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 Mar 2015

Maps are folded and re-folded into pocket sized
destinations of our own heart’s desires

Routes become numbers and numbers become moments
as the planning cycle, with yellow highlighter in hand,
presents a “look forward to” scenario

Well beyond windows of curtained belief
and hedges shaped like poetic scribblings calling to me

The sidewalk of chalk marks in hopscotch etchings,
faded from the sun and foot smeared play dates,
leads to that place of affection filled dreams

and I see over the next sunrise a highway,
empty of detours and beckoning Winnebago wanderings

to this heart, from another, on windswept invitations
penned in frilly fonts and colors of imagination,
reaching deeply inside and holding tightly

A glance back at what is left behind brings a smile,
for what waits ahead is now everything new

In the grand scheme of things, what is found chiseled in fate
proves that destiny is a destination of dreams, of hopes and
*of love… . when that journey brings me to you
 Mar 2015
Elizabeth Johnston
I want you to hold me in your arms
And tell me what you're thinking at 3 am
Kiss me just cause you want to
At the most random of times
I want to be with you tomorrow
And the next day after that
Forever and ever
I want to love you and you love me
Like they do in the movies
What I'm saying is that
I don't want to leave you
No matter how bad the argues
Because no matter how bad any of this goes
I will still love you cause I know how you are
And how you can be
So maybe if you see this you could love me
Like how I love you
 Mar 2015
The cylindrical abyss; a defiled forrest.
Retracting at light.
Receptive to night.
What do you see?
A calm breeze over cool water?
Or burning land and lambs to slaughter
Rising floods beckoned by a spark.
Shine your light where it is dark.
If you find something you fancy,
that really is great.
Just do not take what you cannot replace.
 Mar 2015

Soft flurries of affection
find my eyes lost in the prism
of the beauty that engulfs my world

For to inhale is to fall into
the scent of sweet essence riding
the breeze exhaling from your skin

As words pour on the page,
my fingers dance in rhythmic patterns
now wrapped warmly about my thoughts

I have wondered, quietly to myself
where is it they are born,
how do they flow so easily

from a mind that constantly spins
in whirls of dream-like visions
kaleidoscopic views and frantic desires,

where each vowel, noun, adjective or verb
in feathered shapes of ink, somehow
scribble silhouettes of my love for you

It is now that I notice,
sitting in the frail sunshine of the dawn
whispering on salmon clouds, you are awake

that my hands are empty, my fingers still
for it seems as I write of you, my endless everything,
it is my heart that holds my pen
 Mar 2015
Even when I dont think I'm searching
I'm listening,
listening for a whisper of my name
upon the wind
A whisper that might have left your lips
lips that once felt my kiss

Even though I forget about you often
I'm remembering,
remembering that you're no longer here
your return is not in our fate
This, I accept, though I wonder if you know

Will you remember, not to forget
that I so loved you once
never twice
never again
 Mar 2015
The day is Monday, March 16th, 2015.
We are in the Idaho State Correctional Institution.
Today, the Idaho Commissioners of Pardons and Parole will decide if my ****** will be released on parole in September.

Many people come in, exchanging their I.D for their visitors' pass.
We all wait in a small L-shaped room, tense, waiting.
His family comes in, and the guard escorts them to another room.
Finally, a parole officer enters. She leads us through a metal detector.
We have to wait in the visiting room, while my ****** is brought into the hearing room.
His family goes in first, then us, along with my supporters.
The deputy calls us to order and explains what will happen.
He says his family may speak, if they have a statement.

She stands up.
"Your relation?"
"Go ahead."

He has managed to get his GED.
He has had his own struggles with other inmates.
He is a "good Christian boy."
He has served his time for his "non-violent crime."
I cry.

The deputy looks doubtful.
He tells the commissioners to begin.

Commissioner Bowstaff is first.
She asks him the nature of his crime, his five DORS, his lost job while inside.
She asks if he is aware of the recommendation they received.
He says yes.
She phrases her next thought carefully:
"Are you aware the interviewer described you as aloof, uncaring, and says you describe yourself as the victim?"
He seems befuddled.

Next is Commissioner Matthew.
He is a sharp looking man, and asks if he feels like his crime is "violent."
He responds.
"And yet you call yourself Christian?"
"I am Christian."
"God should be ashamed then."
His parents are shaking their heads.

Commissioner Moore.
"You minimize everything. You aren't taking responsibilities for your actions. If you can't follow the rules in here, how do we know you'll follow them out there?"
"I don't know."

Commissioner Bowstaff asks if, as the victim, I have anything to say.
I tell her yes, and she asks me to stand and state my name.
"Lauren Busdon."
"You have a minute to speak."

I tell them I am terrified to see him.
I will start my senior year in August.
His release will continue to effect my school career.
I have only just managed to speak the word "****" in the last two months.
There are other girls, so many others, who are afraid to say anything.
But they say it to me.

They dismiss us to make their decision.
I sob as we walk out of the room.

Everyone is proud of me, saying no matter what, I did my best. I was there, that's what matters now.
But what if it wasn't enough?

The deputy comes in to shake my hand.
"The commissioners have come to an agreement. Parole will be denied for 18 months, and we will meet again in September of 2016."
I laugh and my dad slams his fist on the table. My mom dissolves into tears.
"You are welcome to hear the announcement."
I say, "hell yeah I want to hear it!"

He hangs his head when they tell him.
His mother makes a strangled noise of upset.

We leave.
People are hugging me.
I am crying.
I don't know if I should be proud, or if I should just revel in the sheer joy of not having to see him for 18 months.
18 more months of freedom.
18 more months of trying to live.
This is what happened at my ******'s parole hearing. I had to write it out, so I won't forget.
 Mar 2015
I thought I found my forever,
just a few words walking the path
I have traveled by myself,
watching trees grow and weeds fill
as squirrels frolicked from branch to branch

Then more words and a feeling
created in my chest unexplained,
when a sunrise became you
in past minutes moving forward
from a tent in a park, still there

Sleep became an enemy of my happiness
when daylight moments were ours
Learning to wander in a new direction
following not streams with golden carp
but a heartbeat thumping in the smiles

You became a part of me, entwined
as a vine on a garden fence
Love bloomed, we bloomed together,*
autumn collected our thoughts
in the colorful leaf piles we played in

Winter brought its harsh frown,
still we warmed ourselves by the fires we tendered,
flames raging within our feelings,
touching from a distant dream,
reaching beyond delivered doubts

But it lingered, chilled wishes freezing,
snowdrift guilt lay waste on the side of the road
Slush filled our boots
and the season counted yet another victim
in its icy grip

I thought I found my forever,
now words have ended in shorter sentences
Silence cries on the arctic winds
and my forever has become
*a forever sadness, without a coming spring
 Mar 2015

Sunny skies and starry nights
This world it does amaze
Butterflies and birds in flight
The chill of autumn days

Laughter floats upon the wind
As mornings come anew
Picture postcards now begin
To share them all with you

Flowers bloom when comes the spring
And winter brings its snow
Nature is a wondrous thing
Beneath a full moon glow

Ripples on the surface sheen
In patterns we can see
Ocean waves a perfect scene
Now offered up for free

Changing leaves of colors grand
Fields of amber bliss
Sent to show along the land
On days now just like this

Raindrops fall to feed the earth
From clouds so high above
As life it does begin its birth
In dreams of filtered love

For all these things that we do see
In beauty now to call
Your love it means the most to me
*More beautiful than all
 Mar 2015
As I go through this desert of pain
I want look back
I'll keep moving forward
Until this journey is over
I'm alone, fighting
Outside smile, defeat
Crying but not weak
Just touched by others deceit
Hoping love would reach out to me
Not really, I understand
People are lovers of themselves
They can care less about me
Lesson learned a long time ago
Hush, whispers I hear
Sounds like my mothers voice
So faint I can hardly hear
It'll be alright, daughter
Hold your head up
Walk on
It's sweet but bitter
The choices I must make
Staying here are leaving here
A struggle coming to the surface
Doubt and fears
Hate not love appears
Truth, come and rescue me
Set me free
Hold me near and don't let go
Feel me with the things I need most
Joy, peace, and a since of belonging
If I wait here long enough
I know it will come
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
It's here
Came in on the wings of a song
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