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Seeking for a funky cigarette . The taste of guilt and temptation feels so good in my lungs. A glass of red wine to compliment my daze . Now I'm buzz n I thank the white rabbit for coming to my aid. I confess I'm playing my hand without looking at my cards . The creations of my mind make sense only to me. I'm slowly unlocking the convenient of my thoughts. I want to taste the colors of the world but I want share the taste . Many don't have the anger I have .
Trouble mind I have
I seek problems
I fail to solve them
I just run away.

I seek the good to
Make it bad.

My pleasure is misery . My lust is the bad . What a trouble mind I have
Rough day at work
as i saw the clouds getting closer
i tried to remind myself again
life doesn't really work this way,
you can't stop the rain from falling
just because you don't want to get wet.

but i was too afraid
of getting a cold once more
so i preferred staying inside.
it is indeed a heart so full of love
and poetry is bursting out of broken lungs
show kindness only when it’s time to judge
watch curtains fall and show the ugly us

it barely hits us somewhere on the road
when music, lust and trust collide in one
fake passion over lifeless rocks and stones
stop everything and leave us all alone
I'm yet done finding Me
The search wades through Eternity
Luckily,  I've got your number
Exact coordinates and geometry
Is it the symmetry or dimensionality
that makes the majik seem just right?

In our little corner, the whirling dervish dance makes us 4th, including the Sun.
If we claim a Solar System, why not include the Sun, after all our daze have come.

From what we collectively perceive, the four dimensions let it be. Wrapping up a poignant point~pyramid mythology.

This subject being deep and vast, I'd prefer to leave it where it's at. Doesn't mean I won't come back...remember,  I've got your *number.
Just about to sit down to write and glance at the clock turning 11:11, so I didn't need ponder the subject more...that definitively deciding what to write from.
  Sep 2014 Cassandra Nicole Pelkey
I am moving with the wind
at a pace you cannot keep up with.
Sailing free, no holding back now.
I'm soaring,
high above the clouds and earth and destruction of the heart.
I'm escaping on these wings
and there is nothing you can do
to hold my feet against the ground...
I am flying
higher and higher and higher.
Feeling inspired this beautiful morning

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