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 Feb 2015
Joe Cole
Now gather round me children
Listen to stories I have for you
Of dragons in the mountains
Of mermaids on the shore
I saw a dragon once and entered his dark lair
His eyes were like fiery brimstone
And his foul breath polluted the air
And yes a mermaid I did also see
As she lay upon the shore
Instead of legs a fishes tail
Scales of of ever color and hue
Unicorns!! Oh yes
Gleaming white and regal with a single horn
Upon his head
And I was the first man to tame him
The first to ride that wild beast
You might think my words are just tales
The words of a fanciful fool
But the words that I tell you
Every word I tell you is true
My body bears scars from the dragons hot breath
Aye and bruises
Left from when from the unicorns back I did fall
In my pouch a scale from the mermaids tail
A scale from the dragon there to
Round my neck a cord that I braided
Braided from unicorn hair.
A re write of a fun piece I did a long time ago
 Jan 2015
Ethereal Theories and Rituals
By Rosicrucian's and Masons
And The Knights Templar
Secrets whispered in listening Ears
Bound to Silence by unknown Fears
Symbolic  Accoutrements Adorn
Compass, Cross, Aprons and Horn
Secret Rituals done in Dark Shadows
Robed Members with Incense and Candles
Perform ancient Tomes with Canticles
Reciting Century old Chants of Words
Enarmed with Pike Shield and Sword
Perpetuated through the Centuries
All Carried out in total Secrecy.....1/19/15
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
trees wrapped in lights glitter
shine and sparkle under moons night
open land, expansive
to run
to slide
snow so white and soft like clouds
absorbs our bodies fall

pines and firs a canopy
casting gaze on all below
branch tips wrapped in delicate ice
magic wands
hovering o're our heads
this eve of moonlit glow

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Winter Everywhere!!!!:-)
 Dec 2014
Kelly Rose
dreams of...
fairy tales and dragons
memories of...
who I want to be
just these
few treasures
I wish to find
deep inside of me
 Nov 2014
Withered Old Man,with a Gnarled Old Stick
Seeks the Old Root Man, Mandrake for to Take
Sorrel and Wolfs Bane, Night Shade and Jace
He Scours the Woods for Potions to Make

His hunts through the caves, for Crystals so Clear
Lapis lazuli Azure Stone, Dug from Earth So Rare
Bones of Hart strung with Sinew and  Nuggets of Copper
Bones Carved with Ancient Signs and Wizardry

Wand of Willow, Feather of Owl,
In Darkest Night with Hooded Cowl
Arcane Language made to Howl
Calling Down the Soul, of the ******

With Enchantment the Soul is Sent
On Evil Missions So Hellbent
To Wither the crops and curse the Fowl
Of those in Hatred flesh embowled

T'is heard he moves as a Dark Shadow
Lending Fear to weakened Brow
A Pox upon your beating Heart
A knot within your Bowels

But many among the Land
See an old man with a Withered hand
Who hunts the woods and hills
Finding things to heal your Ills.....JMF 11/26/14
 Nov 2014
King Glærden Wârd of Drψngle Moψntain
Celebrâtes the Yærly Birth of Græt Øgdân
Dwârves from all Mountâins of the Reâlm
All Bow To Glærden's, Shield, Sword æ Helm

Ûpon the Tâll   CarvenStone........                                            ­                          
King Câlls For Øgdân's Dæ
With Boom of Dwârven Drψm
And the Chime of Hammered Metal Bars                                                            
­Anounce that Øgdân's Dæ's begψn

Dwârves ât Forges ând Anvils gâve
Thier Finest Work to wær that dæ
All Polished, Contests with Pikes took plâce
As Flâgons of Bârley Mæd,
Spræd Spirit along the Crowds Glee
Dwârven Short Swords Plâyed to Gâmes
As with the Twilight the Troll Hunt Câme

Drψms, Swords, and Pikes âll roψse
As the Troll Hâtred from the Croψd
Rises like â Forges Flâme, to hârden
Dwârven Hærts to Blame,All Trolls
As thieving Rotten ****, ât the
Sound of the Elk Horn the Hψnts begψn

They spræd down these river beds
Hψnting til â troll they Find, to be
Pârâded by the Dwârven Kind
Bâck to the Hærken Stone, ând the end
Øf Øgdân's Dæ, With Stroke of Axe
Doth Roll a Trolls Head.......JMF 11/20/14
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Nov 2014
Ann M Johnson
The first snow fall
Sparkling like diamonds
Even though it comes year after year
It seems magical
A newborn babies first cry
The look of Love in the parents eyes
It seems magical
The seasons changing from fall to winter
Spring to Summer
The preparations it brings
It seems magical
The blooming of flowers after a harsh winter
The fragrance they bring to the air
Makes me stop for a moment and stare
It seems magical
The first sunrise of each day
The rays of the sun
The moon at night to light our way
The starlight sky
So beautiful I could cry
The feeling that anything is possible
It seems magical
 Nov 2014
The Elders of the Elven Mists, at the Death of the Old Queen
From all around the Realm they came a Conclave to convene
The fair haired Golden Locks of young Azky they did Crown

Queen Azky Rode a Royal Beast of All Dragons he was King
The Queens Beast Yaz Kere Loved Soaring About on Wing
Yaz Kere knew it was his Royal fate to Protect  Queen Azky
And Carry her aloft his Back Steadfast so Her Elf Arrows Fly

The Dragons lived in Erehwon upon the Chrysenal Trees
The Elves harvested the Leaves for Enchanted Wizardry
Much Magic came from those Potions as Magical Notions
To protect both Elf and Beast in Battle against enemy Hovens

The Mordel slipped in by night to Steal the Magic Leaves
but Yaz roared Alarm to dragons as swords  Pulled from Sheaths
Queen Azky, Quiver, Elven Bow and Yaz Off to the Sky they go

Blades clashed and Arrows Flew as Dragons passed above the war
As Elven arrows hit thier Mark, hordes weakened to rearward
The Mordel tried but Only failed and thus ends the Battles Tale
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Nov 2014
Joe Cole
They came down the shining mountain slopes
In robes of reds and golds
Moving lightly on their dancing feet
Their happy laughter filled the air

Along the forest paths came others of their kind
Dressed in robes of russet green
Singing the sweetest kind of songs

All gathered in the sunlit glade
Beside the crystal stream
Then accompanied by golden harps
The elven host began to sing

They sang of past winters vicious bite
Sang of the beauty that was spring
The sweetest songs of midsummers day
And of the bounty autumn then would bring

Garlands of wild flowers
Were twisted in their hair
And the songs of birds and insects
Reverberated in the air

Honey cakes were eaten
Horns of mead were drunk
For some the water of the crystal stream
Was used their thirst to quench

Long into the evening
They danced and sang their songs
Now the glade was lit by fireflies
Dancing to the harpen strum

Suddenly came silence
Suddenly the elven folk were gone
Suddenly they had all slipped away
Midsummer day was done
 Nov 2014
If I were a Unicorn nibbling on Roses
I would stomp my Hoof and Snort
That men Exist, I should Suppose
I would shake my Silver Mane
And rake my horn upon a tree
That men could exist, Non-Mythically
Such Tales are whispered by the colts
Unicorns know the very Idea Revolts,
That Unmagical Creatures may be
Walking Upright under the trees
With a Quick Swish of my Tail,
I would Deny the very Myth,
That men should be, indeed
For having no Magic you see
They Lack  the Will to believe
But, never will this Myth Disperse...
Should Men exist 'twould be the worst
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Nov 2014
Speaking to Dragons is oft' absurd
Quite Frequently they don't  
understand a word                                                             ­                                                 
they snort and blow  Because you know  
They will only listen to Dragons tales
they lower their heads and sigh,                                                            ­                                                                 ­   
to hear of kings,with Golden Wings    
that ruled Against the Sky
Dragons Crowned Above the ground                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­          
Against a Sky of Azure Blue,    
Where Royal Dragon Kings Flew, and with                          
Terror and Fear for when they were near    
All knew to do their Biddings Bane      
Or feel the whip of brimstone flame    
more and more they became bejeweled        
Till to the Sky they Could Nor Rule    
and Fires hot became now cool
And in the End they lost the Fire    
Having Chained themselves to their own Desire    
The listening beast shed one single Tear
.........................JMF 10/21/2014
I have been trying to Train my Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition and this poem came to mind

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Nov 2014
When Moonlight wens upon the moore
And Starlight knocks upon your door.
When thrums the hum of Faerie Wings
And the Harpen sound of Elfen strings.
Accompanied by dark Dwarven drums
The music of the night doth come.

A Shaman tends with Force of Night
A Silver Sword of fierce Light.
The wounds flow. The battle bounds
Thunder of Hooves upon the ground.
Tirelessly on the battles fight
But fades away in Mornings light.

And now that morning light is near
I arise from sleep with vision clear.
And the webs of tiredness
Fall from my eyes.
My new day begins
Under the skies…...JMF 11/9/14
Self Explanatory...You can't see miracles if you don't believe in Magic

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Sep 2014
WendyStarry Eyes
Somewhere there is a wondrous place
Everything is free
Somewhere there is a gap in space
The whole One cannot see
Somewhere, someone must hold the key

This place unknown to man
Is full of magic and simplicity
Freedom awaits beyond our society

This place is colored a florescent glow
Nor time, nor space,
A brightness no man could know

So onward man will search to find this place
This gap in space,
Where freedom awaits,
Will we ever find the hole that fits the key?
Will we ever break into reality?
wrote this in ~High~ School
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