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 Apr 2015
Maybe you’re just terrified that the distance will take over the already empty spaces between your words. Then again, how close are they now? Should’ve never said them in the first place. You kept infixing the wrong meanings into the almost right words and that’s how you ended up here, talking to yourself. Do they mean the same to her as they do to you? How would I know? More like “what would they mean if they didn’t mean anything to you?” Whatever that is, is exactly what they would mean to her. I hate how you always make sense to me yet I’m the one who’s called crazy when I tell people the same stuff that you tell me. Wait, are you crazy? We’ve had that conversation already. Maybe it’s because you don’t say it the way I do. Or they don’t hear it the way YOU do. Remember how you “INFIXX” the wrong meanings into the almost right words? Why would you “INFIXX” my infix? I like that word. No, it’s not a made up word. And I agree. But language is overrated. Everything we’ve ever read is just a different combination of the same twenty-six letters. Wait, why do you always do this? We were talking about her. Let’s talk about her. I like talking about her. Why are you even writing this down? I’m about to post it on the internet. Hellopoetry? This is not even a poem. You could’ve paragraphised it at least. Is that a made up word? ...yes.
Her at the edge of mindlessness
Yet he is the one who keeps me sane.
Live this life to the fullest not worldly fullest
Live to aid others, live to love others as well.
Do not give up in this life, but allow the Holy Spirit.
To lead you through life, stand firm and trust God.
Live life overcome all the obstacles before you here.
For through the Holy Spirit you have the power needed.
To do great things through Christ our Savior God.
For we are Spiritual Super-heroes through Christ Jesus.
For we were not put here to fight the super villains'.
But to love them into repentances for love is our superpower.
 Apr 2015
Ive never slept so well
before going to sleep
thinking of you

and I guess this
is what Love
feels like

your hoodie
my time
and our lips


and I don't miss
my time
because I know

its safe in your care
just as I am
and you in mine

and I want to
wake up beside

and sleep
with you
 Mar 2015
Beebz The Queen
Baby I don't know why I told you I was done
Why I said I didn't want to speak again
The truth is, I want you with me always
Because I trusted you enough to let you in
I let you in who I was and who I wished to be
I let you in my heart, in my head, in my pants
I thought the more I let you in there'd be hope
That maybe you'd finally give "us" a chance
You used to hold me so carefully like I'd break
Which made me certain I could never be strong
So I clung to you like I hoped you cling to me
But I never knew that I could be so wrong
My heart is literally aching, and throbbing
My mind is trying to erase you from me
Your hands, your lips, that smile, those eyes
It's soon to be gone, maybe then I'll be free
But I know freedom cannot be reached
Because still these chains hold me back
I'm bound to you because I loved you
This bond will make my heart crack.

For so long I had no words to write
And it made me mad, down to my core
I never thought I'd write of you and me
And practically admit to being a *****
But here I am always writing it out
And somewhere maybe you'll read this and cry
Because you'll know you've ruined me
With every promise, every kiss, every lie
I made you promises and I kept them all
And I would willingly run back into your arms
I'd hold you tight and cry all night
If you promised to sheild me from all harm
I know this poem is too ******* long
It's hurting me to write it all out honestly
I want him to see this though and feel bad
I want him to finally cry over how he hurt me.
 Mar 2015
Jack R Fehlmann
his is my conception flawed
most Patina proned
the imperfects,
at its surface
life's reasons
of this
        creation and eternal question
the layers meaningless therein
the death of sunlight
setting perfected
another day
to feed tomorrows imagination
         displayed in each rotten liars face
covered over some past
smothering and building above
and fragrant dreams
should fuel brashness misdirected
purpose that
             for all it is
be it found to be lacking
                 it bears the knowledge gap
famed no known muse
or compostion worthy
notedly proportional whites and
other shades, emotionless
the sediment settles
to touch the muddy surface
consideringly well intended
another day,
         another to shine
less than
        and those
that demand
a concept placed uncertain
determined and truthfully in the rught
hopefully atleast as to face
forced gazes
                              a reflection
my face
looks back
            upon one

blah..  don't now what the hell my thoughts had in mnd here,..  oh well...
 Feb 2015
Hands tied
Blind folded
And in pain
He sat there
As she explained
Explained to him
The rules of the game

“Every day I’ll cut off one of your fingers,
And you’ll count back
From one thousand by sevens.”

Going through her drawer
Of clampers and tweezers and scissors
She said
“Now let us, rehearse?”

She took out one of her knives
And oh so calmly
Chopped off one of his fingers
Asked “What’s one thousand minus seven?”
He couldn’t hear her over his own scream
She asked again
“What’s one thousand minus seven?”

“Nine hundred…nine hundred and ninety three.”
“Good! It isn’t that hard you see?
Now I’ll be back tomorrow
Oh, and this is just an experiment
In ten days, we’ll see what you become.”

He sat there crying in agony
Wishing tomorrow never comes

But it did, and he counted
“Nine hundred eighty six.”
“Do you know why I’m making you count?
It’s a trick.
I’ll tell you about it in the end.
Don’t bother trying to figure it out, you won’t.
So just keep counting till then.”

Days went by
And he was counting
“Nine seventy nine.” “Nine seventy two.”
As he was screaming and shouting
He lost all hope of freedom
At “Nine sixty five.”
Now the only freedom for him, was to die.

After ten long days
He finally knew what it was about
At “Nine hundred and thirty.”
She finally let it out
Unashamed as she explained
*“You see?”
It was all just to keep you sane."
 Feb 2015
Hot coffee
Cigarette buts
Sugar cubes
Plastic cups
Lay there
Beside us

As - I got high on her lips
She - ran her fingers through my hair
Left - me more alive than ever.

We were breathing
As slow as we could
Hoping to slow
Time down with us
Hoping to be
There forever

As - long as we stayed
She - forgot about the world
Left - *me more loved than ever.
 Feb 2015
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Don't let sorrow pull away from the ones that love you most,
Like me,
Not more than me,
Than who could it be,
Want you to be in my life,
Not just a memory,
As beautiful as sweet melodies,
And peonies,
I'm just trying to be the one,
For you to be my queen,
And for you to one day marry me,
We could be such a team,

And maybe thats why I tell myself,
Not to catch any feelings,
I'd be your friend to the end if you let me,
I care for you,
Even in your darkest hour,
A place where everything is limited,
Turn from sweet to sour,
Got a thousand reasons why I love you,
I just care for you,
When I talk to you,
I sweat,
Its not something you'd regret,
Make promises that are kept,
And future references,
I suggest,
I've always predicted what would happen when it happened,
But I just wanna know if you'd let me do my best,
For my best friend :)❤❤
 Feb 2015
Emily Dickinson

The words the happy say
Are paltry melody
But those the silent feel
Are beautiful—
 Feb 2015
you're blood
but i feel like our love
has turned into lost water

we don't talk as much
but today we did
i got you for a whole hour

your face upon my screen
i don't think i realized how much i have missed you
i didn't realize how much i missed our laughs
until you had to go
and my throat swelled
my eyes watered
choked up a goodbye

screen shut
and the tears wouldn't stop coming
hands shaking
how could i let you slip away
you were supposed to visit in March, but pushed back to April. And I miss you so much.
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