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You make me wanna
Buy a classic motorcycle
Quit my boring corporate job
And move to the Italian alps

You make me wanna stop
Piling up wasted days
And start living
And I'll always love you for this - even if it's nothing but a dream.
Life is a series of tiring verbs
as I wade through the
ashes of orchids.
I'm a vagabond with
a ragged soul
coming for you *******
a lonesome road.
I float aimless,
like an acorn in
a mountain stream.
The death of dreams smells
like autumn leaves,
lonely as driftwood.

Home is not going to be
a white door at the
end of a sidewalk.
It's bigger and broader,
and can't fit behind a
fence and walls.
It will always be the
sum of my
memories and longings.

Home is walking the streets,
hand in hand,
with our son on my shoulders.
Home is lying in
the grass with your
fingers in my beard, and hope
oozing from your blue eyes.
It's eating sushi and laughing at
our accidental touch of hands,
reaching together for
the last California roll;
avocado safe at
a sun-dappled table.

I'm drifting lost on
a southern wind.
When I'm with you again,
wherever that is,
I'll be home.
Here is a link to my latest poetry reading on youtube.
Do not test
or measure me
I'm a nobody

out there
are more worthy

go after them
the cream and jewel
of society

do not target me
what you'll get
is but an unimpressive story
The fish knows not
the depth of the sea-
how can you measure
the love I have of thee?
I will take the imperfect you, my sweet
If you will take the imperfect me too
I can take the imperfect incomplete
If you can take all I can hand to you
Accepting all the imperfect in me
Accepting all the imperfect in you
Completing hearts, is it asking for we?
Completing two hearts, love could be our hue
Why did we choose this, how long will it last?
Chances are risky, accept the challenge
Creation before us, give it a chance
Know that we love each, we find our balance
Let's chance it together, may we not fall
But if we do fall, we gave it our all
Sonnet.  First try.
I make them smile,
not for ease,
nor for the brief bloom of laughter—
but because the world is a weight,
and lightness must be carved
by hands willing to bear the chisel.

I have seen sorrow move like a tide,
dragging its wreckage ashore,
leaving eyes hollow, shoulders bent,
hearts shaped like doors
that open to emptiness.

I have watched the weary—
not dying, but unlit,
not grieving, but undone—
souls curled inward like autumn leaves
that never learned the grace of falling.

So I place joy like a candle
in the cavern of the ribcage,
let it flicker against damp walls of doubt,
let it whisper—however briefly—
that there is still warmth, still wonder,
still a reason to lift the chin
toward the sky and call it home.

A smile is not salvation,
but it is rebellion—
against the hush of despair,
against time’s indifference,
against the notion
that we are meant to suffer in silence.

Let them call me foolish—
say laughter is fleeting,
that joy is a trick of the light.
I will still shape it, scatter it,
send it forth like a dandelion seed
that does not care
where the wind takes it—
only that it was given,
only that it was free.
Raindrops fall,
a solemn night.

The flow of tears,
silent sobs,
a sorrowed skies.

The sound of raindrops,
cries of silent sobs--

my dearest,
speak your eyes.
The Star of Hope has died,
But there is no reason to cry:
Beautiful stars leave stunning Nebulae.
I have my
half written poems
I have this blue window
to look through
when I’m lonely
I ignore its
I sit on this bed
like it’s the edge
of the world
the white sheets
sleep behind me
like restless angels
I scribble words
I call it poetry
I write the word
love in black ink
and the walls
become irritable
deep blue shadows
swallow my room
of souvenirs
I want to hear the
sound of violins
I want to hear the
sadness in your voice
become clear
I need a pleasant dream
I need something solid
to lean upon
I need something to
sooth these
shaking hands …
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