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If no one ever told you that you breathe an invisible gas at all times and it is always surrounding you, then it would have absolutely no meaning.

You wouldn't appreciate the value of it until you're gasping for it and begging.

I remember the day you left. You walked out of the room and I watched as all the oxygen followed you until there was nothing left.

Some people never get to see what it looks like in a room with no air, gravity left and the pain was too much to bare.

Face turning blue, everything floating around the room, I wonder if I was more worried of getting my breath back or you turning around and coming back.

As I float off, ready for the inevitable, everything slams to the floor as you run threw the door! I inhale deeply and before I can exhale you say "sorry, I forgot my shoes!"
You don't know how preciouse something is until you lose it.
School days will soon be over
and summer will come
I truly love him
but does he love me back
or is it lust
will he still talk to me all the time
or will he be gone
I have many worries
but i hope they are not true.

I truly love him
i just hope his words are true
sorry it ***** this is my first ever written poem and i will most likely take it down because i hate everything i write, but yeah goodbye
I was taught
That kinks and curls
Were only "pretty"
On little girls
Once you reached
A certain age
You simply must
Keep your hair at bay
Girls of color
Don't let them say
Your beautiful fro
Is just a disgrace
Don't fall into the trap
That is self hatred
Love yourself
The way you were made
And if you choose
To tame your curls
Do it for you
Not the rest of the world
To my fellow girls of color. Or anyone with hair that isn't bone straight.
 Jun 2015 Chelsea Patton
He fought the demons,
but he lost.
He found his way,
into the darkness.
He feared the outcome,
trying to get help.
He was pulled back,
into the dangerous world.
He lay still,
a fatal accident.
My uncle, age thirty, died of an accidental drug overdose. This was a little over a year ago, but I felt like I should share this. It's not my greatest poem, but it explains it. He started drugs at a very young age, he went to rehab but was pulled back in. Then he died from an accidental drug overdose. So if you really think drugs are 'harmless', please, think again.
 Jun 2015 Chelsea Patton
There is a battle between you and I, let me win and you will be mine.
 Jun 2015 Chelsea Patton
Dear Mr. King of Kings,

I am listening to You, trying to get the answers I need. God You are my life, my future, my wife. Yeah, my wife. I know that I am sitting here typing You this letter, Your princess. I am still married to You Lord. I want You to know that I am in a battle with my mind, it is not kind, it is just on rewind. I am sick of my past G, I need a new history. I ask You to help me. Help me. I need Your help.

I love You Mr. King of Kings,
Love always Your Princess Darling
 Jun 2015 Chelsea Patton
Dear Mr. King of Kings,

You are my Father, my mother, my God my life. I live for You everyday; I love You Christ. You are more than I can explain, way more than plain, Your trust is what I want to gain. I am living today because on the cross You felt pain. The price was paid. Good look at the day You've made.

Well Jesus let me be real with You for a moment. I walk everyday just to listen to a word that You'll spoken. Because of how You spent the day at the cross You walked and went to the rugged ol' bent cross You died for me. Now Jesus look at what You did for me. You D-I-E-D F-O-R M-E How could this be? The son of the King doing this for a wretch like me.

Now Lord I am asking for one thing please. Most people ask for a G double O D double E but not me. All I want is to be me, innocent and clean. The me who You say I am, G. Just look at John 3 16. I am hurt and need to be healed. I need to feel that comfort You have when we kneel, You God at the last meal. Jesus You are my Father, my mother, my God, my life; I will continue living for You God; I still love You Christ.

This is for You  Mr. King of Kings,
Love always Your Princess Darling.
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