the picture I see in the mirror.
When I bend over to finish removing the clothing,
I have to look away from the extra bulge of sand that sits directly above my waist
And haunts me by the rolls that hang on to my fattened skeleton.
I wonder how it feels to be loved by the reflection staring back at me.
there are lines I love in this poem and there are lines I put in just to fill the space. let me know what you guys think so far.
2.3k · Aug 2013
before sleep
As I am in my bed,
Eyes to the ceiling,
I wonder if you’re
Lying in your bed,
Eyes gazing up,
Thinking about me,
As I am thinking of you.
i love your thoughts and comments
2.3k · Jul 2013
inhale, exhale
My chest rises and
Falls in a matching rhythm,
Syncing along yours.
2.3k · Apr 2014
Cell Towers
There are pictures of naked bodies
Bouncing from one cell tower to a different cell tower.
We live in a world where technology allows us
To see each other’s bodies long before we ever
Climb under blankets and have the privilege
Of exploring one’s anatomy in the comfort of the dark
Instead of through the mirror of a small bathroom
Where if you’re lucky, she might have included her face.
It’s too bad the boy or girl she sends it to still won’t know
The color of her eyes or that she scrunches her nose
When she’s mad or that she has the deepest dimples when she laughs.
Your body is more than just a screenshot that the receiver will take.
It’s more than ******* in the extra bit of sand
Inside the hour glass of your flesh covered skeleton.
It’s more than standing a little taller, arching your back
So that the cage of ribs protecting your heart show through
The lens of the camera.
Your body is more than turning to the left, then turning to the right
Because you’re trying to find an angle that makes you seem even thinner.
There are boys who only know how to love you as they hold their phone
With your picture in their eyes and their hand touching their own body
When they could be touching yours.
Do not allow a boy to love you through a picture because if a real man
Wants to love you, he won’t ask to see your naked anatomy before
First seeing your face and knowing that your eyes are blue,
That when you laugh, your dimples grow as deep as the Grand Canyon.
Do not allow yourself to let a boy love you through a picture that’s
Bounced from one cell tower to a different cell tower.
this is kind of a rough draft. let me know what you all think! feedback is appreciated and encouraged.
remember to please "like" my facebook page:
2.3k · Jun 2013
Music for the Soul
My favorite sound is
The soft flip of the light switch
And the room growing dark
Along with the rustling of sheets
As you climb into bed
With me.
2.3k · Jan 2014
'L' Words
Laws that get me in trouble.
Mostly for public intoxication
After wandering aimlessly down
Lost streets.
Love I never receive; or gift anyone with either.
Liquor that takes the pain away
If only temporary.
Love fades,
Feelings change,
And the hangover the next morning
Reminds me of why I hate myself
After downing my first shot of alcohol
The night before.
So I start drinking again for breakfast
And the next morning will play out the same.
Endless truths hide behind lies
And luck has never been something I’m  good at.
Life is a game and I can’t ever seem to win,
I lost. I lose. I’m losing.
Over and over again
People call me a lowlife and say I’m going nowhere.
Liquor cures the lonesome for the night
And men tell me they love me.
I believe them.

I hate the word “love.”
feedback is always appreciated.
go like my facebook fan page
My collection of poems, "Partially Whole" is available on Amazon :)
2.3k · Jun 2013
trigger finger
When my fingers are gripped
Around the trigger,
It is you
Who pries them away.
2.2k · Aug 2013
Love without Limit
Enclose me within your arms,
Give me warmth,
Love me,
And please,
Do not stop.
comments are always nice.
2.2k · Sep 2013
A parade of leaves dancing within the willow,
Draping branches dangling in the breeze.
Chattering sparrows
Laughing with the hint of rain.
Rumbles of thunder humming
A loud whisper.

A growing whisper
Takes shelter within the willow,
Quietly humming
A song for leaves in the breeze,
Droplets of rain
Shower the chuckling sparrows.

Feathers of the sparrows,
Drift away, soft as a whisper.
Sprinkling rain
Gets lost within the branching willow,
The feathers play hide and seek in the breeze,
And the thunder continues humming.

The thunder is still humming,
While the feathers of the sparrows
Float in the breeze,
And storm clouds whisper
A strong kiss of wind through the willow,
Allowing a canopy of rain.

The creek floods with rain,
While the rumbling remains humming,
Dancing willow,
The sky imprisons the sparrows
The lightning sings a whisper,
Disguised as a breeze.

The fall leaves stir up in the breeze
Drenched in fresh rain,
Rainbows whisper
Over the thunder’s loud humming,
The return of the laughing sparrows
As they perch within the willow.

The humming of thunder in the distance, the whisper of lightning,
The after smell of rain, lingering in the breeze
The buzzing of sparrows, perching within the willow.
a sestina.
2.2k · Aug 2013
Morning Love
Skip the coffee,
And breakfast in bed.
I’d rather you stay by my side,
And feed me with kisses instead.
Wrap me in your arms,
While under the sheet,
Smother me with love,
And I’ll be complete.
sometimes late at night,
around three in the morning or so,
i pretend that you are by my side.
i use your old pillow to wrap my arms around,
and put my ear to the cold cloth
but can’t hear your heartbeat,
a once familiar sound.
i can’t feel the rise and fall of your chest
beneath my cheek where I’ve placed my head,
or your fingers dancing
over my exposed flesh.
your warm lips don’t brush mine,
and I can’t taste your sweet breath
but in the dark of night,
when the world is fast asleep,
and I am most vulnerable,
it is at that moment where
i most want your arms around me,
keeping me safe and secure,
because though I pushed you away,
i only ever wanted you here.
2.2k · Jul 2013
Picasso in Secret
This blade I use
As my paint brush,
My arm as my canvas;
Pale and innocent,
Save for scars from another time.

They will be joined,
In yet another
Beautiful, red painting.

My wrist, the white horizon
In the background.
self harm in the form of cutting.
Got your mind made up,
You’re leaving this town.
Just as soon as the next summer rolls around.
Let me be your reason to stay.

You’re grabbing your keys,
Headed to the door.
Got nothing else to say, nothing no more.
Let me be your reason to stay.

Getting in your car,
Not a look back.
Going on home, just to pack.
Let me be your reason to stay.

A slight knock on your door.
One little kiss.
Something that drives you mad, something you’ll miss.
Let me be your reason to stay.

Grab my hand.
Pull me in close.
Say you’ll miss me the most.
Let me be your reason to stay.

You’re slowly moving on.
Long down the road.
I’m just sitting at home, “missing you” mode.
Let me be your reason to stay.

Would you miss me at all?
Every second, every hour?
My tears are pouring down, one long rain shower.
Let me be your reason to stay.

You’re having some regrets,
You want to move back.
Going to your newfound home, just to pack.
Let me be your reason to stay.

A slight knock on your door.
One little kiss.
Something that drives you mad, something you’ll miss.
Let me be your reason to stay.

Grab my hand.
Pull me in close.
Say you’ll miss me the most.
Let me be your reason to stay.

You’re driving through traffic,
Pedal to the floor.
Yelling you can’t miss me anymore.
Let me be your reason to stay.

Hitting every red light,
There could possibly be.
Nothing on your mind, nothing but me.
Let me be your reason to stay.

I see you coming down the street.
Seeing you here.
Down my face, falls one little tear.
Let me be your reason to stay.

A slight knock on my door.
One little kiss.
Something that drives me mad, something I’ve missed.
Am I your reason to stay?

Grabbing my hand.
You pull me in close.
Looking in my eyes, saying you’ve missed me the most.
Am I your reason to stay?

Grabbing both of my hands.
Pulling me closer.
Telling me I’m your reason to stay.
Whispering, you’re never going away.
Maybe a song?
2.2k · Apr 2013
Wind Kisses (short story)
A sea of what seemed like a thousand or more faces sat before me in the pews. Solemn faces dressed in black, holding back tears stared back at me as I stood behind the small podium and your body lay silently in a wooden box next to me. I swallowed hard, trying to think of what I could possibly start this speech with. No words formed in my mind or thoughts. I looked down at my black chipped finger nail polished, my mind still blank. I took a deep breath.

            “I’m sorry.” I muttered, “I can’t do this.”

            I walked off the make shift stage, leaving the podium standing by itself, much as I had felt like I’d been left by myself that day next to the hospital bed. Walking over to the first pew, taking a seat next to his parents, I buried my head in my hands and started sobbing all over again. His mom put her arms around me and rocked me slowly, resting her chin on my shoulders.

            “I thought I could do it.” I sobbed.

            “Sh, you did fine.” his mom whispered.

            Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Adam’s dad stand up slowly. Buttoning his suit jacket, he took my place behind the podium. He cleared his throat.

            “No parent,” he paused, “should be standing where I am right now.” I looked up at the tall man, resembling Adam like he was his own twin. “There’s so many things I could wish right now,” another pause,  “There’s so many things that I wish I knew.” He wiped an escaped tear from the corner of his eye. “But I can’t say that my son, didn’t die a fighter.” And I lost the battle to my sobs once more.

            Adam’s dad finished his short speech by thanking everyone for coming and reminding families to hold their loved ones close. It’s something Adam would have wanted him to say and would probably even say it himself; if he’d been around. Adam’s mom, Christine, along with my own mom, held my hands as I walked up to the open casket one last time. Looking inside, seeing Adam completely still with his eyes closed and hands folded across themselves. He looked so peaceful, and reminded me of times when he’d fallen asleep while we’d been hanging out watching movies. I took a deep breath, and rested my hand over his.

            “I love you.” I whispered. “I always will.” I’d like to think I noticed the ends of his lips flinch and turn up into a small smile, and his chest take a slight breath,  but my eyes had only fooled me. Some more tears escaped and I stepped away.

            Walking back through the church aisle in between the pews, people conjugated around glanced at me, and some patted my back or offered a smile. I continued walking to where the car was parked for the procession to the cemetery. I got in the backseat so that Mom and Dad could take their places up front once they were done offering their goodbyes. I stared out the window. The sun beat down and the slightest breeze carried pollen through the air. The beginning signs of Spring.

            Arriving at the cemetery, the procession of cars all parked in an organized fashion in a marked spot in the grass. I opened my door slowly and got out. I pulled the cardigan that I wore over my dress tighter around myself, reminding me of your arms, holding me close. I stood in the sun, feeling the rays hit my face as I watched the pal bearers carry your brown casket to where the graveside service would be held.

            I walked slowly across the grass, sidestepping headstones of strangers I’d never meet. The same familiar breeze that had blew at the church blew again, blowing my blonde hair out of my face. Mom walked beside me, holding my hand, giving me strength.

            I stepped up in front of everyone, ready to give my speech that I’d overly prepared for. Drops of tears spotted the paper I’d written on the night after watching you take your last breath. I cleared my throat and wiped a tear that was escaping down my cheek. The same faces gathered before me. Some looked down and some watched me. Mom gave me a half smile. I took a deep breath.

            “I remember the first time Adam told me that he had leukemia.” I started. I took another deep breath. “he thought for sure that I’d never talk to him again or hang out with him.”

            I smiled at the crowd, remembering the moment like it was yesterday. A third breath of air, and the wind blew my hair once again.

            “Adam was supposed to live less than six months.” I stated. “he lived for almost a whole year after the estimated time frame.” I smiled again. “Last week, as he was laying in the hospital bed, he told me that it was almost time.” I explained. “and I told him to just keep fighting. He told me that he was tired and didn’t want to fight anymore.”

            Some tears fell from my eyes, creating fresh marks on the paper that I was barely reading off of. Instead, I had resorted to just telling the story from memory.

            “He told me that even though he was losing the battle, he’d already won.” I continued explaining. “I had no idea what he meant. When I asked, he told me that even after learning about his terminal cancer, he’d won my love.”

            The wind blew again, a little stronger this time, kissing the tears away from my cheeks. I returned Adam’s kiss by blowing one up into the air, towards the sky.
2.2k · May 2014
Slept Their Dream
Restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
Of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of windows.
Till human voices wake us, and we drown.
What did I know about drowning or being drowned?
Sorrow is my own yard,
And in short, I was afraid.
My life will shut very beautifully, suddenly
When everything broken is broken, and everything dead is dead, and the hero has looked into the mirror with complete contempt and the heroine has studied her face and it’s defects
Who created great suicidal dramas on the apartment cliff-banks,
Who cut their wrists three times successively unsuccessively,
Who jumped off the Brooklyn bridge this actually happened and walked away unknown and forgotten.

I used to pray to recover you
Who wandered around and around at midnight in the railroad yard, wondering where to go, and went, leaving no broken hearts
Who fell on their knees in hopeless cathedrals praying for each other’s salvation.

Your most frail gesture are things which enclose me.

At twenty I tried to die.
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
Watching the others go about their days, likes and dislikes, reasons, habits, fears that self-love is the one weedy stalk of every human blossoming.
How do they do it, the ones who make love without love
these are some of my favorite lines from the poets of, T.S. Eliot, Lucille Clifton, William Carlos Williams, e.e. cummings, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, Robert Hass and Sharon Olds.
2.2k · Jun 2013
Take it or Leave it (10w)
Package gift:
Flaws are guaranteed,
Should be loved and accepted.
2.2k · Oct 2013
insomnia for the heart
It is half past one in the morning and
The red digits from the alarm clock
Lecture me for thinking about you.

The pillow next to me
Harbors your absence,
And the loneliness holds me.

I glare at the numbers,
Fully aware that I will be exhausted come morning.
Then the time changes and it is one thirty-one.
2.2k · Jul 2013
if you want to love me,
find my scars,
wherever they may be;
on my wrists, where my heart should be,
and love them even more
than the beach loves the sea.
Kiss me like the tide
Marks the sand,
And guide me like the lighthouse
Helps a boat find land.
2.1k · Aug 2013
Night's Rest
I want to be the blanket
That wraps about you,
In the dead of night;
The sheet you clench.
I want to fill the spot
Beside where you lay your head,
And I want to be the face you see,
When you first wake
From the night’s rest.
2.1k · Oct 2012
And Nothing Else.
I want to wake up,
With my head upon your chest,
Surrounded by the warmth,
Of your button down shirt,
And the protection of your arms.
2.1k · Jul 2013
love me.
I want to punch you.
And push you away from me.
Please pull me closer.
I’m a functionally depressed person.
I’ve self-diagnosed myself as this
Because severe depression makes
Me feel like I should be lying
Around my house all day and
Although I’d rather wrap myself
In the blankets of my bed,
I push myself out into the day.
Dressed in an outfit that’s not
Sweatpants and a t-shirt, but
Instead, jeans and a sweater.
Long sleeves to cover the cuts
On my arm, or many bracelets
With no colors that match my
Outfit but they cover my
Self-inflicted wounds from
The night before.
I fake a smile at people
That I pass by during the day
And I hope that they can’t
See through my eyes and into
My head. I hope they can’t read
The suicidal thoughts swimming
Around, filling the lack of serotonin
That I’m missing from my brain.
Their eyes feel like lasers shooting
Into my brain like bullets that I dream
Of releasing from the chamber
To settle in my head.
I’m a functionally depressed person
Because I function in society
Without anyone knowing that
Inside, I’m already dead.
I've had a really bad day.
2.0k · Aug 2013
for you
I want to repair your wounds,
And feel your heart,
Help you love,
And learn to restart.
I want to open up your soul
And free your mind,
Read your thoughts,
And give sight
To the blind.
you can't see me, because your heart is still broken.
2.0k · Jul 2013
you save me
I was lost in you,
With no worries on my face,
For I was found too.
2.0k · Aug 2013
It's Just Something
There’s just something
About the way your
Fingertips brush my skin,
That makes me want to
Feel your arms around me,
And breathe you in.
I love comments.
2.0k · Apr 2014
Taking Flight
I shook the devil’s hand and looked him dead in the eye the night I put the barrel of a shotgun in between my lips
While I stood on the edge of a chair with a noose around my neck.
Killing two birds with one stone.
The feathers of the bird deep inside me would be ruffled after the bullet raced through them,
Shearing them apart like a combine moves through a field of corn.
The bird on the outside of my body would finally learn to fly after the bullet struck the inside of my mouth like a flashlight lights up a dark cave harboring a family of bats
And right before I fell limp to the floor, no longer able to hear my own heartbeat inside my ears,
The noose caught my fall, tightening around my neck.
The night I stood on a wooden chair, holding my own death within my hands in complete darkness around eleven because I wanted to be an owl instead of a raven,
The chirping inside of me wouldn’t quiet.
I heard the voices of wings outside the window in the tree I’d thought about soaring from; telling me to stop or cheering me on, I don’t know.
But if I would’ve put the single round inside the chamber of the gun or slipped the slightest bit from the chair,
I’d know how it feels to fly.
feedback is always appreciated and encouraged :)
like my facebook page and check out my blog, links are in my bio.
2.0k · Nov 2011
Mysterious Man
I heard his footsteps coming up the staircase.
My heart was beating inside my chest, loud as thunder.
I had no idea what to do.
I laid still in my bed, not moving a muscle.
His feet walked soft and swift down the carpeted hallway.
The door to my brother’s room creaked open.
The sick feeling in my stomach told me there was nothing I could do.
My brother would be his first victim, and I, his second.
I continued laying completely still in my bed,
Under the blankets, that were getting extremely hot by this point.
I was tempted to remove them, except that it’d be easier for him to get to me.
I would suffer through the heat. Until it was over.
It was all I could do.
I was too small to run away, down the stairs and out into the backyard.
I could only lay flat on my back, making my breathing slow and soft.
I prayed he couldn’t see my chest moving up and down,
That he couldn’t hear my heart beating.
I counted to five, every second my heartbeat growing faster.
One, two, three, four, five.
I didn’t hear my brother’s shrieking. I didn’t hear him cry.
I did hear the man’s footsteps come back out into the hallway.
Instead of moving toward my room, like any other time,
His footsteps carried away from my doorway.
I found this interesting and somewhat bizarre.
This stirred all new emotions inside.
I was afraid, terrified even, but then there was also a sense of relief.
A relief that he wasn’t coming to my room after all.
The sick feeling in my stomach came again.
Only this time, I didn’t know what to feel.
It was a gut instinct. But what was it telling me?
That my time was finally coming?
I couldn’t take it anymore.
I slowly, ever so slowly, removed the blankets.
Taking a break in between, I lay still again, making my breathing slow and soft.
I counted to five while laying completely still and listening.
There was nothing.
I carefully sat up in my bed, keeping my eyes locked on the open doorway.
There was no light, black as a cat.
All that kept going through my mind was a scenario where he suddenly stood in the doorway.
Looking right at me.
But that didn’t happen.
I took a deep breath, maybe the last one I’d get, and slowly rose out of my bed.
I could only hope that I’d miss all the creaky spots in my floor, making a silent exit.
I had succeeded. Not a sound.
I skimmed my head out the door. Looking down the dark hallway.
The dark stairs only a few feet away. Could I make it?
I wanted to check on my brother.
But I didn’t have enough time.
I could hear the clock on the wall ticking. Tick tock. Tick tock.
Just the sound of it made me nervous.
I had no idea where the man was. Absolutely no idea.
For all I knew, he could come up behind me.
But that didn’t happen.
I prayed that he wasn’t in the kitchen.
Where the knives were.
My breathing quickened.
I almost wanted to just drop dead right then and there.
So I wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.
I moved out into the hallway,  carefully sidestepping the creaky hardwood floor.
Once at the stairs, I glanced down.
It looked awfully dark, but the faint glow of a night light lit up the bottom of the stairs.
I would have to be more careful. There was a chance he could see my shadow now.
There was some rummaging that sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.
Where the knives were.
I heard a drawer slam shut. I jumped in my spot on the stairs.
I couldn’t do it anymore. If this freak didn’t ****** me, I’d die just from my own fears.
Slowly, ever so slowly, I started stepping backwards.
Carefully sidestepping the creaks in the floor, making my way back to the doorway of my room.
I stood there, silent. Listening for him.
There was nothing for a long time. My imagination started roaming.
Had he left? Could I lay back in bed and sleep peacefully? Not a chance.
Backing up into my room, I kept my eyes locked on the doorway.
I felt the edge of my bed against the back of my legs.
Slowly sitting down, and applying weight to the mattress and bed frame, it creaked.
I closed my eyes, immediately expecting the man to come up the stairs and into my room.
But he didn’t. I continued sitting. Slowly easing the creaks out.
When all of my weight was on the bed, I carefully lay my head back on my pillow.
I pulled the covers up to my chin, covering my shoulders and hiding myself.
I took a deep breath and lay silently, listening for anything.
My eyelids grew heavy with sleep, while staring at the open doorway.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, there were loud, thundering footsteps coming up the stairs.
My heartbeat quickened and my throat grew constricted. I tried to relax my breathing.
My eyes were dead locked on the door. Several times, I thought I saw someone walk by.
The footsteps slowed and grew quiet while my heartbeat did the exact opposite.
Then, there he was. Standing in the doorway. Looking into my room. Looking at me.
Could he see me? Could he hear me?
He started coming inside. Toward the bed. My time was now. I wouldn’t be waking up.
I closed my eyes, hoping to make it hurt less.
A Halloween poem.
1.9k · Jul 2013
no sleep, just memories
These nights are restless,
With you absent from my side.
A hole where my heart should be,
Is not easy to hide.
I stare at the ceiling,
Waiting for your return,
Knowing that you won’t come,
Leaving me with memories to burn.
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