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        All the poems I write
just the beginning
                              and end
               of every thought
   I've ever had about you.
Chaotic world Mar 2016
Where did our hearts go?,
Did they disappear as soon as we lost ourselves?
Or are they still in our bodies being prisoners of war,

It's almost as if having a heart is a sin,
And showing you have one makes you the devil,
No one wants to be the devil,
Yet we act evil,
I fear the day when the concept of having a heart extincts,
Because we would be in a world that's filled with demons who are mistaken for angels,
And angels no longer exist.
Chaotic world Mar 2016
The stars never seemed brighter,
This world of mine never seemed lighter,
I didn't think my life was so good,  
I guess It was just a mood,  

There are no more black clouds that follow me,  
And my emotion for you is like the dead Sea,
My heart has no pain,
Guess you can say my mind is sane,
Forgive me life for seeing this late,
But I guess being blind was just fate,  

Life isn't bad,
Yet people say it's sad,
That's only because we miss the things we once had,
But it's time we stop living in the past,
Because life goes so fast,
So let's forget about yesterday,
And live for tomorrow.
Chaotic world Mar 2016
I'll take this posion,
I'll let this liquid slowly destroy what's left of my heart,
I never did like this heart,
It always latched itself on to people,
So I'll let death take this curse of mine,
Before you come back and torture me,
With the heart I thought was mine,
I don't want to be fooled again,
So I'll go bottle after bottle,
Till my heart can't recognize that it Belongs with  you.
Sometimes we drink to numb the pain
Chaotic world Feb 2016
Once something stops working your suppose to,
replace it

But Sometimes we never replace things,
Sometimes we just add things,
You can have one flickering light bulb,
In the darkest room,
Yet you wouldnt replace it to brighten the room,
You will only add more to help the flickering light

Maybe we just don't want it to be a memory,
But there's no point in it being there,
In the end we never do replace and forget,
We only grow acostom to it being there Forever haunting us.
Chaotic world Feb 2016
It was a simple puzzle,
Yet I couldn't find the right pieces,
I bended all my pieces just to finish the puzzle,
But it wasn't good enough,
So you took the puzzle away,
And gave it to someone else.
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