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 Jun 2014 CC
 Jun 2014 CC
Karma takes no prisoners.
Karma is a real. Remember it, or she will remind you.
 Jun 2014 CC
 Jun 2014 CC
Stop trying to waste your time, analyzing their lies.
It will leave you in a straight- suit: Suited, ready to die.
That's why you being real, is the only real hope,
Real has at, really staying alive.
So don't let them **** your vibe.
The art needs your craft to survive.
These characters needing your mind,
The sheets are feinding for you lines.
These rhythms need your rhymes.
The game needs your heart;
So the art form will be loved until the end of its time.
I need the real thing;
Purest of its kind,
Coming straight from the heart
Spoken from the mind
With real penmenship; word smiths-
Sharper than a thin line.
Quick witted; Stanzas that
Stand, hand-in-hand with mine.
Inspired by emotion; immortalized;
within lines. Talent is a gift;
Being gifted is a prize - and experience never lies.
Life is tricky - Rule one; just keep a few things in mind; themes that keep repeating in your life - use your ability to write to express them, and the utilize the comfort of a notebook to store and remember them; just in case you forget rule one: Note: if you have to look back to see what rule one was, then: my case in point.
 Jun 2014 CC
 Jun 2014 CC
"What great deeds have you done
for God to bestow blessings upon you?
Ask yourself
Are you worthy?
Have you not turned down the needy?
Do you realize the concept of empathy?
Are you sin-free?
Speak up!
Tell me why you want everything you wish for.
The angel softly whispered.

"I don't know.
All I know is that I'm not bad enough to be going through this.
replied he.
Whose side would you take?
 Jun 2014 CC
Poetic License
 Jun 2014 CC
Let your thoughts flow
like a river out of your pen
Don't care if it rhymes
Just make sure you lie within them
Weave them into one fine poem
Again, neither edit nor condemn
Frame it and you will be having
A masterpiece in the end.
 Jun 2014 CC
 Jun 2014 CC
When you want it to be
No force can stop you
When you expect miracles
No logic will guide you.
Awaken your senses
Set your sight on fire
Let your eyes gleam with
What within does hide.
Desert your brain
Control your mind
You are a wizard
Let your power shine.
Seek the impossible
Shaken dreams to truth
Show to your own self
What a wonder you are.
 Jun 2014 CC
Ashley Perkins3
 Jun 2014 CC
Ashley Perkins3
their silky fur gleams
under the shiny moonlight
as they howl at dawn
 Jun 2014 CC
Dreams of Helen
 Jun 2014 CC
Alone in his dark apartment
black dog asleep
the sound of children playing
in the street outside his window-
children of color, his housekeeper says,
not quite seeing the distinction
only hearing happy voices-
an old jazz number on the radio
as he stands and dances slowly
with his cane tap, tap, tapping
to the beat and dreaming of a girl
he once read about named Helen
in a book of braille.

r ~ 6/6/14
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 Jun 2014 CC
Peering through a wasp's wing
at shadows on the wall
Hear the whispered whimper
echo down the hall
Glass thump of bone and feathers
against the bedroom window
Motes of darkness floating
to air a moldy winnow
Creak of standing knees
rise in opioid haze
To wander past the shadows
and sniff of death's bouquets.

r ~ 6/11/14
   |     darkdarkdarkdarkdarknesssss
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