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 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
(Niamh Price), this is thy own dedication, thy shortened sentences art lovely, they showeth me mine homeland of Ireland, wherein the druids didst roam, wherein tales went back far and old, as niamh thy soul I feeleth its pain, yet soo amazing thou art friend.

(Gary L), this one is thine own writing, sir, thy friendship is inviting, thy lyrical sense is enticing, as thou doth speak truth when thou seeith it, never quit! On thy works and on thineself, thou art who thou art, a beautiful man, with timeless knowledge.

(SPT), this poem is for thou as a treat, I feeleth thine anguish mix in with thy compassion, thou art a hopeful mansion, filled with words of someone who hath lived age's, thy pages art touching, and I thank thee for thy support and guiding me through h.p.

(Ignatius Hosiana), brother thou art a hopeless romantic like me, hoping for his queen, seeing her only in thine dream's, yet as we scream, as brother's we doth unite! In color of skin's, black and white we overcometh the ideology of hatred, loving the hater.

(Dedpoet), mine Mexican friend, how canst I not loveth thee, thy word's dark, ghetto, and deep, as I've been around hood part's to knoweth enough, the most beauty LIES awake in the hood, the places the rich men overlook, is wherein the eyes of God art .

(Wonderman poetry), brother thy words of Christ uplift me, not a perfect being mineself, thyself showeth me the light in the darkness and thus when I'm down, thine godly loving giveth me help, as thou knoweth brother, love and forgives as Christ taught!

(poetessa diabolica), word's that thou uses art so complex, for thee so I respect, for all thy love thou hath given me, the hope that thou planted me, to showeth me, God still lingers in man's soul's, despite the devil trying to rear around, I thankest thou poetess...

(Donna,) thine little haiku's art a piece of the celestial, thy pieces extraterrestrial, and high up the Angels weep to thy words. Like cures and herbs they giveth me a better day to look to, as like glass, beautiful the words thou uses floweth to heavens moon!

(Rosalind Heather Alexander), speechless I am to thy grace, a Scottish lass as me part Scottish blob and mass, lol, just saying , two bloods of the same kind, now thou art writing thy soul out, keepeth it divine, thy soul canst not go rewind, so love on ahead.

(Soul-survivor), old friend, as we both preach the same predictions shalt we worry of ourn end? No, we shalt continue to showeth love, and giveth others hope, than when we die the Graves not it, but that God's love over-rose, so shalt we, auntie as I calleth thee.

(Icysky), young one please do not cry, the boy's canst seeith the fine stitching God made thee as, thou hath a vessel of rubies, and thou art like a wonderful movie, fast tracked to the best part, icy, let noone breaketh thine heart, and let thy lord guideth thee .

(Joe Malgeri), a freak hippy like me, playing music to the sun, giving lectures highly and fun, thou wilt find a queen like me one day, continue to haveth class, play tunes by night, showeth thy genuine ways. As thou doth, wonderful supporter, HP gypsie!!!

(Anthony Mooney,) an Irish hopeless romantic like me, thy soul hath beauty friend, let not hate overtake, bypass the anger and the heartbreak. Let thy pen jot down thy beauty, making the earth quake, unlike others dear mate, thou hath high class.

(Wolf spirit) ( aka quin,)though we don't talk, I loveth thee mine friend, though even thou doth not like me, thou art one of mine biggest inspiration's, thou art a true passionate, amongst the tribal nations, as I am Cherokee part mineself, thou inspireth me.

(Chris green, )affectionate of the the earth, thy woman Is lucky to haveth a poet by birth, for thy words drip like honey on a summer night, Chris friend, wonderful delight, I thank thee for kindness, for thy hope in refinement, and thou art a king of love.

(Pradip Chattopadhyay,) a man who canst writeth in all perspective, thy profile picture maketh me giggle everytime I seeith it, ( in a good way friend) I loveth thy style, and sense of humor, how thou writeth, and doesn't listen to rumors, a poet!!!

(Dark icE,) I just met thee, but thy sensuality is so delighting and like a dream, thy words sucketh me in as I canst ever get out, thy amour in poem's is a cloud, on which I linger for more of its nectar wet taste, immense in this place, unlike the human race.

(Beth StClair), mine best friend if back in the sixties, we wouldst hath layed flower's around ourn necks and head's, we wouldst hath sang the tunes of the Beatles and the dead, as I wouldst hath sung with Lennon, and zeppelin and thou wouldst hath watched.

(Vicki,) I've already wrote for thou and beth, but thou two art the best, Vicki in the crumby state of Ohio like me(lol) though me and thou aren't from here (were Angels of earth's dream's) thou art a poetic of kings and queens, thou art kind, sweet, and a a peace.

(Impeccable Space Poetess,) thy writing is like thunder. Maketh me laugh cry and rolleth over, I read again, like a books beautiful cover, thou art a friend, a poetry lover. Thou hath intelligence of God and heaven, never let man break thee or hurt thee.poetic!!!

(POETIC T,) a spirit light as a feather, free not a slave, not of this world, a man not a boy, thou hath been through strife and abuse, thy hands art not bound, thou hath cut the noose, please don't leaveth us, we all careth for thee. Friend of mine. And HP.
This is for some poets for now. Gonna make another one in little bit for more lol... Took forever for this!!!!!! Part two coming lol.. And BTW for others I love on here don't get upset *** u aren't in poem yet this is part one... More people to come lol and for u who who see I even use people I love in here who don't like me at all but fact is I love them I don't need noones approval can just show love (:::
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Bare and ****
His soul to thy world;
A seeker of a muse
He seeketh an amour of a girl.

Open and free
With flower's in mine hair;
I'm dying, I bleedeth
With this lonesome despair.

Asunder mine heart
Broken like rain pellets;
I Feeleth as the witch in wizard of oz
mine essence is melted.

Mine brawn is pelted
And mine vest seemeth to tight;
It's OK, with the help of truest friends
All shalt be better and alright.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For noone just grateful for good friends here
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
An ancient tribesman
In the amazonian jungle
**** and raw, as a ghost.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley

I shalt consecrate one as mine empress
As she sitteth high up upon her throne;
She shalt be the ruler of mine dominion
An abode aloft the Earthling's decor below.


I shalt put upon her eminence gracefully
A castle tiera upon her frowning head;
Wherein when one's shalt tryeth to hurt her
I'll giveth mine life, to protecteth mine wife's bed.


And we shalt wander on the streamside
Whilst ourn harp-player's strum for us in ourn court;
Sipping on wine, of amare divine
Ourn spirit's and finger's, locked with none remorse.


Though tis this is all just an illusion
Hoping for one day, mine empress to awaketh from her sleep;
Wherein wherever she shalt be, I cant findeth her
I thinkest I am dead, Maby asleep?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
This goes for all
And anyone,
Before calling one a troll
Get physical evidence first
Because paranoid thinking and backbiting
Doesn't do anyone any good
Get facts .....
Stop being paranoid
And stop trying to point the finger
Only pointing back at you...
This goes for all
Not one person..
As so many sit behind like cowards behind a computer screen
And call one out to be trolls
Outta what? Assumption? Thy own misery? No physical proof?
Lol wake up... No physical proof is like the judges in America who put people in death row outta assumption and wanting a conviction with no blood evidence. Then the quote killer gets released because he didint ****** fifty years later so sad Makes none sense to me lol lets stop the hatred of this place and start loving another.  The end

Ps- don't hate noone love all being's but when others get crucifixed by the dozen. Then people need to speak up!!!! As Bob Marley said that best.. Get up stand up.. Stand up for your rights? Get up stand up and don't give up the fight... We can't back down that is coward way.we must forgive and love and forget others pains they strike us with! But never back down..  As the world does from fear.. It's like all when the Nazis killed jewish innocents back in the old day, and the German innocent people that weren't Nazis sat by and watched this nonsense... We gotta stand up for another when we see hatred!!!! Spread peace til others get sick!!!

As mine friend Gary L on here has facts who some of the trolls are . he's done research lol unlike me.. But good to have physical facts from our own internet... Lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
A poet needeth not pen and paper
To writeth down their prophetic vision's;
A poet, is one of the soul
As the soul
Keepeth all poetry by memory,
Not needing some pen and paper. .

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
This soul's release;
From this purgatory called earth...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
When the inflated crunching sky turns into the black hole, one by one the expected stars slowly falling on the horizon, sudden deep dark clouds cover the silky face of moon, or the earth takes the full moon.

Long, long shadows darken the meadows, southern wind can’t open your closed window at all, standing along on the curve of a road, a sigh to fly in the wind, roaming heart finding a home.

See the mystic form of the known objects, distant standing old banyan tree suppose to feel a lonely friend of mine, a friend of rootless time, when silly, bogus thoughts engulfed me, want to break up but change does not cry out.

Melancholy beauty in the dark, floating with the imagine gulls in the sky, draw the red sun on the canvas of dark sky within the wings of dream, again see you are playing with the seven colors across my unfinished sky.
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Jul 2015
A Lopez
I want you to take me
To control all of me
My heart.. my thoughts.. my mind
I want you always by my side
From your love I'll never hide
Cause this pure love I long to find

I want you to conquer me
To love me
To care for me

I wanna kiss your tears and pain away
I wanna always be there for you when you need me

I wanna shout out loud ' I LOVE YOU '
So it can reach you
I wanna sing for you
Smile to you
Give you me with no regrets
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Tis the lightbulb went out
The sanctuary's gone dim
Mine vitality ****** from under me
Hell grabbed be in its abyss;

The burning is underneath me
Henceforth burning mine lashes
Mine screaming canst not be heard
Mine liquid fired to Ashes....

Mine bulbed lenses
Singe inside mine sockets
Buck naked for all to see
No shirt, sleeves , nor pocket's.....

Just agony of death,
Clinching it's underworld teeth
Until I saw an entity
Put the life back into me....

This same lass bypassed
The portway to anubis
She hadst taken broken bone and glass
Just to deliver me from Satan's whip....

She tooketh me from crevasse gulf
She granted me just one wish
I wished I couldst serveth her the rest of mine day's
And from her to get one kiss....

She saidst thy wish shalt be granted
And she pecked me on mine cheek
Leaving angelic dust Mark's
As tis mine legs went weak....

Mine health returned to me
One hundred fold in a flash,
She crossed the lines of hell
Just so mine life couldst last....

So now I go
Unto her throne,
And sing for her as her muse
And when she's down,
I cometh around,
And play her romance tunes......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa  Angelica dedication
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
I went down Dixie highway
Wherein it crosses River Road
I saw a jeep up ahead
Flashing its lights through mine ghost

I walked around the old greenhouse
Now turned into salon
Than I walked up to the miny mart
Just beyond the yonder trod

I bought mine last cigarettes
A pack of Marlboro reds
I knew than at that moment.......

This carcass shalt soon
be dead!!!!

This feelings hit me once again
I knoweth gods ready for me to come home
I'm not meant to be any slave to man
I was a seraphim of old

So bury me in with the saints
White roses please do leaveth on mine grave
I think today's the last day
Thou shalt see me on this page

I'm tasting iron blood again
I feeleth it in mine lungs
Maby its just tooth decay
Yet I tell thee I'm not dumb!!!

So remember me
And let me be
As tis I say goodbye
No questions to be asked
So please don't wonder why!!!

I was sent here
By thy creator to teacheth thou
I've been through hell and back
I think I'll see it again somehow

But God shalt renew me
Now it's time for me to leave
I've given up the spirit now
Now Satan leaveth me be

Put daisies in mine earsides
Put a white piano in the funeral room
Bury me with all mine poetry
Yet I'll leaveth one for thou too!!!

The one that I'll leaveth thee
Shalt be a scripture of love
Always forgiveth mine friend
No hate,
Remember thy God above!!!!
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