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He is the universe
Expressed as a human
And I can only hope that,
One day,
The universe will love me back
i've been in love with someone that
didn't love me back, and i've been loved
by someone that i didn't love back. and
i don't know which was worse; to be
broken or to break another soul.
Sometimes I wonder what freedom feels like.
What fresh air feels like in my lungs.
What a "good day" truly feels like.

But then sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not have fears.*
To not be cripppled by anxiety over the thought of being around people.
To not have thoughts running marathons in my head.

And then sometimes I wonder what life would be like without the pain of depression.
What it feels like to be okay.
**What normal feels like.
Don't you cry now,
Your world will always be alright.
This chapter of your life is one of many,
So don't dwell on me now I'm out of sight.

I'm starting to cry now,
As my world has never been alright.
I'll have to end these painful chapters short,
So you won't dwell on me once I'm out of sight
~~ Words were both kinder and more painful when this book turned to ash. ~~

— The End —