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Many poems I read seem so sad
The poems fills your eyes with tears
This doesn't mean the poems are bad
But sometimes a poem should be filled with cheer

There is so much beauty to write about
Not just lost love, fears, screams and shouts

A poem can be about
Flowers or trees
A poem can be about
Crystal blue seas

A poem can be about
a ring of smoke
Or a beautiful girl
Or about the beauty
We find in this world
Holy is Your Name,
Author of Salvation,
hear my soul crying,
catch my spirit falling.

Wash my sadness away,
hurt my eyes to praise,
Jesus, You are all I need
forever is all I embrace.

Guide me into the woods,
ignite the fire in my heart,
a heart that once was lost;
peace my mind at war.

Love for the sinners,
light for the shadows,
sunshine in the thunder,
these are all I ask from You.

Lead me to Your path,
I hide my fears and rejoice,
take me with Your grace,
and I follow your voice.

I call upon You now, Jesus,
on these bended knees,
hear our soul crying,
catch our spirit falling.

Love for the sinners,
light for the shadows,
sunshine in the thunder,
these are all I ask from You.
Tears are what glue
a broken heart
back together again.
When life gets hard and you want to give up just think about what you have accomplished so far. Think about the good things life could bring out of the bads. Always remember to walk with your head up high and prove to the world you made it. never let the fear of not doing stop you from achieving !!!!! Maturing is the key to life . Teaching yourself how to be strong takes courage, never let anyone tell you that you can't do it. Do what you want go for your dreams never let anyone tell you that you can't be someone greater than what you are now.
I survive off Energy,
not negative vibes,
but Positive watts
it sustains my life force,
and uplifts me
to the highest of heights
high above the ceiling,
venturing pass the stratosphere,
until i find myself conversing with celestial beings,
the feeling of feeling,
leaves me open
to all manners of interpretation ,
We are who We are,
when you become vulnerable,
Emotions run ramped explosive like
The Birth of A Dwarf Star ,
anything outside the realm of good intentions ,
I back track , and revert to that of a hermit turtle incased in my shell,
In the sanctum
not until i can tell the outsider means me no harm
They just want  
my charismatic company
& electric charm
I'm just a battery that can hold it's own charge, Until it is time to share energies
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