by 100 members Let Us Free Our Minds
And Give Our Poetry Wings.
You are most welcome to follow my other collection "Impeccable Poetry - Part II"
Thank you most kindly. Rosalie - Lady R.F xxx
Prune away the rumors Run all those 'little whiles' together But you won't get forever Dream of obituaries Under the apricot tree Because those who built This future are dead
Dear body of mine I forget how precious you are to me these precious hands bear lives bruises upon command.. Hammer and chisel breaking bar blues oh how these knuckles let me break through.. The challenges of youth that form our esteem you let me stand tall on these two strong feet Dear Body We are blessed to be complete!
Peeling away. Away from reality. Seeing things differently. From a slightly different angle. Like 2D world discovering 3D world. Ignorance. Safe in ignorance. Content in ignorance. Best not to know. Safer, limited. Tough enough as is! Mind blowing it be.
I speak lightly ‘round certain ears For though they listen They do not hear So my lips I mute My words I keep The shallow, you see Can never comprehend the deep
He is like an endless serene sea Like enchanting dancing waves Crashing onto the surface of my skin Like a glistening splendorous canvas Oozing magic everywhere My sweet infinite solace The purest passionate charmer I know He has my heart in the treasure trove of his soul He draws the perfect light from the sunlight He is masculine attractiveness streaming In the keen eastern wind Forever in my thoughts