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 Dec 2018
my tongue is craving for alcohol;
my esophagus is getting dry from all these cryings.
my liver concurs;
don’t worry about cirrhosis, it says,
you’re already gone before it occurs.
 Nov 2018
Francie Lynch
Anyone ever hear that Cortez might have said,
lo siento;
Or Hudson's Bay recall one blanket?
What regret or remorse would be achieved.
Why? Because of more or less.

Sorry. I'll try harder.
     That sounds like your heart was never in it.

Sorry. I ****** up.
     That's sincere.

I recanted on a really big SORRY,
And sorry I am
That ever I did mouth it.
Hudson Bay blankets were one of the first uses of biological warfare.
 Nov 2018
when do we stop playing games with love?
when do we let our cotton candy hearts be
dissolved by a wet, sour tongue
when do we allow ourselves to be vulnerable
without anything in return?
that's there's strenght in fragility and ferocity
in salty tears;
when do we stop lying to ourselves and
settle for a love that doesn't burn our souls?
yes, i'm back and drunk and maybe a bit sad
 Nov 2018
we become stories,
i've never had a first love;
but i've ******,
had one night stands
and morning goodbye's
told myself love is chemical
love fades and never comes back.

Love's a reaction,
at the right or wrong time;
we lie, we lay next to our selves, we seek
to feel a hole in, to make ourselve fill
in a mold that everyone's talked about
what is love but imperfect.
Filled with some lies, with some hatred
with some humanity.

I love,
but I'll never be whole
and never a hole;
I'm complete yet
wanting to be less lonely.
i'm in a relationship but this is the first time that I've been with someone I love. I don't really know what I'm doing haha but do we all
what about all of you guys,
have you been in love? Been heartbroken?
It's a strange place to be in, isn't?
 Nov 2018
Francie Lynch
I take umbrage
At comparing
To a lying piece of crap.
I've experienced crap, lots of it!
Usually brown, with no comb-over.
So POTUS **** is an unfair analogy.
Now, a moniker like
Faeces Face fits,
And stinks to the high heavens.
 Nov 2018
Francie Lynch
They never understand;
Or ever comprehend
The severity of my decision.
I'm convinced I have control,
Yet those I dearly hold,
Keep hold on their derision.

I know I'll find remission
For commissions and omissions;
My love was never so cold.

She'll say I never loved her;
There always was the other
Stopping us from growing old.
I didn’t offer, but you took it anyway

I still wanted it - you didn’t care

You had no use for it - I did

I tried to get it back - I failed

You always knew I needed it -

That didn’t bother you

You saw the empty space it left

And looked the other way

You didn’t take good care of it

You let it gather dust

I had to watch it wither

And suffer your neglect

You are a rogue and vagabond

And have a humbling debt to pay

For what you did to it and me.

Probably not about what you think it is.
 Nov 2018
Charles Bukowski
the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than

there's no chance
at all:
we are all trapped
by a singular

nobody ever finds
the one.

the city dumps fill
the junkyards fill
the madhouses fill
the hospitals fill
the graveyards fill

nothing else
 Nov 2018
You delight in my sorrow
You smile at my tears
You love the control you have
Breaking me down year by year

What will future me have left
When I’ve been consumed by you
Swallowed down into your dungeon
Chained up to the wall
Beaten for my pleasures
Broken by withdrawl

Because my happiness is your pain
My smile makes you insane
You want me broken and blue
Because it easier for you
 Nov 2018
Francie Lynch
Birds don't rain down from heart attacks,
Or aneurysms: we should be waist high
In hundreds of millions of feathered bodies.
Where are they?
Not like us, who fall in the strangest places:
Stop signs, ball games, synagogues, schools.
And we cover them, step around them,
Chalk mark floors and sidewalks,
And eventually pick up the pieces.
But we can't perch on live wires,
Or fly between wind vanes.
Where are the bodies.
Domestic or feral.
Look to the sociocat,
Though innocent,
It prowls by nature.
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