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 Aug 2015
John Kore Ajibola
If Indeed thou have Heard of thy Dispensation of thy Grace Of GOD which was given to Me for Thee. How that by Revelation He made known to Me thy Mystery{ As I have briefly Written Already} By which, when thou read, thou may Understand My Knowledge In Thy Mystery Of Christ} Which in other Ages was not made known to thy Sons Of Men, as it has now been Revealed by thy Spirit to His Holy Apostles And Prophets* That thou Gentiles should be Fellow Heirs, Of thy same Body, and Partakers of His Promise in Christ through thy Gospel* Of which I became a Minister According o thy Gift of thy Grace Of GOD given to Me by Effective Working of His Power* To Me, who Am less than thy Least Of All thy Saints, this Grace was given, that I should Preach Among thy Gentiles Thy Unsearchable Riches Of Christ* And to make all see what is thy Fellowship Of thy Mystery, which from thy Beginning Of thy Ages has been Hidden in GOD who Created All things through Christ Jesus* To thy Intent that now thy Manifold Wisdom Of GOD Might be Made known by thy Church to Thy Pricipalities and Powers In Heavenly Places* According to thy Eternal Purpose which He Accomplished in Christ Jesus Our LORD* In whom We have Boldness and Access with Confidence through Faith in Him* Therefore I ask that Thee do not Lose Heart at My Tribulations for thee, which is thy Glory* For this Reason I Bowed My Knees to thy FATHER Of Our Lord Jesus Christ* From whom thy whole Family in Heaven and Earth Is Named* That He would Grant thee, According to thy Riches Of His Glory, to be Strengthened with Might through His Spirit in thy Inner-Man* That Christ may Dwell in thy Hearts through Faith; that thou, Being Rooted and Grounded in Love* May be Able to Comprehend with All thy Saints what is the Width and Length and Depth and Height* To know thy Love Of Christ which Passes Knowledge; that You may be Filled with All The Fullness Of GOD* Now to Him who is Able to do Exceedingly Abundantly Above all that we Ask or Think, According to thy Power ha Works In Us* To Him Be Thy Glory In Thy Church by Christ Jesus to All Generations, Forever And Ever*Amen
 Aug 2015
John Kore Ajibola
AND it Came to Pass in those Days that A Decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all thy World should be Registered* This Census First took place while Quirinius was Governing Syria* So, all went to be Registered, everyone to His own City* Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of thy City Of Nazareth, into Judea, to thy City Of David, which is called Bethlehem, because He was of thy House and Lineage Of David* To be Registered with Mary, His Betrothed Wife, who was with Child* So it was, that while they were there, thy Days were Completed for Her to Delivered* And She Brought Forth Her Fisrt-born Son, and wrapped Him in Swaddling Cloths, and Laid Him in A Manger, because there was No room for them in thy Inn* Now there were in thy same Country Shepherds Living out in thy Fields, Keeping watch over their Flock by Night* And behold, an Angel of thy LORD Stood before them, and thy Glory of thy LORD Shone Around Them, and they were Greatly Afraid* Then the Angel said to them,* Do not be afraid, for behold, I Bring Thee Good Tidings of Great Joy which will be to all People* For there is Born to You this Day in thy City Of David A Savior, who is CHRIST Thy LORD And this will be thy Sign to Thee* Thou will Find A Babe Wrapped in Swaddling Cloths, Lying in A Manger And suddenly there was with thy Angel A Multitude Of Thy Heavenly Host Praising GOD and saying* Glory to GOD in thy Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good will toward Men! So it was, when thy Angels had gone away from them into Heaven, that thy Shepherds said to One another'' Let us now go to Bethlehem and See this things that has come to Pass, which thy LORD has made known to Us* And they came with Haste and Found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe Lying in A Manger* Now when they has seen Him, they made Widely known the saying which was told them Concerning this Child* And all those who Heard it Marvelled at those things which were told them by the Shepherds* But Mary kept all these things and Pondered them in Her Heart* Then thy Shepherds Returned, Glorifying and Praising GOD for all thy things that thou had Heard and seen, as it was told them* And when Eight Days were Completed for thy Circumcision of thy Child, His name was Called JESUS* thy name given by thy Angel before He was Conceived in thy Womb now when thy days of Her Purification According to thy Law Of Moses were Completed, thou brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to thy LORD* As it written in thy Law of the LORD '' Every Male who opens thy Womb shall be called Holy to thy LORD And to offer a Sacrifice according to what is said in hy Law of the LORD* A Pair Of Turtle-Doves or Two Young Pigeons* And behold, there was A Man in Jerusalem whose name is Simeon, and this Man was just And Devout, waiting for thy Consolation Of Israel, and thy Holy Spirit was upon Him* And it had been Revealed to Him by thy Holy Spirit that He would not see Death before He had Seen Thy LORD's Christ* So He came by thy Spirit into thy Temple. And when thy Parents brought in thy Child JESUS, to do for Him according to thy Custom of thy Law* He took Him-Up in His Arms And Blessed GOD And Said; " LORD, now Thou are Letting Your Servant depart in Peace, according to Thou Word* For My Eyes have seen Your Salvation* Which You have prepared before thy Face of all Kinds* A Light to Bring Revelation to thy Gentiles, and thy Glory of Your People Israel" And Joseph and His Mother Marvelled at those things which were Spoken Of Him Then Simeon Blessed them, and said to Mary His Mother, " BEHOLD, This Child is Destined for thy Fall And Rising Of Many in Israel, and for a Sign which will be spoken against* ( Yes, a sword will pierce through thy own Soul also), that thy thoughts of many Hearts maybe Revealed* Now there was one, Anna, A Prophetess, thy Daughter Of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had Lived with a Husband Seven Years from Her Virginity; And this woman was a Widow of about Eighty-Four Years, who did not depart from the temple, but served GOD with Fastings and Prayers Night and Day And coming in that Instant she gave Thanks to thy LORD, and Spoke of Him to all those who Looked for Redemption in Jerusalem* So, when they had Performed all things according to thy Law of the LORD, they Returned to Galilee, to their Own City, NAZARETH. And thy Child Grew and became Strong in Spirit, filled with Wisdom; and thy Grace of GOD was upon Him* His Parents went to Jerusalem every Year at thy Feast Of Thy Passover* And when He was Twelve Years Old, they went up to Jerusalem according to thy Custom of thy Feast when they had Finished the days, as they Returned, Thy BOY JESUS Lingered behind in Jerusalem. And joseph and His Mother did not know it; But Supposing Him to have been in thy Company, they went a day's Journey, and Sought Him among their Relatives and Acquaintances* So when they did not find Him, they Returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him. Now so it was that after Three days they found Him in The Temple, Sitting in thy Midst of the Teachers, both Listening to them and asking Questions. And all who heard Him were Astonished at His Understanding and Answers* So when they saw Him, they were Amazed; and His Mother said to Him" Son why have You done this to Us? Look, Your Father and I have sought You Anxiously." And. He said to them, " Why did You seek Me?  Did You not know that I must be About my FATHER's Business? But they did not Understand the Statement which He Spoke to them* Then He went Down with Them and Came to Nazareth, and was Subject to them, but His Mother kept all these things in Her Heart** And JESUS Increased In Wisdom and Stature, and in Favor with GOD And Men  Praise HEE Thy LORD HALLELUYAH
 Aug 2015
John Kore Ajibola
I SAID* I will guard my ways, lest I Sin with My Tongue* I will Retrain My Month with A Muzzle, while thy wicked are before Me* I was Mute with Silence, I Held My Peace even from Good* and My Sorrow was Stirred Up* My Heart was Hot within Me, while I was Musing, thy Fire Burned, then I Spoke with My Tongue* LORD Make Me to know my End, and what is the Measure of My Days that I may know how Frail I Am* Indeed, Thou have Made My Days as Hand-Breadths, and My ages is as Nothing before Thee* Certainly every Man at His Best State is but VaporSelah Surely every Man walks about like a Shadow, Surely they busy Themselves in Vain, thou Heaps-Up Riches, and does not know who will gather them* And now, LORD, what do I wait for.? My Hope Is In You.* Deliver Me from All My transgressions* Do not make Me thy Reproach of the Foolish* I was Mute, I did not Open My Mouth, because it was You who did it* Remove Your Plague from Me, I am Consumed by the Blow of thy Hand* When with Rebukes, You Correct Man for Iniquity, Thou make His Beauty melt away like A Moth* Surely every Man is VaporSelah  Hear My Prayer O LORD* and give Ear unto My Cry, do not be Silent at My Tears* for I Am A Stranger with You* A Sojourner* as all my Fathers were* Remove Your Gaze from Me, that I may Regain Strength, before I go away and an no more IJMN

Goodness n Mercy Shall Follow Ours All the Day Of Our Life IJM
GOD Is Our Strength
GOD Is Love
GOD With Us
GOD Bless
*GOD Is Our Strength*
 Jun 2015
John Kore Ajibola
THE LORD Is Our Shepherd, We Shall Not Want.. He makes Us to Lie Down in Green Pastures; He Leads Us Beside the Still Waters.. HE Restores Our Soul, HE Leads Us in thy PATHS Of Righteousness for His Name's Sake. Yea, though We Walk through the Valley Of the Shadow Of Death, We Will Fear No Evil, for GOD Is With Us, thy Rod and thy Staff, they Comfort Us.. Thou Prepare A Table Before Us in the Presence Of Our Enemies, Thou Anointed Our Head with Oil, Our Cup Runs Over... Surely Goodness And Mercy shall Follow Ours All In All, All the Days Of Our Life, and we shall Dwell in thy House Of The LORD Forever More IJN.. Amen And Amen.!!!

GOD Is Our Strength,
GOD Is Love,
GOD With Us,
GOD Bless,
Peace n Love.!!!
Amen And AMen IJN.!
 Jun 2015
John Kore Ajibola
Magnify Thy LORD With Me.!!
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Oh LORD Our GOD, How Excellent is Your Name in All the Earth, who have set Your Glory Above the Heavens.! Out of the Mouth of Babes and Nursing Infants, You have Ordained Strength, because of Thou Enemies, that Thou may Silence the Enemy and the Avenger. When I Consider Your HeaVens, the Work Of Your Fingers, the Moon and the Stars, which You have Ordained, What is Man that You are Mindful of Him, and the Son Of Man that You Visit Him? For You have Made Him A Little Lower than the Angels, and You have Crowned Him with Glory and Honor.. You have Made Him to have Dominion over the Works Of Your Hands; You have put all things under His Feet.! HALLELUYAH.! All Sheep and Oxen- Even the Beasts of the Field, The Birds of the Air, and the Fish of the Sea that Pass through the Paths of the Seas.  Oh LORD, Our GOD, How Excellent is YouR Name In All The EARTH.!!

GOD Is Our Strength,

GOD Is Love,

GOD With Us,

GOD Bless,

Peace and Love.!!

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GOD With Us.!!
 Jun 2015
John Kore Ajibola
THEREFORE; Be Imitators Of GOD as Dear Children. And walk in LOVE, as CHRIST also has Loved Us and Given Himself for Us, an Offering and A Sacrifice to GOD for a Sweet-Smelling Aroma. But Fornication and All Uncleanness or Covetousness, let it not even be Named among Thee, as is Fitting for Saints; Neither Filthness, nor Foolish Talking, nor Coarse Jesting, which are not Fitting, but rather Giving Of Thanks... For this thou know, that no Fornicator, Unclean Person, nor Covetous Man, who is an Idolater, has any Inheritance in thy Kingdom Of Christ and GOD... Let no One Deceive Thee with Empty Words, for because of these things the Wrath Of GOD comes upon the Sons Of Disobedience. Therefore do not be Partakers with them.! For thou were Once Darkness, but now you're Light in thy LORD. Walk as Children Of Light. ( For thy Fruit Of Spirit Is In All Goodness, Righteousness and Truth) Finding out what is Acceptable to thy LORD. And have no Fellowship with the Untruthful Works Of Darkness, but rather Expose them. For it is Shameful even to Speak of those things which are done by them in Secret. But all things that are Exposed are made Manifest by thy Light, for whatever makes Manifest is Light. Therefore; He says'' Awake, thou who Sleep, Arise from the Dead, and Christ will give Thee Light.'' See then that thou Walk Circumspectly, nor as Fools but as Wise.! Redeeming the time, because the Days are Evil. Therefore do not be Unwise, but Understand what the Will of the LORD Is. And do not be Drunk with Wine, in which is Dissipation; but be Filled with the Spirit. Speaking to One another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and making Melody in Thy Hearts to thy LORD. Giving Thanks always for all things to GOD thy FATHER in thy Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Submitting to One another in the Fear Of GOD. Wives, Submit to Your Own Husband, as to the Lord. For the Husband is Head of the Wife, as also Christ is Head of the Church; and He is thy Savior Of thy Body. Therefore, just as the Church is Subject to Christ, so let thy Wives be to their own Husbands in everything. Husbands, Love thy Wives, just as Christ also Loved The Church and gave Himself for Her. That He might Present Her to Himself A Glorious Church, no having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be Holy and without Blemish. So, husbands ought to Love their own Wives as their own Bodies; He who Loves His Wife Love Thyself. For no One ever Hated His own Flesh, but Nourishes and Cherishes it, just as the Lord does the Church. For we are Members of His Body, of His Flesh and Of His Bones. '' For this Reason A Man shall leave his Father and Mother and be Joined to His Wife, and the Two shall Becomes One Flesh.'' This is A Great Mystery, but I Speak Concerning Christ and the Church. Nevertheless let each one of thee in Particular so Love His Own Wife as Himself, and let thy Wife see that she Respects Her Husband.... May GOD Almighty Continue to Strengthen Ours All In All In Every Aspects Of Our Life IJN... Amen and Amen IJN..!!
 Jun 2015
John Kore Ajibola
This is A Faithful saying; If A Man Desire the Position of A Bishop, He Desire A Good Work. A Bishop then must be Blameless, the Husband Of One Wife, Temperate, Sober-Minded, of Good Behavior, Hospitable, Able to Teach: no given to Wine, no Violent, not Greedy for Money, bu Gentle, not Quarrelsome, not Covetous; One who Rules His Own House well, having His Children in Submission with all Reverence. For if a Man does not know how to Rule His Own House, how will He take Care of the Church Of GOD?; Not A Novice, lest Being Puffed-Up with Pride He Fall into the same Condemnation as the Devil. Moreover He must have A Good Testimony among those who are Outside, lest He Fall into Reproach and Snare of the devil. Likewise Deacons must be Reverent, no Double-Tongued, not given to much Wine, not Greedy for Money, Holding the Mystery of the Faith with Pure Conscience. But let these also First be Tested; then let them Serve as Deacons, Being Found Blameless. Likewise, their Wives mus be Reverent, not Slanderers, Temperate, Faithful in All Things. Let Deacons be the Husbands of One Wife, Ruling their Children and their Own House-Well. For those who have Served well as Deacons Obtain for Themselves A Good Standing and Great Boldness in the Faith which is in Chris Jesus. These things I write to You, though I Hope to Come to You shortly; But if I Am Delayed, I write so that You may know how You Ought to Conduct Thyself in the House Of GOD, which is the Church Of the Living GOD, he Pillar and Ground Of the Truth. And without Controversy Great is the Mystery Of Godliness: GOD was Manifested in the Flesh, Justified in thy Spirit, Seen by Angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the World, Receieved Up In Glory.!!!
May GOD Bless Our Days Ahead IJN... Peace And Love.!!
 Jun 2015
When your mind is shattered
Your eyes are blinded
There is pain everywhere
you go
Don't give up and
Don't give in

When the wheel of fortune
is stuck at 6
No hope remains
Don't give up
Don't give in
Noon will be coming around

When loneliness is
your only friend
it keeps calling you names
Don't give up
Don't give in

There are times
when life is
ablaze with horrors
Don't give up
and Don't give in

Those that survive
are those that find meaning
those that passively
take to their bed
are bound
Don't give up
Don't give in

When the law's
got your name
and no payment can be
you have to go
along with their plans
that have been laid,
Inside, where you hide
Don't give up and
Don't give in.

Time only stops
Don't give up
Don't give in.
There's a difference betwen running
And trying to put something behind you
^copy n paste
This is the only thing  I can figure out to help me over come the past.
 May 2015
John Kore Ajibola
Am in Africa, An African Being Precisely, Born Of Originality.... Hate to Hates, I Don't Criticize, I Don't Mock, I Don't Cheat, I Don't Hate, I Don't Moles, I Don't Discriminate, I Don't Intimidate, I Can't Lie, I Trust, to Be Trusted, I Accommodate, in order to Be Accommodated... I Speaks Truth for I Am Trustful... So Kin Of Honesty, Next Of Kin to Life.... I Am Whom GOD Says I Am... I Am John Kore Ajibola By Name... The One And Only Jakore Of Africa... The Awesome Being That The Earth Were Blessed With... I Am A Bless To Life And Natures... I Am Blessed To You... I Am From Nigeria, Down Through the South-Western Side, Were You Could Find LAGOS, IBADAN...ILESHA...EKITI AND AKURE..... Were Life Is At Ease For Any Being that Cares To Learn...Life Is A Teacher, The More We Breath, The More We Learn...Silence Is Golden I Believed Inn... Where GOD Is... I Am Born To Love, In Other to Beloved, While GOD Is Love....  May GOD Enriched Our Days Ahead IJN..!!  You're Specially Welcome to Thy Word Of All Positivities...I Have Phobias For Every Negativities... I Have Love....I Give Love.. I Share Love... I Prefer Love... Where GOD Is Our Strength... GOD Is Love... Peace And Love... GOD With Us.!!!
Inside of us you should always reign
with poetry given the main game
the lamenting heart of a stars heart
like chorus in a distant land
echoing through your star lite chamber
Compassionate parts of poetry of tomorrow...
Capable of infinite sorrow
expressive eyes that see
such kindness
as much as me...

To be special in an indifferent world
makes no difference in your million years
In the mire of your worlds
you hang on to every syllable
when hurt comes in shades
you write and weep in your poetry...
A poet's life, not understood
many shake their heads and go
as each poet's days on paper are born
carrying a message to another's day
the immortal message maker of beauty
fires the souls of God's art, that cries for me...
Through my poetry my heart has grown
contacts are many that share their life
seek their poetry through each strife
sweet to all our visions giving air of love
surrounded by a blazing sphere of sweet doves ..
 May 2015
John Kore Ajibola
Continue to say AMEN until u are tired.   From now Henceforth, As I Prayed with You both In Body And In Spirit that.... We shall be Great IJN. ..........,..................................Amen We shall be Fruitful IJN. ..........................................Amen We shall be Victorious IJN..................................... Amen We All shall be Celebrated IJN. ...................................Amen We shall be Successful IJN................................... Amen We shall be Favored both On Earth And In Heaven IJN........................................ Amen We shall be Blessed in Abundance IJN. ..............Amen Whether the Devil likes it or not, We All shall be Prosperous IJN. .................................Amen Joy shall be Ours All IJN.     ......................................Amen We shall have Peace And Love beyond Limits IJN. .............Amen We shall Make It IJN. .............................,.........,.....Amen We All shall Be Testify IJN...................................... Amen We shall be Lifted High beyond Falling IJN.......... Amen We shall Excel in all Ratification Of Life and In All we Do IJN.................. Amen We shall be Called Wonderful IJN.    .................. Amen Where the Road is Thirsty of Flesh and Blood, We and Our Loved Ones will not be a Partaker in It IJN. .....................................,.....,..,.,............,...­...........Amen The evils that will Happen upon thy Earth will not know Our Dwelling Place IJN. ............Amen Death messengers will not know Our Address IJN. ...................................Amen The Miracles in this Year and Years to Come shall Locate Our Household IJN. ........,.....,..........Amen Our Heart Desires will not be Cut-Short IJN. ....................................,...........Amen I will not Cry because of You IJN. ......,,...............................,.........................­..Amen I pray with You that thy Best Picture will not be used for Obituary IJN................................ (AMIN Ni Oruko Jesu)  Send it to 24 most important people in your Life within 24hr, including me if am included. GOD Is Our Strength... GOD Is Love... GOD With Us.!!!
Amen And Amen IJN.!!!
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