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 Mar 2018
Angela Okoduwa
Time to put on my aprons,
Take my dusting brush and begin a clean sweep.
Time to scour the cobwebs off the walls and ceilings,
Time to clean out the chimney and fireplace,
Time to open the shutters and let in the scent of sweet blossoming flowers,
Time to dance around the green field with the embracing wind
Time to inhale the permeating scent of ripening apples!
Time to let go of all the hurt,
Dry my tears and be merry
Time to move on
And learn to LOVE again
Why not enjoy the Spring
And skip happily on the dew-covered grass every morning?
I'm alive, so is now the heart you broke!
 Mar 2018
Angela Okoduwa
I keep digging
But whatever I'm seeking
Seems to elude the sharp edge of my groping shovel
All I need is that "tonk" that I have hit something,
I eye the mountain of dug-up dirt
My sweat-kissed brow
The hot unpleasant air on my cheeks
Out alone in the sterile field
Only the sun sinking in the horizon
I bend again with both tired arms
I dig, dig, dig, dig
What do I seek?
The trust you shattered
When you began to please another at my detriment
The fragments are sharp and dangerous
They hurt now while in pieces
I had to bury them
Dig, dig, dig
"Tonk" finally!
All I can exhume
Is its carcass
It's dead
Unable to be revived.
I give up
I toss the shovel away
I turn and I take the goodbye walk.
(Slaam) when you try to rekindle love and trust for someone but still have a feeling the war is not over yet.
 Mar 2018
Appoline Romanens
If she wasn’t hooked on honey
she would fall down on my page
I rescued a blue-winged bee sage
I hope she’ll enjoy her stay
in my human home
She strains her abdomen
I pray it’s not a bad omen
her Hermes powers at rest
Did she leave her nest in earnest
I found her on lonely gray stairs
I pray she heals from her despairs
as the carpenter bee sleeps dangled
To my honey lathered chopsticks
I admire her frail black body
I gently blow on her she’s inside
my heart. I felt hers when she
Gripped my thumb.

March 13, 2018
I found a carpenter bee on my way to work and she hadn't moved when I walked up to her a couple of hours later. I took her home and I'm nursing her.
I have no idea, what will happen next in my Life.
I do not know how my Life shall play out in the end.
There is nothing guarantee in any of our Life here.
For in reality , it is you not us that decides our Future.
For we can only Pray and Trust that you shall be there.
To Lead us down the Right Path, that we are meant to take.
Trusting that in the very end, you shall lead us Home .
All that we can really do is Trust that everything here.
Shall end up okay for us, as well as our Families too.
Because only you can Lead us, and restore to us too.
All of the Things, that this here Life has cost us here too.
For only you can see what the Future here holds for us.
 Mar 2018
I hear the rhythmic clapping
And feel the pounding of feet on the ground
As dust swirls and dances around
While I sit facing the sun
In all her divine beauty.
Encased in the wood of the red gum tree,
I am at peace.
Burnum carves my totem outside
Surrounded by holy men,
Loved ones and ancestors.
This is my signifier and protection.
I am Miki the moon
Recently returned to my tribe
Heeding the call of the spirits.
My people mourn deeply
But know I will come again
To be at one with them,
First I must commune with the great creator
Rainbow spirit of the sky
For now is the time for dreaming.
Thank you everyone for the likes/ loves and comments, you made my day special!! :0)
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