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3.4k · Oct 2014
Taste of Love
Chris Shantel Oct 2014
The taste of love is on the tip of my tongue
You're sweet and creamy smooth and lovely
I can't wait to sink my teeth into your passion and affection, my mouth is salivating over you, with a texture so unique and one of kind I can't wait to make you mines I can't resist the temptation of having you love, I have to taste you I have to kiss you, I have to hold you, I can smell your sweet scent, your powerful essence leaves me enchanted, I feel so enamored when I think about you, I can still taste your lips from the first time I kissed you love, the taste of love is on the tip of my tongue I desire your sweetness I have to have you LOVE

BY Chris Exton
839 · Oct 2014
Chris Shantel Oct 2014
I dream of you, thoughts of kissing you, I miss your sweet perfume,the voice of most beautiful tune, the rhythm to my blues, the beat to my drum, the perfect melody, you're the perfect song, the perfect plan, just give me a chance, I will be the perfect man, I love you, I will hold you, I will cherish you, I will treasure you, I will encourage you, I'am devoted to you, I give all my heart to you, you're the rising sunset, I will love you past the moon, you're the star at nights, the reason I fight, you're my life, you're my wife, this is a love that will never rest, even after death, you make my heart beat out my chest, the love of my life, you're my wife, the greatest blessing a man could have, you're beautiful, incredible, so lovable, I will never let you go, a love so passionate, so powerful, a unconditional, the perfect love I been looking for, did mention you're so beautiful, my queen, my chocolate flower, this is poem I will read to you each and every night, a poem for you, my future wife.

By Chris Exton
A poem to my future! I can't wait to meet you.
685 · May 2016
The Drunken Poet
Chris Shantel May 2016
I'm Just Thinking, Late night drinking.

I'm just thinking, late night drinking
Thoughts are hazy, and hazardous
Things are unclear to me, foggy I can't see, a total lost of vision, but why tonight, its the liquor, the alcohol, it's consumes me, it's takes over my every thought and decisions, and Precision
My brain is Clogged by this liquor, it's like my mind is slowly losing oxygen, I'm boxed in, it's tight, it's a fight with all my might, but as I pour myself another drink, I think................. It's can't be that bad right? What's wrong with a  alcohol poisoning? It takes the pain away temporarily, and it's help sleep you at night, and you know how hard it is for you to sleep at night! **** am I talking to myself again?  Naw I can't  be, but I just answer my question lol! Maybe I had to few to many, and there's  plenty of liquor left in my cup, I can't let it go to waste .......... So I can drink more and more and more and more!
I was drunk when i wrote this, soooooollll
Chris Shantel Oct 2014
At times I can't sleep at night, I get out my bed, I grab a pen and a pad and I begin to write, about the eternal demons I have to fight, I have seen pain through the years, I have cried so many tears, I struggle to sleep at night, because of my eternal demons I have to fight, I have witnessed love, I have seen pain, I have dark blood running through my veins, I'am mentally scarred, my heart is broken, wounds I through were healed, are starting to reopen,God why are these feelings starting to resurface, I should've never told her to get a abortion, I feel so sad, I can hear my child's voice calling dad, these thoughts keep me up at night, these are the eternal demons that I have to fight

By Chris Exton
Chris Shantel Oct 2014
You can see a man
With dark chocolate skin
With dark brown eyes
You will see smile
That shines so bright
It will guide through, the darkest nights
I have voice so deep, yet I'm soft spoken
My voice is sweet, It will never leave your heart broken!
My hands are so big, and arms so strong, at times I feel like I can lift up the whole world
I can carry universe on my shoulders
I'm beautiful
I'm unique
I'm the 6'6 giant, with a heart of gold
I'm purest the love, you with ever meet
I'm unstoppable, I can't beat
I'm the unshakable, impenetrable
Unmovable Mountain
I'm leader, I'm warrior,
I will bend, but never will I ever be broken
When I was broken, I wanted to quit
My mothers LOVE wouldn't allow me to quit
You're fighter son, you're great man, so keep pushing is what she said!
I'am positive
I'am optimistic
I'am brave
I am human
I am man
I have a beautiful soul
This is my story about me
My descriptive picture
A portrait of me.

By Chris Exton
I wanted to give my reading a picture of who I am! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Chris Shantel Oct 2014
It's been hell on this earth
Since I fell on this earth

I think I've been cursed
All I do is curse

I'm always thinking
I must be tweaking
I see vision of my mother being beating

My heart is sinking
Like the Titanic ship

From negative relationship
I'm shook
I'm broken

It's rope around neck
I can't breathe, I'm choking
My heart is of made of glass
Its broken

I'm hurting
I'm dying
My soul is crying

Praying my past, pain, and sorrow
Goes away by tomorrow

These feelings I still Harbor
I need to let go
But I can't
I'm Hoarder of past memories and emotions

Of pain and rage
I'm trapped in cage
I'm going insane

This misery and pain
Burns like acid rain

When I was sixteen years old
THE first Girlfriend I ever, left me for another GIRL

It's was like my world started to spin backwards
I was depressed and stress
I just wanted rest
Because my heart was ripped out of my chest

I didn't want to come of out my room
I became a cocoon
Living in a dark tomb

Justin Timberlake
Couldn't cry these rivers

I couldn't face my reflection
I hated myself
I didn't love myself

It came to a point in time,I had to let this point go
Walked passed a mirror and I heard God say

My son you're BEAUTIFUL

I have broken out of my cocoon
Now I am beautiful butterfly

Now I can fly through the sky
No more tears in my eyes
No more pain in my chest

I'm 26 now I can put this sorrow to rest

By Chris Exton
This is a story about a young boy dealing with his dark past!
444 · Oct 2014
Love Drug
Chris Shantel Oct 2014
I understand that I may be feeling confused and delusional right now, but the thought of losing you is driving me crazy. I've been patient for a while, but honestly, I'm starting to become impatient. I need you in my life soon, or else I might just lose my mind completely. It's frustrating and it's making me sick. You, my love, are like a rare form of medication that I desperately need. I feel like I need to see a doctor and get a prescription for you because you're the only cure for this sickness. You're my weakness, my addiction, and I've come to the conclusion that I am addicted to this drug called love. Without you, I can't function properly. I start to twitch, my veins start to itch, and I feel like I'm losing control. But here's the thing, I've realized that prayer, patience, and working on myself are the key to unlocking this treasure chest of love. I have to trust in God and believe that love will find me when the time is right. So, I'm staying confident and hopeful that we will be together soon, my love.
Chris Shantel May 2024
I was being chased after being in a crazy car accident. Something was after me. I wasn't injured in the accident, so I just started running as fast as I could. I ended up in this dark, eerie neighborhood, it felt like the projects. These women started coming out of the houses, offering me ****** favors. They were beautiful, with dark skin, and had a mix of Latino and Asian features. I didn't think I was in America because the houses were so close together. I kept running for my life, desperately telling all the women that I couldn't, maybe next time, I'm just trying to survive. But then, out of nowhere, this demonic, fat monster of a woman appeared, asking if I wanted her. I said hell no and ran even faster. I thought I had escaped, but suddenly she grabbed me by the back of my neck and lifted me off the ground by my head. Her claw was red and sharp, her eyes bloodshot red, with perfectly arched eyebrows. She told me there was no point in resisting, and that the monster I was running from wasn't far behind. She said he wanted to **** me, but she wanted to drain every last drop of *** from me before letting me go. She asked if I had made my decision, and in fear, I said I would go with her, just please don't **** me. She smiled and said it was a great choice, then started flying into the air towards her fortress. The wind was so strong, it felt so real, and I could feel the cold chills shaking my body. It was so intense that it woke me up from my sleep, and I couldn't help but feel a profound sadness lingering within me.

— The End —