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 Apr 2015
C Davis
"Life is hard,"
she said,
"and life is sad.  Life is one
thousand crevices carved into your heartscape,
By human fingernails,
even your own."

"You will feel strongest, somehow,
when you cry.
You will feel that there is nothing left
that can harm you
and you will be wrong,
and you will be right.
And you'll beat into your head your own lessons
and others will beat the
right out of your mind.
You will be shaken,
rattled to your core
time after time,
and each time you'll find that your heartscape, your center is more
brazen than blind.
It has its own mind; It has never resigned.
Swim the caverns you've carved
into your insides and
realize -

You are not damaged, but exposed.  
Opened up like a
blooming toward
the light."
the beauty in pain
 Mar 2015
I wrote you a love letter today,

If you listen close enough
You'll hear the gentle drumming of my heart beat
Inside the envelope.

Don't drop it.
Open it gently.

Inside you will find
Chemical solutions, black
Ink on a page, a heavy handed mass
Of words, slotted carefully between each other,
Lines saturated in love.
Hand crafted works of art
An attempt to articulate and communicate
The fires you send swimming through
My veins, the tsunamis you send
Tripping of my tongue.

Scribbled confessions of just how much my body aches for your touch.

Don't drop it.
Open it gently.

It is yours.
It has always been yours.
I have always been yours.
 Mar 2015
SG Holter
The last specks of snow on the
Fields disappeared with the parting
Of the clouds.

Now blue, the skies smile
Upon everything.
I spoke to a friend today.

The birds keep picking at the
Sunflower seeds I put out by
My window.

I spoke to a friend today.
Now my windows are eyes to my
Soul as I watch mud and dead

Grass kiss the sun back with nothing
But themselves. This spring, as every.
We are not beautiful yet.

But we love you for making us
That; green and alive.
Spring is
Spring to everything.

Spring to everything, and not only  
The words of my friend's
Linger, but the feeling does too; that

When all is as beautiful as this,
I'm not the only one
Seeing it.
 Mar 2015
I'm still unable to see your view of me
from your ocean blue eyes
you say it's a sight to see forever
your love, never disguised

I stumble in confusion
as to why you see me the way you do
It breaks my heart and mends me
to feel this love between me and you

You're the only one to love me this way
forever keep me in your sights
never let us lose this love we share
that I see deep in your ocean blue eyes
for my husband  x
 Mar 2015

Bleed your ink onto the page
bleed your pain on even lines
come back to me often
return, time after time

I am with you through each step
I am with you through the tears
follow me 'til the end
together for a thousand years

I watch you face your doubts
I watch you pen your troubled life
take me on your journey
where we'll reach for the beautiful sky

 Mar 2015
Who will talk now with common man gesture?
Who will give message now about humour and giggle of life?
Who will play the character now which can rejuvenate farmer’s dream?
We miss you,
In all occasion of acuity to animate!  
But we will carry your message of humour and giggle of life
To invigorate and survive,
Lead towards simplicity and acuity!  
Hope you will be there in golden paddy field,
In the blue river,
In green mountain
To remind us  
About humour and simplicity of life!
We have lost our adored actor Indra Baniya, who was only the fifth Indian and first Assamese to bag the prestigious Silver Leopard Award at the Lucerne International Film Festival, Switzerland. Our young days were passed listen his dialogue in Radio drama and later on film. He was famous for his humour and simplicity. In my graduation days in a public programme three our friend performs group recitation where he was there for his comedy show. After the programme he appreciate us and suggested in such public predominance don't carry loose pages with your poem in your hand, either carry a notebook or write it on card.  I still follow this. We have lost a great humanitarian who face every troubles in life with humour. May his soul rest in peace!
 Mar 2015
"No matter what happens, we'll never be strangers."

Days like this i wonder how you're doing.
Surely we could send each other a text,
but it becomes archaic.

You and I.
We used to talk under the stars.
Laughing till our faces turn blue.

I kept all your gifts.
A polaroid of us.
Buried in a box.
Safe,like how you used to make me feel.

5 years ago,
You came up to me.
Like a dream.
The kind that always leaves.

5 years later,
You left me broken.
Like a record.

I watched you grow.
Like a lotus flower that grows out of the mud.
Slowly blossoms and rise above the muddy surface.

Im left with only memories of us.
Stored away in the back of my mind.

So nights like this.
When i need you most.
I reminisce all the good memories we had.
With tired eyes, tired mind, tired soul.

Just so you know.
If ever,in future you need me.
You don't have to call me.
Or drop a text.

Just run to me.
Like a kid running to the finishing line.
With arms wide open.
I welcome you.
 Mar 2015
I remember the day I first saw you.
You send shivers down my spine.
You're attractive.
But too loud.
Too showy.
Just screaming for every girl's attention.

Yesterday,i saw you again.
You were sad and discontented.
And no longer loud and screaming for attention.
I grew selfish out of fear.

Often I find myself trying to relive the moments again.
But it will never be the same.
So I hold you so close to me.
Afraid of being alone,
I couldn't let you go.
You're nowhere near.

May I adore you darling.
For as long as I can.
May we light the nights afire
and curb the day's hot sun.
To remember the passion of our love.
 Mar 2015
it was that rainy day i realized how cruel the world was
like getting hit in the face with a basket ball
it hit me all at once and it hurt
it was that rainy day that i realized how much i needed the people who were never there
it was that rainy day that i realized who had treated me like dirt and walked all over me and who had respect for me
it was that rainy day that i lost,
lost what ?
that little bit of magic,
that love you feel when you hug your mum or your dad
that comforting feel you get when your dad tucks you in at night
that bit of importance when you parents sit with you to do homework
all that taken away with only 5 words .......
it was that rainy day.
i know i really **** but i'm kinda just letting it out ......
 Mar 2015
I'm a little bit broken
my soul has shattered countless times
I try to pick it up a sew it together but
the darkness will only tear it up
please when will this end ?
its been forever....
I long for the feeling of no pain
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