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 Apr 2016
Wolfgang Blacke
Waves crash against the shore
Kissing the sand like a lover at the door
Lingering for just a second more

The beach stands and listens all day
To all the sea has to say
But never lets her lover stay

The ocean will move brimstone and lime
To be with his lover another time
Before she realises his desperate crime
 Apr 2016
Terry Jordan
We learn the power of our words
Is to learn the power of silence
We speak our prayers and hope to purge
Our hearts of all the violence

God needs no connecting devices
No internet, phone or letter
Though we speak 10,000 languages
Sitting in silence would be better

If it is language that makes us human
One half of language is to listen
Though silence can exist without speech
Speech without silence…something is missing

To pray is to listen to the unspoken
Only God’s speech in Creation
May the calm and the quiet be unbroken
Hearing God’s true syncopation

I trust answers that come in the silence
Like listening for a familiar song with words so sweet
Out of my cage of mortal consciousness
“Closer is He than breathing…nearer than hands and feet.”
*Alfred Lord Tennyson's last line inspired this
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
She came covered in satin-silk hair,
Displayed by rainbowed Ray's;
A visage of God's awe,
And wing's that flew uncaged.
I kneweth her once afore,
In the natural form of grace;
The welkin's own, a soul I've
Known, regalia clase.
O' athwart twas I,
That seized her
Breath, the
Roaring sky's o'er
Happiness. She tucked
Her head, into mine chest;
As the rest played out
As a utopian scene.
Twas not a dream,
Or drug induced
Illusion, some get
Amour confused
With the devil's
Confusion, though we
Art an infusion;
Two antediluvian
Specter shades,
Her color is yellow
For the sun, mine is blue;
From the deepest of water's,
And the river of life
Out of God's throne
I pulled Jane through.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Afore- before
Regalia means -the emblems or insignia of royalty, especially the crown, scepter, and other ornaments used at a coronation.
the distinctive clothing worn and ornaments carried at formal occasions as an indication of status....
Clase- word I made up meaning- classy and tasteful.
Welkin- heaven or sky.
athwart- across; in opposition to; sideways; transversely.
Twas- it was..
O'er- over..
Art- are
Amour- love.
Infusion- the introduction of a new element or quality into something.
Specter- ghost...
Antediluvian means- of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.
 Apr 2016
i see you painted in other peoples's eyes
i see you smiling in the blue irises
swimming ocean's deepest blues
crossing the horizon and touching the sky.

i see your picture in the green eyes
in spring's early grass i see you laughing
playing with some hopes
the way you play with my thoughts.

i see your picture in the deep brown eyes
eating their chocolate
the way you sometimes eat my heart

in the black skies
i see you painted
there are no stars
just you wandering alone
looking for something
something i don't know..

i see you painted in blue and green
in brown and hazel and black
and i can only hope
one day you'll see your smile
painted in own blue eyes.
 Apr 2016
The Dedpoet
The taste of April's melancholic grace
     On your lips,
Your touch like a drop
    Into the well of sorrows;
I reflect your veil of dark brooding.

     A hint of music
On the path of your footsteps,
      You dance to a tune
Tangled in the helix of the orchestral
I reflect your naked liberation.

The scent of ocean in your hair,
       The hint of the sea foam
As your presence is like
A crashing wave,
The weight of your living waters;
    I reflect your essense.

Along the graze of seasonality,
      I see a Winter fade
After the October,
     The sickles of my fingers
Harvesting your body;
                       I reflect your ***.

From the depths of mirrors,
     Like the sun kissing the ocean
Sending ripples along
   Her blue shield
Sending cosmic shivers;
     I yield to your mirror.
 Apr 2016
Alyssa Underwood
Perilous times are foretold for the end
When the one who betrays might as soon be a friend
When he who walked with you in the midst of God's throng
Proves a broken-off reed who didn't belong
When the crowd turns away from the truth they once knew
To embrace a strange fire of the enemy's brew
When the mystic is favored much more than the teacher
And intolerant is the name reserved for the preacher

For myriads have tasted of the heavenly gifts
Then at some unknown point the set compass shifts
And they show by the fact that they do not endure
That they never knew the One Whose salvation is sure
For He's promised He cannot lose one of His own
Yet His wheat grows with tares that His enemy's sown
So these goats dressed as sheep might say all the right words
But pasted-on wings do not turn moles to birds

They learn the same Scriptures and enjoy the same songs
But haven't yet come to the cross for their wrongs
Haven't taken it up and followed the Lord
Have never been born of His Spirit Who is poured
Into all whom the Father has chosen for His Son
Those predestined before the world had begun
So among the elect in the pews sit the dead
Unregenerate men taking up masks instead

And some will sit thus for the rest of their life
While others walk away overcome by the strife
Of their trials, distractions, desires or greed
Rather trusting the world to provide all that they need
For discipleship costs and most think it too high
A price now to pay of their self who must die
Most are tripped by the weight of that covenant walk
Which accompanies a faith that goes past mere talk

It is God's grace alone which grants genuine belief
And with it repentance for proud or for thief
While the course remains bumpy until dying day
The saved may fall down, but they can't fall away
For salvation from first to the last is of the Lord
And His Spirit within is what keeps saints secured
It's our duty and privilege to obey and abide
Yet how could we without His power inside?

Now besides a new fuel we receive a new nature
The old man is dead, we are made a new creature
One that's being conformed to the image of Jesus
So we live to please Him now and not to please us
But because of this switch the world is enraged
For when light shines in darkness its evil's front stage
They hate us the same as they hated our Master
And as time nears its close their fury swells faster

Persecution's been promised for all who are godly
Could be mocking, rejection or harm that is ******
It cannot compare though to what's been exchanged
In the gift of redemption for our souls long-deranged
So we dare not forget when the blows are received
That those doing the punching are still dead and deceived
Still locked in the grip of the enemy's force
Still blinded by sin, still enslaved to its course

Just judgment will come if they do not repent
If they keep on rejecting God's Lamb Who was sent
So it's best left to Him to defend us against
The disdain and discord of a world that's incensed
For they're already judged who refuse to believe
And we would be too but for mercy's reprieve
Being saved from God's wrath that is soon to be poured
Out full strength onto those who His truths have ignored

In the meantime the Father's maturing His children
Forging character depth through both trials and discipline
So let's not lose hope in the face of our sorrow
But rejoice that He's working it out for tomorrow
Since we have a sure treasure stored for us in heaven
And we'll soon be set free from all sin-staining leaven
Let's press on toward Christ's likeness worked in us by grace
And look hard for first moments our eyes see His face!
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."  Acts 20:24

Thank you Melissa Pagano, Eddie Starr, Lidi Minuet, my Soul Survivor sister Catherine and many others for your examples of boldness to proclaim the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! You are true inspirations to me!!
 Apr 2016
Ronald D Lanor
from golden

an arpeggio
of skylit notes

summon the
reprise of a morning
 Apr 2016
Rainey Birthwright
last night I nearly lived,
in dream so make believe,
such a turn of sunshine

and hope was always true,
could cast away my sorrow,
beyond the dream horizons,

i saw painted, dim lit boats,
shrinking blue into oceans,
skipping in longest tides,

only wings can take me
there, to the outter shores,
beyond the dream horizons,

i cannot fly, I then thought,
as the lone seabird sails,
as such an angelic thing,

but see the sky is an arc,
any wing can show you,
just lend an limb or eye,

across the sun waves,
are new lands to make,
before any moon rises,

the sky is clearly woven,
skerries and the frosted
banks are steeply melting,

a lone grey gull cries over,
seabird in soul ceremony,
solemn with climbing sun,

i cannot fly, I then thought,
as the lone seabird sails,
as such an angelic thing,

merely I am human now,
awake from dream horizons,
dead alive without wings.
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