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 Apr 2017
You know who you are
Bruised Peaches
Those hit, hidden
Belittled and bitten
By the very people we loved most
For staying with the bearers of our
We warrior spouses
Some of the peaches are lucky
we rolled from the pain baskets
Others have to stay for seedlings
This particular peach
After years of bruises
Nearly got squished between the fingers
of a bruise bearer
And I'm bitter mush
But I'm still whole
And all the while
He whispered,
I love you, I love you little peach
He gave me a seedling
She grew
and with her
My knowledge grew
It took the kingsmens axe
To cut me from that dead tree
But thank God
This peach, is free
It's the hardest thing in the world to leave an abusive relationship. We're often made to believe it's our own fault. Even after one leaves, the lawyers, judges, counselors even, make you feel "less than".
I rarely write of my awful marriage. Even today I'm ashamed. And I know that it wasn't anything I did but that fact escapes me sometimes. My love to you all. Especially the Peaches.
 Apr 2017
sometimes boys will whisper  
i love you's too quickly
and you, anon, will believe them
with your gentle heart, and
capacity to believe in miracles.

sometimes the first guy isn't
the only one,
sometimes you didn't like him
to begin with and that's okay.
i know you wish it was that easy.

people say to look for love
in all places, but love likes to hide
in the nooks of bookcases,
in cars parked under trees,
in his reflection in the rear mirror
as he glances to see you
walk past with your heels too high,
and smile too giddy.

but that wasn't love.
love is mutually shared.

sometimes you fall in love
and it will hurt worse than that time
you broke your wrist.
you will shake with tremors
of madness and you will
remember his name.

it's like hearing a song
you haven't listened to in years.
something jogs your memory
and you still remember the lyrics.
you will list his hobbies,
his favourite colour, with
perfect memory.

anon, you keep finding love,
and you keep losing it,

but be patient, please.
when you are ready
tell love to come another day.
© copyright
 Apr 2017
phil roberts
Hurtful time
Hanging useless
Unneeded and unwanted
Every wasted instant
Killing the man I was
Turning me into something tame
My own pale shadow
Not me

All my cherished dreams
As stale as ancient bread
All hope within me
Has turned to ghostly pale
Even my lack of belief
Seems unbelievable
Each rock that I'm made of
Crumbles into dust
Longing for the wind
Of my final storm

                            By Phil Roberts
 Apr 2017
everlasting cherry
I am not
the prettiest girl
or the sexiest

not the smartest
or most talented

but I am a unique
array assembled
of whozeewhatsits

(razor blade analogies
fluorescent petal lips
coloring book flips shifting
hues and lines in real time
intense passion pigments
softened by maniacal sillies
black glitter, tears, tongue, teeth
synaptic syntax screams
billowing belly cavern
sacred swallows swimming
serifs seeping thru sweat
into fluffiest warm cotton
pinksugar dewbloom)

that will render
equivalent yet opposing
inverted complementary
juxta pair of anglepants

exquisitely speechless
with sheer me-ness

hallow mirrors blinding
four egoic eyes igniting
incinerating the dim

and in that stillness
I will feel their them
and feel it feeling
my me

betwixt twisting
our empty brimming
with eternity


or maybe
that happened

 Apr 2017
Louise Ruen
Rewind to one summer ago
When the leaves were still blossoming on their branches
Just like ourselves, blooming into a new life,
a new chance
So we made a pact, made a bond, a contract
Four musketeers (we’re the real OG)* on the loose
Inseperable and undeniably connected
We spit our hands and smashed them together

Fast forward
Now you spit on me instead
All the leaves died a long time ago
Soon new ones will bloom
If they are able to hold on to their branches despite the gushing hurricane that doesn't seem to be leaving soon.

Mama once told me some people only last a season
I never thought it would be like this
Never thought you would act like this
Never thought you would treat me like this
Never thought you would forget like this
Never thought I could cry like this

You words and promises didn't last
We’re just plastered with plastic perfect smiles
Too bad we have crooked teeth.
Recently realized my so called friends didn't treat me like friends should. And you know, it's not their fault if they don't want my friendship - there are much more interesting people out there so that's cool. But I feel like a fool for not realizing it until now. First lesson of 2017: "You have to learn to get up from the table when love is no longer being served"
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