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Chelsea Rae Jul 2019
I'm starting to wonder if anyone will ever find me.

Or will I keep getting widdled away by each person I come across?

A notch away from being absolutely nothing at all..
Chelsea Rae Jul 2019
Somehow, the pleas in my heart that begged for simple mercy
Reached flight through the universe
Like a paper airplane that flew directly into your heart
Across the Galaxy.
Bouncing off stars and whipping past meteors.

I could smile on the outside
Even though full well knowing that
The tree of life was dying.
Leaves falling and decaying.

No one could water me.
No one could shine on me enough.

I kept dying anyway.
Thinking maybe, that I was just meant for this fate.

Yet, when I thought it was just about too late and I almost reached a point where I could've never been saved,
Then came the rain.

He came with thunder and lightening
But he still came with water too.
He poured life on the wasteland of what I had became.

So calm the pitter patter.

Sprouts have broke through and you can see the green again across the land begin and my tree is holding on, the heart that I could never nurture alone.

After his healing tears had soaked the soil, clouds began to part and he was also Sun. He was also warmth and fire and life giving in more ways than one.

The tree roots grew deep within the Earth finally strong enough to stand. Strong enough to give back and strong enough to have the branches reach out to him.

Leaves glistening now,
She reached.
Hoping to the unseen forces,
That if she could continue that she could show him how much he's changed.
If she grew, all encompassing,
Strong and unmoving,
That it'd be enough to show him the
Gratitude if only through her beauty.

Here's to waiting on your life giving rain.
My weather God.
  Jul 2019 Chelsea Rae
Jack Jenkins
To those who have walked away when
I gave everything
I forgive you

To those I have hurt when I sunk too deep
I am so very sorry
I seek your forgiveness

To every vacated prayer I have prayed
I have weak faith
and many sins

To the year that has tortured me
I will come up swinging
I will not bow
//On depression, relationships, and forgiveness//
Chelsea Rae Jul 2019
I drank you like hard liquor,
Straight and no chasers.

Knowing full well you'd burn my insides out

But man the buzz...

The love drunk spin,

I'd swallow it a thousand times, again and again.

Let's hope next time I drink enough to black the **** out.
  Jul 2019 Chelsea Rae
Breathe the bright moments
in life and hold them.
Let them go gently
as you would
release a butterfly.
For they will come back with love.
Let love come to you
as a soft breeze finds you
in a quiet moment
in a sweltering afternoon.
Love will return in perfect passion.
Grasp passion with both hands
and hold onto it
until you have wrung
all the heat from it you can,
then release it
as a sigh of contentment.
Dwell in each moment
of contentment
as you would savor
the perfect moment in life.
Life, love, passion and contentment
come to us all,
but they stay with those
who appreciate them.
Be the one who appreciates them.

Chelsea Rae Jul 2019
She buried herself deep within the dirt. Coming back, pushing past surface, like a sprout catching sun for the first time.

Break through.
Tap in.

Her tears were sweet instead of salty.
Watering all that could be,

And all the while inside the quiet of the Earth's womb,  she thought,
"Thy will be done."
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