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 Jan 2019
Edmund black
Now that
I see you clearly
My eyes are
fixated on you,

My arms are reaching out
Towards you,

Listen closely
My voice is whispering
To you,

Your desire
Is my command
        Your wow
            Is my vow,

Let me catch you
          Before you fall
 Jan 2019
Tim Jordan
We will go over that hill right there,
the one yearning for the sky like the earth took a breath and held it for a million years.
Then down in the valley, just to the left,
we will find a little path,
a dry artery through the lonely trees,
and soon we will burst forth into a little meadow, a perfect circle.
If we squint a little we can see the ghosts
of pagans cavorting around an angry fire and
perhaps we will wish to be wild, free, and dangerous too.
We can sit, if you'd like,
or we can measure the meadow's circumference with careful steps,
we can find the very center and stand terribly close,
or we can each choose a side and negotiate a truce.
Perhaps I will take your hand.
Perhaps we will share a kiss.
Mostly we will stare in silence because of the unyielding distance between us
even perfect meadows cannot fill.
 Dec 2018
Salmabanu Hatim
It was a beautiful moonlit night,
He went down on his knees,
plucked the glowing moon,
and put it on my finger,
"Will you marry me?"
 Dec 2018
Jennifer Weiss
If these walls could sing

They should want to sing only of you.

They would harmonize only with your name,

As I've found it makes the sweetest tune.

If these walls could sing for me,

and I have asked them to,

They should sing so free

of the time I first saw you.

When these walls sing

the crooning captivates my mind.

Telling the world how you love me

and how you're all mine.

When these walls sang

I had a heart made of fire

I danced without music

I never felt higher.

Why won't these walls sing?

Why are they so tired.

Walls have never seemed more dreary.

Since you've left and taken my fire.
 Dec 2018
Raven Woodfort
The sky was in her
       eyes - blue with
clouds floating in her smile.
Her voice rushed
       of pines
in a breeze, her hair told of green meadows
  in the spring;
she scented of northern lights...

     And I knew I had met a wildflower.
To all those precious wildflowers out there.
 Dec 2018
Hussein Dekmak
Let me be:
The makeup on your skin,
And the fragrance of your perfume.

Let me be:
The breeze that grazes your face,
And the unspoken letters on your lips.

Let me be:
Your hidden secrets,
And your full moon.

Let me be:
Your smile, your laughter, your tears,
Your wishes, and your happy dreams.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
 Dec 2018
how we used to be
back when
I couldn't breathe
call me breathless
bc you were breathtaking
and mine .

you were like a rose .
beautiful yet dangerous
with thorns tipped w poison .
grew up through a crack in the cement ,
felt nothing but continual abandonment
and an ache
for something you know nothing about .

maybe you were more like an onion .
each time you pull back a layer ,
there's always another
in its place .
had heart of ice ,
one I tried to unthaw .
I wiped your surface ,
and it just froze back over
immediately after .

an imperfect flaw of perfection .
someone in need of affection ,
commitment , attention and direction
you are someone
who would've died
saving me .

and that just can't be .
"I like it. The first and second paragraph (stanza) make me think of my ex."-SB
 Dec 2018
Hey, would you take the tape measure away?
There's no measure to how much I love you
That's why I constantly proclaim that you are my treasure

I want the money, houses, cars and all
But it is you that I truly need
You are the one that I cherish
A day without you makes me feel feverish

Your love is the land that
This building of mine is built upon
If you quake the land, this body won't stand

Cut my hand open, it's your love that I would bleed
Ever since you planted that seed,
I've watched it grow to this wholesome tree

The type of love that sets one free
That's what you're showing to me
Your love is like a stormless sea
I enjoy the smooth sailing with a mind at peace

You are simply amazing
This is not me trying to tease
Close your eyes, let me plant a kiss!
 Dec 2018
my mind weaving baskets
and my arms weaving hugs from the backseat
so many thank-you-for-loving-me's
all i could do was laugh and love you
(thank god i didn't call you like i wanted to)
you told me you wanted my happiness
where it belonged
with the others like me in the kitchen
i told you that you were wrong
i'd never leave you so solitary
oh don't you forget what i said in my stupor
in my public display of desire for affection
(what would i have said?)
you've seen me at my worst now
and even then all i can say is how
much i adore you and miss you
it must be my most passionate truth
(too much)
jcl. i was tipsy then drunk then i looked at you and i was so so in love. i told you that you were my best friend and you said i was your best friend too and i asked you to say it again and you did. i told you i'd miss you and it probably didn't make sense in the context (winter break) because i didn't give any but you said you'd miss me too. you really have seen me at my worst, and my worst is just telling you that i love you. "drunk words are sober thoughts," and they certainly are.
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