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 May 2016
I am exhausted sometime I find myself
Waking in pain calling no name
Just swelling with salty tears
Life is less about fears
Than fearing the regret
Not about what I have not done yet
But what I missed waiting
How frustrating
How illuminating
The future is a fountain flowing
Growing and fulminating
Glittering and emanating
All origins of life
That is why I never regret the night
I only fight the light
For the right to decide
How I succeed or **** up my life
 May 2016
Memories, segmented strands of my history
Etched on my cerebral mess so deep and chaotically
Impressions and sensations linking past and present
With futures contemplation the calculations are not so evident
Memory a powerful brew stewing in my mind
Bittersweet lover that frequently looses time
And only relative realities are left to find
Lying with distorted and partial truths
Loving with my long departed youth
Memories will die
As will you, as will I
 May 2016
You feel that you're falling, but
that's just your body rising to the skies.
See the sun shining upon the green fields
let the rain tickle you and
smile with your soul.

I know it hurts,
it does, of course,
after all
there's a war in your soul,
but, I tell you,
it's only your demons falling
the good in yourself is the one with the glory.

It's confusing, your legs are still weak
but slowly you'll forget about crawling
and start walking instead.

It takes time, you know
after living in the dark
it's hard to get used to the light
but you'll see
your eyes will stop hurting
and with the moon they'll shine
in the highest skies.

I know it's scary
and you only want to hide
you feel you're fading
but trust me when I tell you:
*You are not dying,
you're coming back to life.
wrote this to myself in one of my good moments
 May 2016
Shaylie Pryer
Do souls search for the light when they die because they never found it on earth?.
Why do we appreciate and celebrate a life gone when it was already there to love?,
we just never took the opportunity.

A list of "to do's' and chores becomes a list of regrets,
because we never really saw what matters most,
Life, while it is still searching for something here.
 May 2016
Tv made to many promises
Saying we could conquer all problems
That love would solve them
All that Disney sentiment
In reality it meant ****
Truth hurts and love is all the worse
For the losing in poorly using
One vulnerable heart
Failing find false starts
And arrhythmia
All fluff and hopefulness
Doesn’t mean a **** thing
 May 2016
She does not look up
Is she afraid of me
Scared there might be
Some unknown rage
Some violent display
That I might act
In a brutish way
Or is she worried that she
Might be
Infected with empathy
If she sees
Someone in pain
Who looks so much like
A human being
 May 2016
Some say look away
Look away
You cannot change
What they do
Cannot control
Or spread truth
All you can do
Is do for you
So look away
Look away
**** what they say
I will only look away
Two times
When I go to bed
And when I am dead
 May 2016
Weird words of working men
Collar wearing ******
Peacemakers clanging swords
Breastplates of hate
I watch us all get churched
On the ways of cruelty

I can’t stop crying
Cause love used to be
So beautiful to me
Two men holding hands
To friends kissing publicly
No shaming

Now there is violence
We break the silence
With days of silence
But it never seems
To stop the screams
And suicides
Children hang out
Flailing lifelessly
The memory haunts me
Even though it is not mine

Pale boy loves a brown boy
Sweet proclamations
Of their affections
Poetic exultations
Holding each other
As their salvation
To be loved is a wonderful thing
To be touched is a mercy

But fire burns to close
To the core of fury
Angry faces hide behind
We ask
For love
But brutality
Is their response
And now the saltine sorrow
The ocean grows
As one more love
Is demolished
And the world becomes
A lot darker
 May 2016
Hear the secrets of the runaway train
Whistle smoking see me choking
On black clouds of misery
The nineties gave me
Nothing but pain
Tried to laugh
But the tears kept falling
And there was no love angel calling

Smokestacks blast billows of hurt
Watch wet stains on the pillow
Thought someday I would grow out of it
But fifteen year later I am still feeling it

Adolescence was a hell of a journey
Wounded spirit resting on
The illusion of a spiritual gurney
Tourniquet lies to stop the bleeding
As the train keeps running over me

Steel track with steel stakes in the ground
Blood soak broken howling in the rain
Train never stops keeps rolling over me
Smashed corpses with a mangled face
Metal monster makes a monstrosity of me

Runaway train of emotions are dulled
No heart beating now it’s bleeding on the floor
One more strange suicide trip
Just took me a lot longer than I thought
To finally get to it
 May 2016
Someday my love
You may find me
Sailing on the briny
Shiny and shimmering sea
That beckons
Dreamers like me

Broken bow rotting wood
Sitting on the edge
Staring hard to port
For any harbors
Or safe sandy shores

Someday my love
I will touch the same ground
Rest my weakened spirit
In the same town

But till then
Watch for my sails
Those white sheets flailing
Never failing
To catch a breeze
Watch and you will see me
Hopefully coming home again
 May 2016
I see the red sun sinking in the horizon
before my eyes the sky is burning,
the half moon shyly smiling
but it is in on her dark side
where my heart is falling.

I breathe in the scent of the evening
trying to remember the days
when I was happy only because I was living.
the soft wind wants to give me wings
but my mind is drowning
in the river running wildly next to my aching body

as the night gets darker,
my ghosts are revealing their faces,
my demons are waiting on the right side of my bed
and while the stars will dance their waltz
I will be sleeping with my fears
and let the nightmares bite again
another piece of my restless soul.
 May 2016
It is fine to hate, hate bad ideas, damaging ideologies, suffering, violence, and greed. However, hating people, diminishes the hater. Any system or person that props itself/themselves up on the basis of hating people damages humanity, and decreases our ability to build a better brighter future.
 May 2016
She has tip toed
Straight to the edge
No railing to hold her back
Just a drop
Dull thuds
Her body breaks with exhaustion
She will fall
Collapsing into nothingness
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