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 Jun 2017
I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because the last time I opened up to someone artistically they told me it was pretty dark and I should keep it to myself.

I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because I was raised in a culture that was anti love and pro meaningless ***. I saw endless commercials about movies that glamorize a lifestyle in which your body is fulfilled but your heart is ignored and at that impressionable age I learned my heart came second but my allure came first and the less I cared that happier I would be and I carried that belief around with me the way I used to carry around a Bible as a child.

I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because of the time that I opened my father’s phone to reveal a family secret I would hold to this day against my own moral instincts unraveling miles of insecurities wondering if I’m not a good enough daughter or if he stopped loving my mother or if true love was never real and although I had been taught marriage was my purpose, it was what I believed would make me happy, maybe rings aren’t enough to stay in love and maybe people’s feelings change and maybe no one actually has a “one true love” and that this purpose I had been taught was really an endless wild goose chase that only lead to broken families and lost souls.

I can’t write this poem
I can’t write this poem because sometimes I still wonder why I fell into an abyss of toxicity at such a young age. And when I say wonder I don’t mean a trivial ponder, I mean I contemplate every possible reason why the person who I once believed held the universe in her eyes would lie to my face, why she never kissed me in public and our love was always a secret, why she valued girls with blue hair but my blonde hair was not good enough, why I had to hide bruises from my family when I was still in high school or more importantly, why at the time, I thought I deserved them. These thoughts, this lingering paranoia that I am undeserving of healthy love, they muddy my interpretations of real life and distort reality and effect my relationships. My doctor would call these intrusive thoughts, my best friend would tell me they’re symptoms of PTSD, but I have come to realize that I’ve been burned and I am damaged and I hope to god I can recover.

But you,
Oh god, you
You can write this poem. You can be my safety net while I’m free falling in love. You can be the one to listen to my mental tilt-a-whirls, you can be the one that introduces my body and my heart, you can be the one that calms the storms in my mind when I’m questioning the love I’m deserving of. You are the one who makes sure I fall asleep in my bed after drunk nights, you are the one that still sees my value after acknowledging my flaws.
You can write this poem.
 Jun 2017
When poets thought I was dead
When my ashes were  scattered
When I was  running
and my heart was stuck on a barbed wire

When I am  too old to create rhymes
couldn't pull heartstrings with my ink
or color a beautiful city with crayons

When my words were plagiarized
and I fell victim to the inevitable  

When the tsunami tides were approaching
and you sent me a rhythmic piece
to keep me company

When I could barely form words,
that would impress my shadow
When you lighten up my bolt
by commenting a sacred criticism and love for my pieces
Dedicated to all the poets in HP
 Jun 2017
with the Muse
I feel ageless

with that guide
how could one lose?

ageless, timeless

when my skin is warmed
in morning sun

when I delight in
childhood fun

colorful jumble
to unique
lace-like designs

playground swings and slides

making wishes on
dandelion seeds
or stars shooting
in the amethyst evening sky

watching the flight of a butterfly

building sand castles
as the waves
tease the edge
and tickle toes

counting petals on a rose

lying in velvet grass
watching silken clouds
in the cerulean sky beyond

viewing the breaking of the dawn

walking in a gentle rain
rhythm of a rumbling train

rejoicing in these again and again

when I die
I will be
just for that brief moment
but no more
all at once
all those ages
I was before

my soul set free
I then will be
for eternity.
 Jun 2017
Ma Cherie
Poetry comes an poetry goes
haiku sonnet epic ink
in any style even prose
sometimes I can't even think,.
other times the well is dry,
maybe I just need a drink,

A little drink a little smoke,
loosen up it's summertime
maybe take another ****,
come up with another rhyme,
yes cmon it ain't a joke,
cmon you know I'm feelin' fine,

Under the sun of June again,
holding onto hope,
cmon now an be my friend,
grab on to this piece of rope,
in its strength you can depend,
when it seems you cannot cope,

just look to my lovely sun
for inspiration,
it is certain to deliver.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk....sorry been away with a hectic ife ; )
Where the river abandons herself to the creek
and the mudbank is cratered with crabclaws
waits the old man.

He doesn't know his years
but his ears are a sonic gift
catching the tonal variations of tides
seemingly for eons
evolving with the mangrove map
into a flawless tracker
of how far the moon would recline
for ***** to be holed out
and what shoreline the water would touch
before the shrimps starlight driven
make a beeline for the net.

I encountered him once
in the absurdity of a time
when I was high
and he lowly crouching
was making art by the creek.

Who was the poet
I could never tell.
 Jun 2017
I found a little poem
In the back drawer
of my soul
It was a fire opal
In a bezel of fine gold

I fashioned a lanyard
Of scarlet ribbon found
But I didn't see...
The knot broke free!
My poem was
on the ground!

I searched in
every corner
My fingers raked
the stones...
But I finally
Gave up the search
Due to my
Aching bones

Yes, i lost my
little poem
In the backyard
Of my mind.
I guess I will just
Leave it there

for someone else to find!

(C) 6/7/2017
Going through the doldrums.
If someone finds my muse,
Have a great time, but be sure
To return him! (Yep... a male!)
 Jun 2017
Thomas P Owens Sr
how faint his final cry
how frail his last goodbye
plays on low as he drifts away
'song of the sandman lullabye'
he wraps himself in memories
he finds a dream and falls
the music on a constant loop
makes its way down hollow halls

morning light finds no breath
the pen's ink soon to dry
his final words
his quiet death

'song of the sandman lullabye'
 Jun 2017
read at your own peril!
howl of whipping
wind in the rafters and
the eaves. the presence of
an evil force blowing poison
leaves.       an unholy     unction
which         makes the     evil come
the poet      picks up his    vile pen
the haunting had begun. he dips
his quill into the ink, the voice
tells what to write. he obeys its
cruel commands into the dead of
night. owls call loudly, witches
scream, banshees whail their    
woes! the tortured writer        
cannot stop! on and on it
            goes! finally in a dawning
hour, the poet slumps to
desk. the evil has lost all  
control, but the writer      
breathes his last. the        
work he finally
      finished? t'was
      such a tale of
woe. and the
modern writer    
of the book
signed it

(C) 6/3/2017
 Jun 2017
The writer's life
Consists of looming strife
For a writer's eyes are keen
To the suffering that usually goes unseen

All writers are bearers of truth
Wielding their pens like a scalpel that cuts through
All the **** we tell ourselves
That keeps us in denial

A writer seeks truth incessantly
And eventually comes upon the somewhat ambiguous answer
That all truth originates from Love
How does the writer's analytical mind
Grapple with such a fluid concept?

The writer sees beauty in the invisible
Writes poetry on bathroom stalls
Lives life solely for stories
The writer feels things deeply but doesn't speak them,
But rather scribbles her thoughts fervently in a notebook
The words dancing on the page
As they are released from the tip of the pen
The writer knows, sadly, that even though she writes stories to make people feel less alone
That these people will never truly ever understand her and neither will
She ever be able to fully embody the experience of another human

The writer has wounds that go deeper than you could fathom
When no one was there to turn to,
She picked up a notebook instead and released the toxic emotional build-up in her head
Made art out of her sadness on the page
Through poetic words,
Elusive and enigmatic,
She could tell her story, indirectly
And still set herself free from the ******* of unspoken miseries

The writer's life is a privileged one indeed
For we see things, but don't speak them
But rather transcribe them forever in our memories
Until we find a clean sheet of paper,
And write
Write everything we've seen, heard, tasted, felt, known and intuited
Every struggle and every victory
Meticulously crafted upon the bare canvas
Like a war zone with an abundance of pent up zest
Finally unleashing itself upon the page
So, write, my fellow Writers
Write fearlessly
And our stories will prevail
They will impact even just one person
Who thought they were all alone,
Perhaps like we once felt.
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