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 Oct 2016
What minor mischief makes me wait
a sweet fair hearted poetess,
a musical queen seen
on shores so far from me?
I will wait patiently
bare my curiosity graciously,
but my mind hastens to see
how you will respond.
Oh, how I long and hope
that your note comes very shortly.

Knowing that between each twinkle
in a poet's eyes lies an infinite space
of beauty, depth,
and an eternity's worth of wisdom.
The subconscious stays hidden
but for such sweet poetic purges,
reverses black holes
spewing pulses of light
that envelope us all.
Till, instead of the stars
I collapse
in a sated state
of cosmic bliss.
 Oct 2016
It is only a hundred miles
two text messages
and a phone call away
to say I love and miss you.

A hundred miles
working eighty-two hours
in just one week,
when you check in on me
and hearing your voice
makes me so happy.

A hundred miles
three stories up in my hotel room,
quietly keeping to myself,
sleeping way past noon
to work at midnight,
I’ll be alright
as long as you all know
no matter where I go
I love ya.
 Oct 2016
Scream for me
As I work your flesh
The brands
That were burnt in
Your young skin
The essence
That once suffered
Such pestilence
In the face of
Other people’s opulence

Though you beg and plead
On bended knees
Seeking to stay
In such deep shadows
I will pull you out
From the wreckage
Offer you Eve’s apple
Give you knowledge
And wisdom
Give you a brand new kingdom
And though others name me devil
You will come to call me
Your guardian angel
 Oct 2016
Satanic goddess oh queen Isis
Aphrodite, my fingers fill her crevices
Twirl and twisting
Leaving us both gasping
I bend to her will
Beg to fulfill
Her deepest desires
So when she sighs
“Hurt me.”
I break myself
Splitting my soul asunder
Becoming thunder
As I crack
 Oct 2016
I don’t want to forget
How to cry
Don’t want to let them
Rob me of the ability
To release this tension
That squirms inside of me
This anguish that tries to ride me
Lying to me with its knots
And churning stomach
Anxiety in reverse
As my lips purse
As I curse my broken heart
I start to kneel and heal
At the altar of soft, warm,
And oh so needed tears
 Oct 2016
There is a little fleck of blood
lightly smeared inside my yellow shirt
hiding like a speck of paint
from a day’s work that I did not do.

It is a thing of shame because impulse
prevents me from being sane
as I scratch at scabs I know would heal
if not for the urge I have
to pull and peal until
a speck of blood pools
inside my now open wound
which is less than half the size
of real life bullet holes.

Now some sheets at the hotel
hide a small blood spot,
but you’d have to be an expert
to find it amidst the folded fields
of thin bleached white covers.

Like someone being abused
I try to cover this ****** bruise
this scab that wounds my fragile ego
making me feel uglier than I did
cause I can’t help picking at it.
 Oct 2016
my senses can only detect 14 billion light years out
a little depressing- thinking how old the universe is
and the morality of replacing religious views
might be morally deceptive where
our sight is limited and science tries to explain expansion
maybe our views need fantasy and Gods to limit
the raging decadence of society
perhaps we need fairy tales
we need to stop finding new Galaxies
and go back to the
more constrictive Golden Rule
so I try to suspend reason
and get Faithful
but the engines and physics
and my attitude
put up barriers
and it's a great Paradox
a large conundrum
I cannot figure
God i wish for a God
 Oct 2016
These are ancient pains
repeated rhythms
of love’s addiction.
I tire of their incessant pounding,
beating flesh,
molding skin
as if I was Clayface.
I shape and retrace
this identity
to connect me
to humanity,
but it is a lock
without a key
and the gate won’t open
to let me in.
So, I die
deep and alone
drowning in
the underwater
ocean currents
that pull me farther and faster
then I ever dreamed I’d go.
 Oct 2016
Listen to America? by graff1980 #np on #SoundCloud
 Oct 2016
Fare thee well.
Silence may not be golden
but it is the best teacher I know.
I’m a failure but what the hell.
All the lies I told myself
were a way to buy
a ticket out of my hell.

Fare thee well.
I won’t meet you there,
and I am not coming back from
where the streets cross to black
but please don’t cry because of that.
I was always headed that way,
one foot on the road
and the other in my grave.
Planting my spirit
On a broken highway
with my hands in my pocket
and nothing much left to say.

Fare thee well.
Particles passing in space.
It is time for me to go
thrown out with the rest
of this waste
we called the human race.
 Oct 2016
It is a cosmic elation
Evolution gone stagnant
For chemical jubilation
The frustration is
I can’t settle for it
Haven’t found my fit
Corner and edges
Coming together to perfect
A playful partnership
Of the mind and the body

It is agony and nostalgia
Pathways parting
Like the roads less traveled
Looking better in my mind
I look back to find
A hopeful lie to erase the line
Of time and loneliness
Though only desire exist
Because I love an illusion

The Beatles said
“All we need is love.”
I wake crying in my bed
Because I cannot touch
The one I thought might be
A reasonable passionate
Match for me
And the hope crumbles
Like the coliseum
Where gladiators raged
Where battles were a staged
Like Pat Benatar said
“Love is a battlefield

Now I sit sorrowful in
Fools form and folly
Knowing Cupid’s Arrows
Are the tools of my destruction
So, I love alone observing
All who will never ever love me
 Oct 2016
She left work early
to catch a train
high heels
spiking puddles of rain.

She will not be back again;

Turned the corner
almost tripped
barely missed
getting hit
by a yellow cab.

All aboard and off
at her final stop
two lefts
and straight three blocks,

Up the stairs
with no one there
in the bathroom
waits fate unfair.

Blood shot eyes
and thinning hair,
She hid it well,
or maybe no one cared.

She counts the pills,
and puts them back
Pulls out the razor,
and puts it back
resisting the urge
to finally do that.

In the mirror,
she stares defiant
standing self reliant
ready to live.

A dish of soap,
still bubbly soaked,
slips off the counter
tripping her silent
leaving a cold corpse
where they found her.
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