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 Jul 2017
If I were  painted a long time ago
in say Renaissance times, two dimensions,
I might be a saint-
or a revolutionary-
I was stroked
of harsh defiant bold colors
when portraits were cast in canvas
bronze overtones of gesso and black only
washes of contrast
the tone built up
with layers of translucence
and bone colored washes
and hung on a wall and try though I might
the egg tempera
earth tones deeper than
olive oil on a live model
wore off
and  the canvas warped
the wood grew skewed
and the museum had me
along side
a dog and scattered in the
just as I had hoped
 Jul 2017
In a world
where words
breaks and mends
  -- trust and hearts
questions are better than tears
what ifs are better than fears
That feeling...
It's like, an escape, delusions, illusions..
 Jul 2017
James Floss
Isn’t fiction
It’s great
Things grate
I surmise
To hydrolyze,
A basic strife,
Gives us life.
What seems mystical
Is really chemical.
To life!
 Jul 2017
K Balachandran
piercing nimbus layers,
sun asserts light's reign again.
doom to pall of gloom.
 Jul 2017
Traverse pyroclastic star fire into super nova force speeds
Packed full of adrenaline where the heart of the universe breaths
Barely enough time for a simplistic five senses to absorb
Vivid ether and experience only a consciousness can store
For the tactile sensations are dynamically built within us
Confusing human shells slow to evolve for floods of stimulus
Riding a constant high of something always quite unseen
Never very sure debating between reality and a dream
So we drift as if we were all perfectly awake
In most grim hours where a soul is often give or take
Every person in our life is there for a reason
Whether for a day, a few months, or several seasons
Failing to find proper weight to fit the measure
That every single moment shared is a galaxy of treasure
 Jul 2017
Kelly Rose
Lavender perfumes the air
And chamomile clouds
Drift amid
The midnight sky
And sweet dreams
Grace her repose
So easy
It seems
To stay lost
In sweet dreams…
No matter how
Wondrous those
Dreams may be
It’s time to wake up
Sleeping Beauty
And make your
Dreams come true.

Kelly Rose
© November 12, 2016
 Jul 2017
despair  and hope
both seeded within us
each and everyone
as is love and hate
anger too

they are there...
we would be incomplete
without them

so it becomes
a matter of  choice

which seeds
do we nuture
which saplings
do we prune

what do we
allow to flower
and fruit

you are the gardener
you get to choose...

but as you are learning
every choice has consequence
both for you and others...
just one of those chats you have with a young boygod...when he is investing badly in his first grudge against someone elses boygod....
ah....they grow so quick!
 Jul 2017
Ma Cherie
the gift of Aurora
is coming
I know,

sometime real soon
so I hear

my dancers in skies
a brilliant light show
an as I will await
you'll appear

I will see you transforming
before my brown eyes
in skies of my mystical lights

oh how long you know
how long I have waited
in all of these endless
dark nights,

to see you as spirit
as I'll be once more
well this is a beautiful thing

the drum I can hear it
a heavenly door
an the angelic songs
that you sing

and I will not fear it
the heavenly shore
and the most loving joy
it will bring

for when I die
I know
I will
in fields of wheat
an lavender
with you.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Memories of my dead ones....can be overwhelming sometimes but I'm OK tho an Aurora is coming so I am excited. ; ) love you all
 Jul 2017
A hiatus I believed...
To be well deserved and timely.

For too long I've spilled
copious amounts
upon non-judgemental paper.

For too long I've relied much
on the soothe of the written word.

A hiatus I thought...
Was necessary for I,
strive to go crutchless.
I strive to stand on my own.

But my legs are not yet strong.
And my fingers are jonesing

because my heart still bleeds ink.
Its the end I never cared to write the distance to great and still within my reach.

My road now is traveled alone and I simply check still to see if your there.

The mind is the worst prison of them all
My thoughts far stronger than the iron bars I view the outside world has become a stranger now.

I know my truths and see your path separate .
A man can only take so much and I have died many times only to return a little  less than what I was before.

Nothings left now tell me where we go from nowhere ?

Another midnight drive looking for what I can never find.
Old pictures captured emotions I just can't stand to bleed these lines.

Maybe it catches you when none other can see.
And the scar we bare together .
You view alone shed a tear and recall .

All I know  is my page is coming to its chapters close.

We chased many a sunset kid.

And I am left with nothing else to say.
 Jul 2017
Nat Lipstadt
  For A:

The Pleasure of Infection

10:53 pm

our all about
is to be the whittler of our personage,
to both hold the knife with care,
but with risky, reckless artistry,
as we shape of what raw materials we are possessed,
into our own reshaped, reformed
most prized bejeweled possession

never mind the shavings and cutaways fallen,
they are fast away, castaway choices made and cannot be retrieved,
for when we whittle, whether our shape desired
which may be prior envisioned or a vision
from the discovery of performing,
they matter no more,
let them go, in their absence too,
they are part and a whit of you,
but not of you, no longer

our commonality in this: everything,
in everything else, so little

but your honesty and crafted, almost dishonesty both ring true,
and infect us with pleasure of recalling
when we
being cut designed and preparing our statue for
an unveiling, but with no date yet set,
and the loveliness of our mistakes,
were precious do-over opportunities

seek out the infection, the infection of discovery,
the risk of pleasure exposed and
your poetry may be either  
the antibiotics
when the result is red and unpleasant,
or a celebration,
an invitation to us to be a
semi-silent beholder of your artistry

infections heal after pain and discoloration
but new skin always forms,
but at a different pace for each of us

I see the faces in my carpet nodding agreement,
"always new skin"

oh boy. time to go to bed

go seek out the pleasure of infection,
sadly, happily, it is the only way

good night
from an old man who dreams and schemes of
new skin nightly
but never mind me,
my piece long ago writ
and in need of just a tweak here and there,
call it one too many close shavings,
his poem's treasure trove,
a list
of life's minor irritations
and major lifts


sanuel barber and aaron copeland
are calling ne to bed
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