Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE
Your bloods runs through me
Your breathe flows through me
You are the soul of my being
Like a bee buzzing on my flower
I am YOUR flower waiting for my YOU-bee
Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE
I often ask myself
Am I being myself?
And the answer is always NO
I am being YOU
What was me - is now YOU
With the innovative artistic stroke
YOU created my LOVE from your soul
My life-vessel is colored by YOU
On top of that you sprinkled your scent
Your Jasmine perfume fragrance my life
Your smile on my face glitters a sunshine
You groom me new & adorn me with YOU
As if I am your bride or groom on honeymoon
I desire your Jasmine flower scented nights
I saw in YOU honey dancing in the rain
Like a wet deer I long, withering in pain
In my heart - your blood pumps
In my veins - your spirit runs
In my pulse - your heart beats
In my dreams - I lean on YOU
For every moment, time and again
Making LOVE to YOU
If you ever see me without YOU
YOU will see me like a fish out of water
How is it fair if you rent your eyes to the Cosmic BLUE?
Who pays the rents - I do, with the LOVE of my heart
How is it fair when you stray in every moment of my life
Touching, talking, whispering, smiling, sleeping with me
Every moment of morning, afternoon, evening and night
When you rain on me, I forget myself and flow in YOU
Like red earth - my blood melts in your being
Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE
Your bloods runs through me
Your breathe flows through me
You are the soul of my being
Like a bee buzzing on my flower
I am YOUR flower waiting for my YOU-bee
Come away to me, my LOVE
Run and come to me my LOVE