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It’s scary as hell how last week you held me
right before I said goodbye,
and in my head I was screaming ‘I love you’
hoping so badly that you didn’t see it in my eyes.
Because I know it’s too soon for such weighty exclamations,
and the last thing I want to do is scare you away,
but you make my mind race and my heart ache
and the soles of my shoes always seem
to point in your direction
the way a plant grows toward the sun.
You are my most significant source of light.

Today you told me you were scared.
Because you like me so much,

All I could say was "i know that feeling"
because even though I've given up on impending forevers
I'm doomed to believe that forever would
best be spent with you.
You won't read these words for a long time
because it won't be the right time, for a long time
I'm just fast forwarding because
my heart doesn't know patience,
my heart knows bed sheets and now, now, now.
Rushed beginnings and painful endings.
You are neither. You are kind and respectful,
and won't pass boundaries, even though realistically
I never set them. You are a new kind of amazing
and it is exhilarating.
 Nov 2015 CenterGravity
How many times are you supposed to give someone a chance before you stop wasting time
I've been looking for answers to all these questions like why you painted your room black to keep the shadows out
Like why you burned everything if you didn't have every intention of leaving everything the way it was
You pushed me away and locked me out for two weeks and If I had waited any longer I would have died
I would have bleed out on your doorstep and the last thing I ever wanted was for my blood to stain your home
But if I leave you with anything at all let it be that you were wrong when you said everyone always leaves
We could have talked but I know you've been tired of fighting for so long and there is nothing I can do for you
I can't be left for so long on such unstable ground without putting my own life in imminent danger
And if I'm telling the truth it wouldn't have deterred me in the slightest if I had just one sign you would do the same
You never knew me any differently than anyone else and I gave you every chance
If you had wanted it you would have taken it but there was always someone else for you
But the worst part was that when there wasn't you had me and I can't live like that
They say not to make homes out of people but it would have been better to be your home than to be your hotel room
I want you to wake up with a smile on your face again because you know everything is better
But it will have to be somewhere else because you never let me come close to you
humming slowly
as i sway with this sad song
dancing the rhythm
of this broken sonata
feeling this heartbeat
that started to fade
if only you could see
the dreary tune in this piece
you would rather listen
than see the lyrics within this song
crumpled sheets of paper
scattered all around the floor
with every sheets
there is a written tale of us
seeing this sheets
makes me wonder
when will i be able
to touch the sky?
give me love, darling
give me love cause lately
i am craving for more
give me love, darling
so the tale of these crumpled sheets
will became true
give me love, darling
so this piece will cry with joy
so i beg
like beggar in the street
so i cry
like a baby in a crib
cause lately
i don't understand
why i am craving for more*

give me love, darling

©IGMS 2014
Inspired by the song of ed sheeran
Light invades my eyes and colors emit their voice,
inflections from the speech mount the beings in my dreams.
These statues sing,
they dance,
the effigies howl and weep.
An invocation to a cosmos from some chasm in the deep.

I listen in the morning when the sun has met the sky,
I listen in the evening when the moon has paled the sea.

I never can conceive,
but always can surmise,
the words which echo through my thoughts like starlight in the black.

Look at me,
within my shade,
at eyes who can believe,
a day will come when I
concede if purpose swims within these words so rapt in bemused secrecy.

Until that day,
I'll place these words, within your hands.

Which cascade through my gaping mouth and whisper through my yearning pen.

If perchance they shroud and haunt,
to crux the statues in your mind,
I'll hang them like a portrait,
by your fireplace,
where they're always yours to find.
Those who understand have been consumed by noise.
We are crawling from the  shadow,
though seen as merely glitches.
An infection within components of a failing Great Machine;
a virus turning zeroes into laughter,
and ones into screams.
We are crawling from the shadow but becoming more than glitches,
a noise streaming from every speaker,
long after the screens have read
"Error, corrupted file."
Every story has a beginning, a part that's hard to tell. Withholding chapters to ourselves, some hide within a shell.  

Beside the tree of Contempt, and the valley of Tomorrow. I cried a lake that is so deep, just from tears of sorrow.

Poisoned from secrets left on lips, doomed to never part. Men place a hand upon my chest, and think that I've no heart.

What I hide within is heavy, yet I pray on bended knee. Underneath a sky so vast, it robbed so much of me.

Of nails and gravel I was made, a result of pain and fear. Stuck within this armor,  always unable to let them near.
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