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 Sep 2014
give me my heart back
i’m desperate to feel
desperate to be something more than a mask
i’m out on my own
and you think you know but at last
i’m accepting i’m a monster
but when the heroes are gone
i’ll put on my good guy armor.

you won't except me into your world
i'm forced to be nothing but
the bad guy in a book

would you be able to comprehend
if i saved you yet again
*what if the hero is a monster?
 Sep 2014
The tin man gave his heart to the scare crow

because he needed a reason to live

spending all day and night

talking to the wind

without a heart he would of gave in

he wouldn't of been able to live

but by giving his heart to the scare crow

it left the tin man empty

he had no way to feel anything

so slowy but surely

he stopped moving

because he couldnt live  knowing

he couldnt feel if he hurt somebody

he gave his brain to the lion

if he didn't have courage at least he could think

maybe he would be able to live in the background

but be smart enough to still help people

and change things

the lion gave his courage to the scar crow

so that one day

he will have the courage to get down

but until then

the lion couldnt wear his crown

then a girl named dorothy

came walking through

scarecrow, the outgoing man he was

gave her a talking to

he wanted to get down

so he asked her for a favor or two

the lions courage he used

to save himself and later the lion too

then he came across the tin man

not being able to move through and through

he walked over there

and put in the oil too

for the first time in years

he was able to move

then they hoped and skiped into the forest

where the tall trees grew

and as the lion hid in the bushes

he thought to prove he still had courage

stopping them was one thing he could do

so he stepped out in front

started hollaring a mess

then he got scared of a dog

and you know the rest

dorothy scholded him

the heartless girl she was

and told him he shouldnt of done that

the tin man would of felt bad to the core of his heaart

if he still had one

and because he didnt know

he tuned in

and the scare crow stepped back watching it all

as he cringed

later he told them

about the courage he had not

and dorothy changed her tune

and told him she would get his courage back

she led them all

into a place she didn't know

all so she could go home
 Sep 2014
since she was 11
she knew
being abused isn't a punishment
it's a birthright
 Sep 2014
I am made of flesh, blood and tragedy
 Sep 2014
i walk onto nothing
and make a bridge
**but it's burning behind me
 Sep 2014
i meet your high expectations  
just so you can remember my face
*but now what?
 Sep 2014
"Mama, I can't sleep. There are monsters," I would say.
Mother shook her head and chuckled.
"Don't worry. It's all in your head, sweetie."
She tucked me in, kissed my forehead and laid beside me until I fell asleep.
I was four.

"Mama, I can't sleep. There are monsters," I would say.
Mother shook her head and sighed.
"There aren't any monsters. It's all in your head."
She tucked me in, kissed my forehead then went to bed.
I was ten.

"I can't sleep. There are monsters," I would say.
Mother would leave the room without saying a word.
I never saw her much after that.
I was fourteen.

"I can't sleep. There are monsters," I would say.
No one would listen.
"It's your head," the doctors would say.
Nurses gave me pills to help me fall asleep.
I was seventeen.

"I can't slee-" They wouldn't let me finish my sentence.
Nurses rushed in to strap me into the bed.
They injected something into my arm to make me fall asleep.
I never made it to eighteen.

 Sep 2014
mommy i can't sleep
there is a monster
can't you see it?

mommy didn't believe me

mommy i can't sleep
i'm thinking in my head
every night a monster
comes into my bed

mommy didn't believe me

mommy there is a monster
its not under my bed
its not in my closet
but its not in my head

mommy said to me

child i will tuck you into your bed and tomorrow you'll see
there is no monster
you're playing make believe

as i cried in my bed
knowing what's to come
i wanted for my mom
to at least acknowledge what monster he has become

so in the middle of the night
as i saw the monster come
i screamed for my mother

not a sound
but his breathing
not a word
"it's ok

*my mother denies the monster
in my father
 Sep 2014
she's a writer
she writes about pain
she writes about how she
she is the one to blame

she's an author
she writes about the life she never understood
and how sometimes her life has less meaning
then dying

she writes when she comes home from school
she writes about the suffering
she writes about her father beating her
she writes about the bullies
she writes about how worthless she thinks she is
her handwriting is so beautiful
when she talks about pain

it's a shame that she writes on her arm

she's an author
she does nothing without inspiration
and her inspiration?
silent screams
beautiful things that wilt
like how she was born of a mother
who was a victim of ****
and she writes because her mother can never look at her the same

she is an author
her inspiration?
if a tree falls in a forest
and nobody is around to hear it
does it make a sound?
more like
if a girl cuts in her room
and nobody cares
will the silence ruin her?

                        she is an author
she is a poet
she hates herself
and only she knows it

they called her *worthless

what they meant was priceless

she copyrighted her silent song
with blood
she wrote because she wanted everyone to know
she nobody knew

she was an author
she was a bother
she was a punching bag for her father
she was an angel
she was a demon
but she didn't know which part of her to dream with

you were her inspiration
she wrote about you
and now you see everything
now that she's shown it to you

now you pick up the glass
that she used to write her final story
and she didn't copyright it

*because she wanted you to have to glory
 Sep 2014
it's so dark
and i'm the only one with wings to fly

is this art?
or is it just another lie?

the silence screams the truth
but the darkness screams the lies
and it's so loud in here
there's a crowed in here
 Sep 2014
Connor C Blake
This conversation dances on our tongues
Like a fire flickering endlessly at the end of a candle
Until it leaps from our mouths into the center of the room
Revealing to us why we could never extinguish it while swaying slowly to a tune

We watch silently as our words move
Gracefully flowing in and out of time and space,
Crescendoing to towering heights then coming back down with the finesse of feather fluttering flawlessly to the song’s pace

And for a moment,
we lose ourselves to the rhythm
allowing each beat to wash over us in waves of
elegant abstracts flowered with beautifully acute details

Where, or even when, we started is lost to us now
Discarded in favor of the wonderful wander

Our words separate,
Then come back together
Like two star crossed lovers eternally entangled in a tango
Crossing old paths with new shoes
While wondering aloud how they ever came to forget the dance’s moves

It’s so natural that we forgot to worry
Blissfully ignorant to the fact our fate is fleeting
So that the only things to exist were you, I, and our verbal exchange
In a perfect marriage of consistency and change

Our words retreat back into our tongues just as the morning light hits,
Jolting us back awake for another routine day
We smile knowing the rest of them could never understand the fierceness of our wits
These words were only ever meant for us anyway
Listen to the spoken word performance I recorded for this poem:
 Sep 2014
i'm the girl who tares herself apart
because she tries to find something she's missing

i'm the girl who is scared of her own mind
because i don't know how to control it

i'm the girl who used to cry herself to sleep
because i didn't know how to be "good enough"

i'm the girl who has a secret that will change everything

i'm the girl who gets stronger every fall

i'm the girl who makes jokes about things i really don't think are funny

i'm the girl who doesn't know what love feels like
but can give it to whoever needs it

i'm the girl who's more than an age

i'm more then what you think of me

— The End —