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 Jul 2015
brandon nagley

This temple is broken, lonesome, and old
It's leaving this place, the world's not meant for Good soul's;
Whilst good soul's art meant, for heaven not purgatory nor hell
No longer shalt I be trapped, or treated like some beast in his cell.


I've seen prison before, and I dealt with that iron bar hand
The structure, the flames, the brute animals, and the pain;
They biteth til thou bleedeth, again and again, wings to expand
Expansional shift, I'll taketh mine flying arm's and I shalt uplift.


Leaving suddenly, as they do sayeth, for only the good do die young, I shalt breatheth more easily, none more hatred, for the amour of the light I'm going to, I shalt succumb, mine senses wilt be ten fold the more than planet destruction earth, rebirthed.


None more seeing war on the television screens, none more untruthful words, for others to bringeth me, none more reptillian like Creation's to killeth mine dream's, none more scream's, none more for those to breaketh me, a serene scene, of alien planet's.


None more hopeless romance, for I shalt haveth all the hope given, none more having to write on paper, mine soul shalt write by the dust trail's so splended, to be the cherub's inspiration, as cheribum shalt listen to me sing on set, this place for me to forget.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
The month of April
Or of May

It's just another month
In this computer program

Just another day

I'll hit ***** on the golf course
Yes I like to be alone

Some people have a bunch of money

But they will die just the same
They can't take money with them
In life this stupid game

And most people
Struggle to have enough food
Which is a shame

And maybe I don't want
To be a part
Or a player in this game

So I hit ***** on the golf course
Because I like to be alone

Why did my good friend
Not call me back

I guess he doesn't care
I guess I don't care either
And won't bother him anymore

Living on planet earth
Where everything is a chore

Dragging around this body
From here to there

I enjoy fishing on lakes
Without a care

I remember when I caught
A small mouth bass

I ate it and it tasted yum
A yummy little bass
As it digested in my tum

And this rock ball it spins
Around the sun

And you can't really ever
Have a gf

When you are dull and not that fun
And I just want to be a ******
Forever alone

And I do like writing
Writing these poems

As I sit in my suburban home

Life is some type of saga

Or some type of dream
And yes I do *******
In front of the computer

And no it's not a big deal
I'm just writing about my life
And what is real

And everyone is my neighborhood
Has a fancy car
And loves their self
And maybe most
Are just concerned with wealth

Life is so easy
When you have a paycheck

Maybe I'm not concerned with money

I'll just go sit on park lawns
And be a total bore

Sometimes it seems
As though life is just a chore

And people never stop
Making fun of Jesus
Yes it happens everyday

But this is nothing new
Christians have always been
Persecuted in some way

And our government created ISIS
And Iraq is out of control

They over took
The Shiite minority
And our running wild

And here in America
There is no future for the child

Darpa creating more
Killer robots
In the name of
Technological progress

But I don't think it's okay
I think their technology
Will be used in the wrong way

And a big drought
In California
Makes me want to shout
 Jul 2015
Sam Stone Grenier
and this is what
my door is shut
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley

I shalt consecrate one as mine empress
As she sitteth high up upon her throne;
She shalt be the ruler of mine dominion
An abode aloft the Earthling's decor below.


I shalt put upon her eminence gracefully
A castle tiera upon her frowning head;
Wherein when one's shalt tryeth to hurt her
I'll giveth mine life, to protecteth mine wife's bed.


And we shalt wander on the streamside
Whilst ourn harp-player's strum for us in ourn court;
Sipping on wine, of amare divine
Ourn spirit's and finger's, locked with none remorse.


Though tis this is all just an illusion
Hoping for one day, mine empress to awaketh from her sleep;
Wherein wherever she shalt be, I cant findeth her
I thinkest I am dead, Maby asleep?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley

This is for thou both miss Vicki, and miss Beth Stclair, true poet's
Miss Beth StClair, thy sonnet style, brings back the old smile I see;
Miss Vicki, writing of love so quickly, so beautifully inspiring
Miss beth, thy word's got me flying I'll buyeth thy book real soon.


Miss Vicki, thou art an old soul made of gold, a home amongst homes, as thou liveth in mine state, miss beth, I'd seeith thee if I go to England, amongst the Beatle street's we'll speaketh of ourn living's, and reciteth sonnet's of Shakespearian knowledge.


Miss Vicki, thy jargon is wrapped like a bouquet, glazed with honey, thine words art displayed, people in this world like Thee I do prayeth, that thine life wilt be joyful, and harmonious in thy tommorrow, beth, I feeleth thine wild's, as the sixties thou hadst.


Beth StClair, if it was back in the day, we'd be wonderful friend's, thou wouldst hath watched me on a stage, singing poetic thunder, miss Vicki, when thou feeleth down and under, continue to write thy creator in thy works, and I promise thou both, thou both hath

A friend in me......

©Brandon nagley
©Miss Vicki/miss Beth StClair dedication for both of you (:::::
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A dedication to to amazing poets who inspire me
Miss Vicki and miss Beth StClair (::: love ya both
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
This goes for all
And anyone,
Before calling one a troll
Get physical evidence first
Because paranoid thinking and backbiting
Doesn't do anyone any good
Get facts .....
Stop being paranoid
And stop trying to point the finger
Only pointing back at you...
This goes for all
Not one person..
As so many sit behind like cowards behind a computer screen
And call one out to be trolls
Outta what? Assumption? Thy own misery? No physical proof?
Lol wake up... No physical proof is like the judges in America who put people in death row outta assumption and wanting a conviction with no blood evidence. Then the quote killer gets released because he didint ****** fifty years later so sad Makes none sense to me lol lets stop the hatred of this place and start loving another.  The end

Ps- don't hate noone love all being's but when others get crucifixed by the dozen. Then people need to speak up!!!! As Bob Marley said that best.. Get up stand up.. Stand up for your rights? Get up stand up and don't give up the fight... We can't back down that is coward way.we must forgive and love and forget others pains they strike us with! But never back down..  As the world does from fear.. It's like all when the Nazis killed jewish innocents back in the old day, and the German innocent people that weren't Nazis sat by and watched this nonsense... We gotta stand up for another when we see hatred!!!! Spread peace til others get sick!!!

As mine friend Gary L on here has facts who some of the trolls are . he's done research lol unlike me.. But good to have physical facts from our own internet... Lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
I  seeketh one to NOT loveth me out of their lonesomeness
Tis I get lonesome to, but;
I seeketh one to loveth me for me, and me, her for her,
A love so true....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is truth so many just love others or say that word ( I love you) because they are lonesome which I understand that I get lonesome to.. But I seek one to not love me outta their own loneliness, *** that's not love.  That's filling a gap in ones soul.. I don't wanna be a gap filler for noone.. I want to find one to love and appreciate me (:::
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Anyone canst be some famous rich man,
Though canst thou be a charitable poor man?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
Clifford Smith
The color of my skin
The roots of my hair
The roar of my voice
The power of my walk
The loose fit of my denim
The length of my shirt
The look in my eyes
The art on my body
The crimes I committed
The time I served
The way I think
The way I act
The jewelry I wear
The cars I drive
The down talk on me
The way I am judged
The times I was wrong
The times I was right
The mistakes I made
The path I chose
I was not a slave
But I know of slavery
The struggles I faced
The meals I missed
A high school drop out
And a street life mentality
I'm not a racist
But I am a survivor
I maybe ashamed of what I've done
But I am not ashamed of who I am
This is not to be racist.  I'm describing myself and who I am. I hope this doesn't offend anyone.
 Jul 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
When the inflated crunching sky turns into the black hole, one by one the expected stars slowly falling on the horizon, sudden deep dark clouds cover the silky face of moon, or the earth takes the full moon.

Long, long shadows darken the meadows, southern wind can’t open your closed window at all, standing along on the curve of a road, a sigh to fly in the wind, roaming heart finding a home.

See the mystic form of the known objects, distant standing old banyan tree suppose to feel a lonely friend of mine, a friend of rootless time, when silly, bogus thoughts engulfed me, want to break up but change does not cry out.

Melancholy beauty in the dark, floating with the imagine gulls in the sky, draw the red sun on the canvas of dark sky within the wings of dream, again see you are playing with the seven colors across my unfinished sky.
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Jul 2015
Liz And Lilacs
I'm sorry.
It hurts when you treat me like this.
I was wrong.
Will you wait for me?
I love you.
I'm afraid.
It's lonely.
I can't do this anymore.
You're so beautiful.
*I miss you.
I hope that one day, we can overcome our fears of speaking our minds.
 Jul 2015
Natalia mushara
Ridin or dying
Dis chickie is flying
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