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284 · Jun 2020
is this ironic?
chloe Jun 2020
It seems I can only write about love.
Which is weird because I am completely alone.
There is no one in the world who I want to hug
And not a single person, place, or thing I can call home.

Maybe it's that I am writing for someone else?
A stranger who needs to read loving words.
I think I write for everyone but myself.
I can’t pretend that being this lonely doesn’t hurt.

I think this is irony, but I am not sure.
My life feels pitiful and stupid.
There is not much more I can endure.
Perhaps love is just not something for which I am suited.

Alas, I will continue to write.
Because it is the only thing I can do.
My silly little poems give me life.
Even though reading my beautiful words make me blue.
265 · May 2020
chloe May 2020
"I love poetry",
                        I say
                                 as I sit
                                                       in my bed.
                                         what these words
                         do to me.
The feelings
                     that I get
                                      in my body
                                                     and my head.
265 · Apr 2020
chloe Apr 2020
unable to sleep and staring at the wall
questioning all that i did wrong during the day
maybe i should get up and pace the hall?
but i can't seem to rise from bed upon which i lay
i long to close my eyes and drift off
into a dreamscape that is happier than my life
254 · Jun 2020
what I long for
chloe Jun 2020
I want you to hold my hand
While we sit in the corner booth—
letting the world pass us by.

I hope you will be my safe place to land,
The shining light of my youth
The other wing that helps me fly.

I want to touch your skin—all warm and tanned
While we sip martinis of gin and vermouth
My head on your chest and your hand on my thigh.
246 · Jan 2019
Wine on a Monday
chloe Jan 2019
All it takes is one sip.
The flavor from that eleven dollar bottle,
One taste of that pink liquid going over my lip.

It centers me in a way that I wish it didn't.
"I need this," is all I can say
because it's noon on a Monday.
237 · Mar 2019
chloe Mar 2019
why do people say a soulmate is the other half of you?
I am already an entire person.
Maybe there is someone that will make me a better one,
but I am already whole,
bruised but not broken.
236 · Apr 2019
chloe Apr 2019
maybe I'm amazed
                     maybe I'm afraid
                                        maybe I'm a monster
                                                                ­maybe I'm crazy
                                                           ­                          maybe I'll be okay
175 · Oct 2018
chloe Oct 2018
I don't think I have a home anymore.
There is not a place where I belong.
Not one place where I can just walk in the door.
But, it's okay,
I will be strong.
One day,
I will find a new home.
174 · May 2020
chloe May 2020
i don't think he loves me.
that is such a strong word.
but this man is a complete stranger
yet he could tell me every single fact about myself.

it's just my physical qualities that he sees.
thinking this is more would just be absurd.
i cannot imagine myself in any danger
of falling in love
this is about Pride and Prejudice
170 · Jul 2019
chloe Jul 2019
I'm all alone.
Sitting in the dark
Wondering what I did to deserve this.
All I do lately is cry and sweat and wonder when it'll end.
Please don't leave me with my thoughts
My head scares me.
Please, fix me.
169 · Apr 2020
chloe Apr 2020
i want to fall in love before i die
i want this so badly that sometimes i cry
someone to share my cheap red wine
someone who is mine and only mine
167 · Jul 2020
December 2019
chloe Jul 2020
I knew what it was before I picked up the phone.
But hearing my sister say, "I'm so sorry but mom is dead."
Hit me like a train, stopped me in my tracks, made me feel so alone.
For hours afterward, my sister's words bounced in my head.
The rest of the day was spent pacing around the living room.
Pacing, and screaming at the top of my lungs,
were the only things I could think of to do.
How could she be gone? Mom was so young.                            

I barely remember the days that followed.
Hugging my sisters, seeing the body, sorting her stuff.
Laying upon the couch as I wailed and wallowed.
Losing mom broke me because I always saw myself as tough.

Sometimes I forget that it's been more than half a year
I scarcely speak about the most important person in my life.
If I pretend nothing happened, I can imagine she's still here.
I need to do better, keep on living, but the pain is still rife.

I miss her every single day.
The woman who raised me.
There is so much more I need to say.
But I still need to give me time to grieve.
165 · Sep 2018
chloe Sep 2018
I smile,
                               and dance.
                 deep down
                                                                                                              I'm sad.
163 · Feb 2019
chloe Feb 2019
these days all I do is cry
even when I want to be happy.
all I have ever wanted is to feel okay.
right now, I sit in bed and they roll down my face.
save me from my tears.
158 · Oct 2018
chloe Oct 2018
Some days I can't do anything
I can't get out of bed or talk or do anything.
Today is not one of those days,
today is a good day, and soon
all days will be like this.
139 · May 2020
chloe May 2020
I keep watching the same movies and shows.
witnessing the same stories day after day.
I like this because I know how everything goes.
calmness washes over me as I recite what the characters say.

my tired soul cannot stand anymore change.
so exhausted, I feel as though I am fading away.
while I know this habit of mine is strange,
nothing feels better than watching familiar credits after I press play.
138 · Jun 2020
chloe Jun 2020
Will is sick.
he told me and I didn't say anything.
I feel like such a ****.
but he was so full of life and healthy this spring.

I want to help him.
make sure he knows he's loved.
nothing about him was ever this grim.
Will is amazing and so beloved.

Will is sick.
Stage IIB Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
His whole life is in front of him.
Such a wonderful young man.

Will is sick,
and I just want to save him.
116 · Sep 2019
chloe Sep 2019
That July I was broken and alone.
Most days I could barely get out of bed.
Days spent crying in a place that I couldn’t call home.
Hours passed as tears streamed down my cheeks and my eyes turned red.
Weeks of me being unable to do much of anything.
Just sitting in bed waiting for myself to decide it was the end.
Hoping and praying that soon I would hear those angels sing.
But, in the words of Taylor Swift, “It’s Nice to Have a Friend”.

I doubt I left much impact on him,
And we’ll never see each other again
But our meeting changed it all for me as my days no longer grim.
And now I think of him as I sit at my desk twirling my pen.
How he was a face smiling back at me when all I wanted to do was plunge the knife.
Someone who pulled me from a ledge he did not even know I was standing on.
I am grateful for that random Thursday when he walked into my life
Because he made me happy and want to see the next day dawn.

Finally, I can put into words how he saved me.
He didn’t even know what he was doing.
This sweet boy was just being friendly.
But he came into my life just before my undoing.
And I can’t even remember where he went.
It doesn’t matter.
All I know is that he saved my life.
Thank you, D.
                                                                ­       For everything.
113 · Feb 2020
chloe Feb 2020
how do I say,
how I feel?
when every day,
you have me questioning if it's real.
99 · Jan 2020
chloe Jan 2020
kiss me gently in a crowded bar
with blood and music pounding in our ears.
surrounded by friends near and far,
kiss me and make me forget my hopes and fears.
94 · Jan 2020
chloe Jan 2020
I feel like a broken guitar string.
Waiting for someone to pull me into place.
As of now, I dangle—but I long to sing.
To play beautiful music with a smile upon my face.

— The End —