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 Dec 2024
stalked always
a mind universe

Aliens dressed as Human
trying to buy you a drink

smiles beaming unnatural
white teeth about to crumble

a band playing acid tunes
dancers on their knees

someone offers a smoke
but you gave it up long ago

the mind of a creature
not too sure of its reality.
 Dec 2024
we the invisible

we, who learned from a young age
impossibility is accepted
verity, your mutability
every aspect of you is subject to change
my girl, my girl
empty eyes that look but don’t see
oh, how your tongue should bleed
under the crash of your silence
rip the blanket, they said
though you were only taught to sew
i paint myself to hide
razor cuts and scars
everything i’ve made for you, till death
do us part
 Dec 2024
vienna bombardieri
What the Dickens! Santa ain't wearing knickers
well his pants got caught inside the chimney
now here's the kicker...
Little Joe woke up in the middle of the night
and gave Santa such a jolly fright
now here's the kicker...
It was drafty there wasn't any gas nor heat
Mrs. Chump snored upstairs like dead meat
now here's the kicker...
Mr. C was 5 feet tall and wasn't a Clause at all
he didn't know how to rob Peter to pay Paul
now here's the kicker...
The real Ms. C owned a solar panel, Oh what fun
gave it to Ming Ming who flew like a Son Of A Gun!  
now here's the kicker... Eh !  
He burned Santa's pants then laughed, giggled, scoffed  
but as Santa  danced around the sun poured in the loft  
now here's the real kicker...
Christmas was a blast now little Joe C could finally be,
toasty as a glow worm in a house built for three.

Merry Christmas Everyone !  
From Santa's Girl  :)
 Dec 2024
Mike Adam
Sixty years of

Perhaps today
Something good
 Dec 2024
Thomas W Case
I long for
the sunburnt days,
freckled dreams and
scabbed up knees.
to be a boy in
summer again.
My baseball and  
**** dog close at
Fishing pole and
lily pad ponds.
I caught frogs and
The budding poet in
me saw sunsets on
the underside of
the shells.

The daylight, and
evening seemed to
last forever.
And when I finally
went to bed,
The buzz of the
cicadas, and the
symphony of the
crickets were my
soundtrack to youth.
I dreamed in green.
Here's a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems.
 Dec 2024
Nathan A Brock
I took my broken pain and

laid it in a cradle.

I hid it from the world

deep in the corners of my secluded dwelling -

Caressed it tenderly, and fed it

bite sized pieces of anger and

contempt.. until it

blossomed the most beautiful hatred

I had ever known

It stretched forth vines..

gnarled and twisted.. with

barbed thorns that

clung to my every limb..

enshrouding me in a deep and

comfortable nirvana .

How I hate how I love my hatred..

The only genuine gift

I can give freely.

© Nathan A. Brock
Repost from 2018
Gallery after gallery
in the cool conditioned air
sketches and traces and objects of his art
capture the heart.
His songs played in low tune
fills the atmosphere with an unworldliness.
Here you are immune to the outside
where a hot sun scalds hungry dogs
a man carries ten times his weight
people haggle for little bargain.

The museum hides the pain
and the poet's dreamy world matters little.
But you forget and delve deeper.

The dog struggles to learn
the art of living
for a day.
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