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 Jul 2017
Amanda F
She carries the secrets of the cosmos in her eyes of light,
And tells tales of the constellations every forthcoming night.
With love that promises the sea,
And thoughts that churn the tides.
With a wild rush of grace she'll paint your world
The colours of her mind.
To fathom what she is beyond the subtle and kind,
Do you dare disturb the universe beneath her skin?
Oh wonder what you'll find.*

- A.F
Dedicated to my dearest Mum, Lady R.F. who is and always will be my favourite and ultimate universe to get lost in. I love you forever.
 Jul 2017
The Dedpoet
Pieces in the mist,
The living waters:

The melancholic grace of
The crow sings for the dead.

The nostalgic réminiscence,
Joyful frames in the afterglow.

All is a stillframe
In time's gallery.
 Jul 2017
Nishu Mathur
Don't judge me by my looks
And don't read me by the books
I am brash and I am kind
I am hard to define
I am bold. I am shy
I am grounded, but I fly
I love, and I give
I cradle, I forgive
Though soft I may feel
I am thunder, I am steel
I am smiles and I am laughter
I am happily ever after
I am tears and I am ache
I am a mess when I break
I hold tightly, but I know
When it's time to let go
I am dove, I am hawk
I am the rose and the rock
I am rain. I am sun
I am I. I am woman

Thank you all so much **
Dearest everyone, thank you so much for your likes, loves, reposts.  Thank you so much for all your wonderful and encouraging responses. This is a small,  simple poem and I wasn't certainly expecting all the attention it has received. I am grateful to all of you talented poets and readers. I am so happy that it was chosen as a daily - it's a wonderful feeling. Love to all.

I am also very thankful to Conrad Druger van den Bergh, an excellent poet and wonderful friend who inspired this x
 Jul 2017
Sally A Bayan

I see young reeds on the marshy water
......with flexible stalks...softer...smaller
forcefully swayed by the ones taller...older
...squeezed in between choice given
.....but to exist within

there are those that bravely stray
...even before the stiff ones get blown away,
.....out of the reedy confines, they peek
......curiosity and freedom...they seek

i watch these young reeds rise and totter
when the wind moves the shallow water
bravely peeping...finding their light,
...claiming their space....with traces of fright
.................learning to fight
...with every fiber of their might.
...they can't go farther
................than yonder
in restrictions, they'll find some wisdom
eventually, they'll discover  true freedom

one day...their blades would be more defined,
toughened, honed by rain, sun, wind and time,
in their minds, my words would have to rhyme...

but, until then...i got to be taller
...flexible, but dauntless
i have to sway 360 degrees,
.......when the need arises....


Copyright July 12, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
.(sorry, i easily fall into the rhyming trap...this is about
   my five granddaughters...changing, growing up so fast...)
God keep our land.
Glorious and free.

God keep our land.
Free from persecution and enmity.

God keep our land.
Beautiful and preserved.
From sea to sea.

God keep our wonderful Canada.
Our nation of freedom, wide open
spaces, and diversity.
Our nation of nature's bounty,
and folks so friendly.

God keep our land.
A welcoming refuge for peoples

God keep our land.
Glorious and free.
God keep our wonderful Canada.
Oh, what a privilege it is
to be a citizen of thee!
I am filled with gratitude.
To be a dweller of this great country.

God keep our land, O Lord.
A late tribute to Canada's 150th birthday celebration on July 1, 2017.
 Jul 2017
tough night, and  I know the trees grow
not for me always, aren't always waiting around the
left corner of the orchard in blooming blossoms
all with fertile flowered seriousness and sudden
speck the wind with fragrance when i decide to
roam under lowest  limbs again combing my hair
bristling my fiber
just I assume they have recollections of me  once
again a day a night I spent weeping
beauty a being not leaving planted solid
touched their bark their leaves saw the underside
the veins the sap flowing for everything
knowing when I returned
one day hence whenever
I needed to again
feel connected to this orb this streak
of  green the yellow sun the fleeting white
unassuming clouds
an intuition brought by hormones
or callous winds and rainfall and tears like rain like sleet
a mad week a day nothing but the trees can I relate to
on the left side of the orchard
they stand still and
will always be there for me
tall and unassailably calm and
 Jul 2017
Sk Abdul Aziz
There might be a smile on your lips
But your eyes are giving it away
You can try and pretend
But there's nothing that the eyes don't say
 Jul 2017
I stand before you

Bare, bold, naked

To hold a mirror

Against your hatred
As long as our hearts beat,
Our lungs breathe,
And our minds remain sound,
We still have options,

We just have to restore our strength,
Whilst going through the motions,
So we can delete all noxious toxins
And purify our emotions.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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