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 Sep 2018
I lose all that I hold most dear
So I dare not even touch you
 Sep 2018
I sleep with all the lights off
So my shadow doesn't get lonely
While my thoughts wander
The corridors of my dreams
 Sep 2018
If seven billion people can live their lives without you then **** it I can, and I will
 Sep 2018
You can't shut the door
Turn the lock
And expect
Your fear to be on the other side.
 Sep 2018
Though the darkness seems still
I can feel it ache
As it tries to consume me
To tear me away
From all that I have ever known
But to know something
And to belong to something
Are two completely different things
Yet still you remain a part of me

The pull is there
I feel it all through the night
And my heart can barely quiet it's rest
There is life in many things
But I seek for it in seldom
There is light in few things
Yet I look for it in you
And the hope that I cling to
Rests upon your shoulders
It is a gentle weight
Yet you feel it all the same

Like a magnet the night pulls
Oh how opposites attract
Still I try to turn my face to the sun
But my feet will not follow
I resist all that you are
Yet I love the sound of your voice
And I cannot help but ask
Where is my joy?
Where is my peace?
Admist all that I endure

I bear the weight of all this life
These scars weighed in pounds
The darkness screams
In many colors
And breaks apart all that is sound
 Sep 2018
You wear your heart upon your sleeve simply for the fact that it doesn't not fit in your pocket
 Sep 2018
There is a reason that the storms that destroy everything

Are named after people
 Sep 2018
You wanted me in the bedroom
And I just wanted you in the ground
 Sep 2018
What is familiar to us we hold most dear
The dying warmth in the fireplace that was our love
Oh how quickly we forget to add the kindling
To soon does the light fade on either side of your nose
Still you look into the night, searching
For that which you know, but have never had
You grasp for life with your barren hands
Yet it slips through your fingers as if it was made of water
For the flow of life is fickle and who can know it's course
Silent and serpentine these dreams pass
Through my sheets and on into the night
What poor unfortunate sinner do they seek next
I am all I have ever said, and I do not speak well of the dead
Your words are knives pulled from a mouth of swords
Your eyes are fire pulled from hells firy columns
Still you light my way, I am a fool to follow
But this is familiar, to my old soul
She who has scorned you, still calls your name
Never should she have even know it, but fools live and die
You must not answer, still you do,
but fools live and die
For you long for what is familiar to you
She  will follow, with the lust of her hands
To seek us in a place that no man knows
For where can that be, is it the garden
From whence God cast his children
Is it the sky, where Orion was scythed by his children
Or still yet the dessert where no water is found
Still now I see it, yet I do not know
For is it where none can ever go
Is is your heart , within your self
You live there, and die there, and can never get out
For you know this place, but do not even know yourself
 Sep 2018
Oh that you were made of light
But I still crave for you in this darkness
To sleep with all that I can never be
For I am never enough on my own
To understand how to live
In a world as dark as my own
For the sun will be a long time in its rising
So the stars still cling to the sky
The moon she is full, and pours out tears of ice
Into the heavens to crown the earth

I am just this darkness
As you cannot see
I am all you never want to be

I am a good friend
To wreath your secrets in my shadows
And I cling to your broken pieces
Even as they split into my skin
Splinters of heaven, they find their way
Racing through watered down veins
To find a dark dark heart
With the quietest of mouths
And the most unconventional of minds
In the strangest of places
For shadows are not something you can seek
And life is not something that one can keep
 Sep 2018
My wildest dream is this
That I would mean to you
What you have always been to me
 Sep 2018
We are not all bulletproof in our intentions.
 Sep 2018
Time merely changes circumstances
People not so much
Slowly we are worn down
To our thinnest layer
And what is this
That I would live
A life made only of regrets
With a heart
That does not even beat
And my greatest accomplishment is this
That I have walked with many souls made of stars
And I have learned nothing
Except that I am made of glass
All I have seen
Is that which you have shown me
Whatever I have tasted
Is not as sweet as your kisses
For everything I feel
Is not with my own heart
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