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 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

                                                I hold your hand tight,

    And let you soar with me,

                                    Into the lofty skies,

                                                         ­ Spending time together,

                                                      ­                           Under the illumination,

                            Of the romantic moon and stars,

          Throwing all worries and sighs of life,

                                                     And leaving the world behind,

'Cause just being there by your side,

                                           Is already my everything.

                                  We ascend higher,

Above the clouds and played into the paradise of our love,

                    Our laughs echoed into our world,

                A world were only you and me existed,

                           A world of peace and love,

                                 A world of our own,

                        A world with no distractions,

                                               ­                                   Just you and me,

                             A perfect world more than we can imagine.

                                                 ­                                            We dance along,

                                                         ­                 Into the rhythm of our love,

                                                          ­       We sing along,

                                                       The music of our hearts,

                                                        ­                                      We shout along,

                  The happiness that just freed it's cage,

                                 We just praise God,

                                                        ­                  That it's just you and me,


                        Those love and promises that we enunciate,

Gives us more strength,

      To keep a firmer grip,

                And hold unto each other,

                           But holding hands isn't just enough!

                                                 And so we enfold each other,

                                      Into the arms that assured the security of our love,

With the ablazing endearment,

         That gives us warmth,

                                                        ­  Gives us hope,

               That gives us life,

                                                          ­  And that lift us higher and higher,

                     Into the periphery of our bona fide love.

                                Having nothing in my life but you,

                                     Is already more than enough...

                                                  ­                                 © Earl Jane
                                                            ­                         ♥ E.J.C.S.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Her roots stretcheth back
To tribal times;
As tis she is a tribal girl
Wild, raw, ****, tropical,
Her wild eye's like a panther's at night
Turneth me on;
As tis I seeith the primal nature of them
Pierce right through mine soul....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I fell into her amare web
As tis mine heart was trapped;
Mine soul was in elevation
As tis her web of amour
Made mine heart clap......

And whilst in her web
She layed on me Asian potion;
She cuddled me, and gripped me
With her skin as a lotion
As tis  she's mine sweet devotion ..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

In stormy sea's, And in the breeze, Wherein caliginosity doth hide
Behold mine morning glory, for thou art part of mine ****'s;
Whence death I hath came from, in the charnel house I laid
I was shackled in all debacle, lost, seeking, lonesome, in mine age.


Thou hath disenthralled me, and hath taken me to thine hip's
Thine craft was shiny, seraphic blinding, I floated onto thy ship;
Hovered I didst, as if a nasa takeoff to thy outter layered space
Thou hath sweetened me, with Asian tea, and put honey to taste.


Albeit I was just a campesino, with nothing to giveth mine dove
She soared me. Explored me, ourn kisses brought tear's of love;
Avouched me she hath done, she took mine side against the crowd, she hushes me with all compassion, her tiera Asiatic loud.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

When I say I love you,

                                                        ­ I mean it all....

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

You are the king,

That catches his queen,

When she fall,

Encourages and inspires her,

When she's dejected,

Pick and carry her,

When she stumble down,

Wipe her tears,

When she cry,

Comforts her,

When she feels unworthy to be loved,

Sings for her,

When she's lonesome,

And will give her all pure love and loyalty,

That the king could ever ever give,

More than the queen could ever ever imagine.

The queen will be just the happiest,

And will give the king,

All the love he needed,

All the care,

All the attention he needed,

All the time,

All the effort,

All true loyalty,

She will give everything just for her king...

                              'Cause that's what love is right?

The queen will just give him the best thing,

The unconditional and unfeigned love.

                   © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

Distance does matter,

                        When it comes to worldly relationships.

                                    But it doesn't matter at all,

                                  When it is a God-centered one.

As long as you connect each other to God,

                                  Then He will concatenate and secure,

                    Your hearts and souls together,

And He will surely,

          Give you miracles,

                      That'll show and prove you,

                                                       ­                    How He will find a way,

That you both will be together.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Her cotton swab bolster
Marinateth her midnight sweat's;
She titter's thus from woe
Though I seeith when her heart burst showeth.
Dejection corset.


Epistle's art stacked up in her thought's
Of what she should writeth tommorrow;
Grief stricken, by none restful sleeping
Awaking for school,
Another day bottled.


Her way's art of God
He's her truest guidance;
She giveth truth
Sweetful tooth
A fruit of whom I shalt liveth.


Death she's tasted, as Dom Pérignon
Her word's, as the wine she speaketh;
Her back hurt's, her love's at work
She telleth star's, from whence their birthed
As tis she's a faraway light as well.


She's seen Gehenna, she's been trapped in cell's
She's seen misery, and heaven and hell
Though when I'm close, she heareth Bell's
She raiseth a toast, when I'm in her realm
A queen, a rose, a bud bloomed, sadly, she wanders her room.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
© あある じぇえん
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Like an archangel
She taketh mine soul;
All the way up to heaven...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Enthroned she is
Upon her seat of tear's;
Aloft so high
Her feather's flyeth
I shalt unfluster
All her fear's.


We shant get old
Ourn young fashioned soul's;
To pirouette ourn secluded abode
And in this land of gold
Ourn solid mold
To fit into amour' letter's.


Nevi'im of the time's
Prescient of mind's;
Mine arm's shalt wrappeth thee
On plain's arrived
And when thou cryeth
I'll remindeth thee, thou art mine.


Stroketh mine hair
I'll pulleth thine own slowly;
Thou feeleth alone
Though with me and God, thou art not lonely.
We'll March, and be showy, showing all of us
We'll be the dream, other's seeketh, though canst not find....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Nevi'im means in old Hebrew tongue, Prophets
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Poor in material's
Yet enriched by eachother;
She's mine napakaganda girl.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
© あある じぇえん/reyna
napakaganda- means stunning in Filipino .
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Eastern surveyor's
Dancing across mine face,
Her pucker's move
In Tagalog groove;
Heaven at mine bedside
She awaiteth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

I'm stuck inside her panaginip lip's, she's ****** me all in
She cast a spell, of amour' swell, chain's of cabochon to her hips;
Oh mine giliw, thine finger's art sweated, locking mine own
We'll treck thine mountain's, and rule the slopes, then back home


We shalt Kench the white puffies, floating above ourn observation, making elephant's and giraffe's with touched finger,
Two strange unknown attainer's, strapped with starry wit
We shalt never forget another, always to be closer as lovers, bliss


As Beowulf, I shalt slayeth the dragon's, and pain-seekers of hate
For plentiness shalt be by bucket's, as gold dust falls as ourn date;
An Iniibig kita from thou, a Lagi kitang iniisip from mineself
An Gusto kitang tawagan from thou when I'm gone, Pahalik!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Pilipino rosas/ あある じぇえん
panaginip- means a dream in Filipino
cabochon is a polished gem but not held down.
giliw- is darling and other words like it in Filipino
Iniibig kita means I love you In filipino
Lagi kitang iniisip means I always think of you in Filipino.....
Gusto kitang tawagan means I want to call you in Filipino...
Pahalik means let me have a kiss..
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