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 Oct 2016
devante moore
You're my missing piece
She constantly repeats
Taking a handful of my shirt
And plants her firm lips against my cheek
Her lipstick
Leave a stain on my skin
Wherever you are
Thats where I want to be
Sometimes it's still hard to believe
That I could be that finishing piece you need
And even though things are great
Something's are never what they seem
 Oct 2016
devante moore
We've long stopped fighting with our words
Now we use fist
Here take this...
An uppercut to your ribs
I can feel your bones shattering against my bare knuckles
It hurts doesn't it
That's how it feels when you tell fibs
And lies
But you won't quit
In mid speech
You jab me in the bridge of my nose
Right between the eyes
We go blow for blow
To stubborn to stop
And your swings don't slow
I don't want to hurt you
But you never hold back
Yelling and screaming
Sinking you nails into my back
But I always retaliate
Slamming my forearm into your gut
You drop to you knees
Struggling to breath
Now you know how it feels
To struggle with trust
 Oct 2016
Scarlet Niamh
You are falling down a rabbit hole of
hatred for yourself, and I hate you for
it. I hate the part of your mind that turns
you against yourself, for you don't deserve
it. I am at the bottom with you, for
every pace upwards I will be there
to push you, but I fear that I will not
be strong enough to keep you upright for
the time it takes you to return to your
strength. I grow weak, and you sap my strength from
me unknowingly as I become increasingly
tired and lose the will to live, drained by
the parasite within that will not let
me truly connect. Can't you see that I
am bound by the black sludge around my tongue
which coats my words and keeps me locked inside?
I fear that I cannot help you, for I
am nothing except the waiting -
waiting for my time to die.
~~ They were right, you can't rely on me. I am too broken to bring you back together. ~~
 Oct 2016
I woke up drunk into the afternoon, heard the earths heart beat, listened to it swoon. Thought it a fool, for falling for the moon. But here I am, loving you.
 Oct 2016
devante moore
You make me want to slit my wrist
Cut off my limbs
Use them as bait
And fish
But right after I jump off a cliff
Trying to embrace the sky
Hoping it will catch me as I pretend to fly

You make me want to down a bottle of NyQuil
Oh how I love its taste
Lay in bed waiting for the affect to take place
Fighting the sleep
As it creep through my system
Like a spider inching in the shadows
Trying to stay out the light

But I don't want to go peacefully
I want it to end painfully
You make me want to jump into a lions cage
Poke it with a stick until it goes into a blind rage
Cut my palms
And slap it in the face
So it can get a taste
Of the blood drizzling out my hand
Like a leaky faucet

Sometimes you make me wanna **** myself
 Sep 2016
devante moore
Drip drip
Was all I could hear
From the faucet
Coming from downstairs
The noise like poison
It echoed off the walls
Down the halls
And leaped into my ears
Under the bed I laid stale with fear
Drowning in a pool of tears
Drip drip
Was all I could hear
As it pierced through the silent air
No longer muted by the sound of her screams
Or the sound of the ax
Being whipped through the atmosphere
While it hacked
I heard bones crack
Skin split
Muscles tear
As they were attacked  
Drip drip
Was all I could hear
The smell of blood was so loud
It lingered over my head like a cloud
As I remained hidden
Until your footsteps
Finally went away
 Sep 2016
Michael Humbert
Sunsets seemed to try harder when we were both watching
 Sep 2016
devante moore
Here I sit
At the edge of this Cliff
In my four door ford
Foot on the clutch
And hand on the shift
Cries muffled by the engine noise
Yelling at the sky
Asking God to open up the heavens
And let me in
I'm tired of drinking from the cup of sin
Haunted by what she did
Hell Is what you put me through
And my thoughts drag my down deeper
Just thinking what you might do
But it's all to much
And I can't let it all go
It plays in my head
Again and Again
I can't take it
It's time to let go
And that's what I came here to do
Pressing on the clutch
Shifting into gear
And letting go of the wheel
Letting the truck control the steer
Closer and closer
I can see where the cliff ends
There's no turning back now
I can feel gravity fighting back
But it's too late as I go tumbling over the ledge
 Sep 2016
devante moore
Have I ever cheated nope
But fighting these temptations
Have left me feeling depleted
And the sin of wanting another's skin against mine
Pulls and tears at my flesh
Trying to rip it apart
I guess I still have some resentment of you  in my heart
And the thought of you doing me *****
Makes me think that cheating might be worth it
But that would make me just like you
And I don't want to make that statement that every man is unfaithful true
So I'll stay down
And continue you hang around
But don't you ever forget that I'm perceptive
And I think all girls are deceptive
Have I ever cheated
Not on any girl or you
And I don't plan too
 Sep 2016
devante moore
Now you then ****** up
Confessed your love
To avoid a break up
What happens when she realize
What you said might not be true
I thought you wanted to be free
What the heck is wrong with you
You were wishing to be single
So we could go out an mingle
But instead you renew the relationship that was annoying you
You ******* up
Why didn't you let it die
You were almost there
But you panic
And In your frantic state
You made a huge mistake
Note to self
Next time think
And don't forget
That I'm in this relationship too
 Aug 2016
devante moore
Another morning
Without you
As the sun rise
The feelings I had inside
When I slept
They melt in the early rays
And eventually die
Good morning
I'm not sorry you weren't here when I awake
Even in my dreams
My thoughts of you are full of hate
It's to late
For your speeches of change
And how without me you'll feel pained
You try to love me back to sleep
So you can creep into my bed
Hoping the way you feel
Can sneak into my head
Good morning
It's another day without you
We will never see that sunrise
Whenever I think of you
Night paints over the sky
An I watch as the sun die quietly
 Aug 2016
devante moore
**** her
She never treated you
How she was suppose to
Her eyes told the truth
But her mouth full of lies
And they poured off it
Like water off a mountain side
You can always find another
She wasn't worth the trouble
She was the ***** puddle
That came after the rain
That you accidentally stepped in
Soaked your shoes
Even though it took some time
You finally shook the water loose
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