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 Feb 2017
bring no sad song here or near
our haven darling
no cold winds
just the silken folds
the smile I first saw those lips
the woven truths of love's first bliss
blushing through
the first soft kiss
of lips
on mine
 Feb 2017
love is
no Where

love is
noW here
 Feb 2017
sensual is the casual touch of life's playground
the back of a hand on a thigh
a lip on an earlobe
an eye to eye rush
a cry sounded out
from blue seascapes to misty  mountains
from the tops of trees to the burrows of furry things
night and day onward rushes
with sensuality
touch soft and hardnesses in the dark
frittered forces familiar
to every two four eight legged
bipedal and quadri and non
it gives birth to life
 Feb 2017
Jonathan Witte
You already have my heart.
And though I’m not dapper

enough to wear one, my body
is yours at the drop of a hat.

My mind, too, belongs to you:
before you even read them,

these lines are yours to open.
Slide a finger beneath the seam;

undo me with a concupiscent flick.
Spill me onto the bed. Take me in.

You’ve read me before.
Tonight, read me closer.
 Feb 2017
Sally A Bayan
I wish i were a weapon======
Given a choice
I'd surely be a harmless bow and arrow ===>>>
But a surefire those of Cupid's ===>>>
When released==>>>and aimed==>>> towards your body
My feelings ===>>> my energies ===>>>
Shall ride with its trajectory=====>>>>>
To be implanted in your body
Like a micro chip, buried inside your flesh...
Inconspicuous, as a coin on the ground...lost in  
A mesh...or the bullet of a magical laser gun,
No pain, ===
Targeted towards your heart <3
My smile
Would be resting deep inside,
................occupying space claim your love
Deprive me not of your precious love,
I aim not, to deprive you of your precious life,
I mean to enhance our lives, for our hearts, to jibe<3
              <3 <3 <3


Copyright February 11, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Love poem #6...
...very foolish...teenager-ish..funny....almost silly, or stupid...just like how we behave, when in love...<3
 Feb 2017
to be myself that funny feeling
within the crying baby what do you
think of me in this
crying sobbing
supposed to be strong
the willing dreams the night
how do you feel to
see me vulnerable
and weak
I play the G-string
on my guitar make it sing
and cry        for  you  only
i liked it better
when love was a lovely rose
not a prickly thorn
when you carried soft eyes for me
and not a heart of stone
 Jan 2017
Tanisha Jackland
I am lost
in the tide
of you.
The ebb and flow
of you,
will be
the death
of me, yet.
 Jan 2017
You send the rain
and the Earth drinks.

But our thirst for love
you quench with fire.
 Jan 2017
phil roberts
Walking in the cold rain
Alone and
Going nowhere
Just hiding tears in raindrops

Always dreaming of being lost
Lost and then
The endless fall
The gasping awakening

But always the rain will end
And sunrise
Put an end
To the cruelty of night

And life will begin in warmth
And hope
Blossoms into
The sweetest softest petals

                                           By Phil Roberts
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