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cass Mar 2021
I like my wolves in wolf clothing

I saw you in your sheep clothes

But  I also saw the wolf in your eyes

I helped you break free

From this fake haven of rat races

I herded you in with no contemplation
cass Jul 2016
Nostalgia isn't always good
Because sometimes the men don't ask first as they should
You know he'd never take it back but you just wish it hadn't been during your favorite song
So, yeah
Nostalgia isn't always looking back on a sunny day in an open field
Sometimes it's hearing that song you once loved so much and feeling his forceful hands against a younger, terrified version of yourself
They said why didn't you cover up more?
Didn't you know you were asking for it when you walked out into the world today with an open heart and a low cut shirt?
cass Jun 2016
What a terrifying day to be alive
What a terrifying week
What a terrifying year

50 lives lost
No a single rainbow is shining down on us today

I cry for the lives of the people i never knew
and i cry because we never know what those souls could have done for our world

Another day older, but i feel so small
Nothing i can do, but mourn and hope for a better tomorrow

Justice went un served for a victim who spoke out,
and the rest of us cry, because we didn't have the courage

Why cant the world see non consensual *** does not exist
There's  only one word for it, and its ****

All the horror going on around me, each tear falling from my eyes is bringing each small ounce of hope and happiness with it

This week i have told myself i don't want to live on this planet,
but that's a slap in the face to everybody who no longer has the chance

Tomorrow i will be a better me, i will honor the lives lost to violence and hate. I will put forth more generosity, kindness, and understanding for the ones around me who lack it. I will not give up. The people committing these horrible acts of violence and intolerance need me to be the best person that i can be.
Take a moment of silence for all the lives lost this year due to senseless acts of violence.
cass Jun 2016
I can see you from my 11th floor window, but you can not see me. As you reach this 4 way light you take off your vibrant red hat and stop. As If you're not sure whether to go left, right or straight. You ponder for 9 seconds and go left. What has your day brought you, that you come to a corner so late in the night, and don't know which way your going next? If I could, I would say to you I know just how you feel. At a time when most are lost in their dreams or even making love, you don't know which direction to turn. What has brought us to a point , that at such a desolate hour, you don't know where your going and I lose myself in thought for an hour because I see a person walking down the street? Most are in the comfort of loved ones but we are dealing with the demons in our head. It's quite possible you ran out of bread and desperately need to find a convenience store that's open so you can make the grilled cheese you crave.. nonetheless, May the purpose of your journey be fulfilled and  your hands stay warm. I hope when you reach the next stop light , it takes a few seconds less for you to figure out where you want to be. May the lamp posts light your way and the bitter air be gentle on your exposed skin. You don't know my name, and I don't know yours, but we are a tiny part of each others journey on this lost night.
cass Jun 2016
Only at the darkest hours do i ask myself the questions i don't want to know the answers to. You may know the darkness to hide things but i found it is where the unexpected comes to light. The daylight hours are a facade of happily conformed routines, often mistaken for helping you see better. Caught up in the day, even side by side, we are apart. There is a distance between us only the darkness seems to fill. 3am when the world is at rest, it is just you and me and everything from our day we have left unsaid. The dark silence reveals the truths we witheld when the sun was in the sky. Maybe it is harder to be dishonest at night because there are billions of stars in the sky to witness it.
cass May 2015
Your are the most delicate rose, and the most deadly sea
You were born by hate, and live by greed

Your laughter is the harsh winter wind
Your breath, it is the most bitter cold

When you awake from your sleep
It is one of us who will sink down deep

You will drag us under for all our sins
While we are filled with so much hope in our last minutes

But its useless we know, you have made up your mind
There is no hope, at least none that we will find

Goodbye to all we love, hello to all we hate
All you need to do is leave your heart and soul at the gate
cass May 2015
Love me again, like i was never the one who ran

Love me until forever ends,
Until we make time itself bend

Love me like tomorrow will never come
Until we don't remember where we came from

Love me like Romeo loved Juliet
Die for my love, without a single regret

Love me like the stars in the sky want to shine
Love me like a house engulfed by a vine

Love me until our last and final day
Love me until you see that there is no other way
cass May 2015
The lines on your face, they will never go away

Each line on your face tells me the story of your life
A long lasting smile or the heartache of a lost wife

I can see your pain, and every bit of sorrow
I can see that all you've ever dreamed of was a better tomorrow

The lines on your face tell me that you loved more than you lived
And in your love is where you thrived

Your losses will forever haunt you
For the lines on your face, they represent everything that you've been through
cass May 2016
I am either too quiet or i say too much
I will give you everything I have or nothing at all
Balance was never my strong suit
So, when you showed up you can imagine my surprise
You took everything. The good and the bad
You made me feel again
You made me feel everything so strongly
Then you abruptly expected me to feel nothing at all
cass May 2015
I watch you burn between my fingers
and ive never seen anything more beautiful
because i know with every breath i am that much closer to my own death
The smoke in my lugs can bring me to peace
The enemy's i call friends can mourn at my resting place
I can see the woman i love, how i miss her beautiful face
she can tell me how stupid i am
i can tell her how much i missed her
the sadness is becoming too much
so i will smoke another, hoping to be that much closer
please bring me to happy land
i dont want to die at my own hands but if the smoke doesnt **** me then something must
cass Jan 2021
You took bodies and minds that were not rightfully yours to take

It’s dreadful knowing you still walk this earth

Wondering who else has unwillingly felt your hands at night makes my heart hurt
cass Jul 2016
I have commitment issues
The longest thing I've ever tolerated is my own name
And still, I cross it out without a second thought
As if a page suddenly becomes more valuable without it
I love to hate all the tiny ways i discredit myself
cass Jan 2021
Every star in the sky has guided someone’s way
A path, a road, a sidewalk
Lighting up the darkness that is hidden by the day

There is beauty in the night

Something about being in the dark that makes me feel light
cass May 2015
the flowers outside, they continue to bloom
but darkness surrounds me in every room

you whispered in my ear, words so sweet
now i long for your words, your love, and your calming retreat

i will go on, forever in my sadness
trying to end this love, to me, is completely aimless

down on my knees, in my lowest of lows
our love is the only happiness I've ever truly known

the sun it shines on, the birds they sing
but to you my love, i will forever desperately cling

down on my knees, buried within this dirt
please just bury me deeper,  i can not handle this hurt
cass May 2015
I don't know right, but i do know wrong
the sins of my past, sound like a beautiful song

I know what i do is not what is right
but i will always defend myself, and put up a fight

living life with no boundaries
Until this day, when you have finally found me

My burdens we will share
darling, this life was never meant to be fair

I'll call you out and you'll call me yours
This love we share, is so quickly starting to feel like a chore

I warned you before, i will warn you until the end
I am not the girl you want to call friend
cass May 2015
i plunge into your arms, cutting deep into your heart

call me your woman, i can surely play the part

In your heart, i am putting on a show
because love is not something I will ever know

I will gladly play the part
as i walk these brightly lit paths of your heart

Shower me in gifts, feel me in your bed
Ignore the negative thoughts emerging from my head

I will darken the bright paths that lead me into your mind
while proudly leaving my name signed

Give me credit for your smile
that way, i promise, you can keep me for a little while

I will leave you with my stigma
and i will come and go as an enigma

Come and go with the seasons
you are not the first to have these dreadful feelings

i always leave my mark
and they always feel it, while standing in the dark

With an inability to love,
i wear my feelings like a glove

Remove them as i please and
then put them back on with ease
cass Aug 2019
So young, with an old soul
Your sense of humanity tells me you have lived many lives
You yearn for the moon and each bright burning star in the sky
You turn to the universe for answers when things keep you up at night
You stand next to me in equal marvel at the oncomimg adventure a passing train will soon forgo
You wonder, as I do, who else will watch the train in awe and envy, wondering what lies ahead
Home is where you shed your light
You are home to many people
Yet, as we are mesmerized by this passing train, there is a deep desire to go with it
With no particular destination in mind
Home is in the comfort of 4 walls or on a train going anywhere but here
As long as the sun comes up and the stars are present when we look up at night, then we are where we are meant to be
You are my four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have
cass Apr 2017
I couldn't possibly scream loud enough for somebody to finally hear me

I couldn't cut my skin deep enough to convince myself i am still capable of feeling

I can't wake up tomorrow without hurting someone i love

I can't not wake up tomorrow without hurting someone i love

There is never enough rain falling down to drown me

Never enough miles beneath my feet to take me away

No away has ever let me escapee my own mind

There's never enough words

There's never the right words.
cass Mar 2021
Following closely behind the red Honda carriage with our princess inside

The winding road doesn’t shield us from her shine

Sharing a smile so far from home
Let me call you my king and I’ll build you a thrown

Anywhere we go on this globe
I’ll find you a kingdom and we’ll call it home
cass May 2016
I have never considered myself to be a memorable character.
So, when you recognized me for the type of beer i drank and the place where i sat; i was caught completely off guard. In a situation i was uncomfortable with I did what i knew how to do.  I pounded back those beers. I made my nights so forgettable because i saw myself as the forgettable girl. The girl who is in love with people but somehow always meets the wrong ones.
cass May 2016
I watched my cousin throw a rock through that old barn window that stood on my grandma's property
The barn no longer contained an excited horse
It was gone
Along with her
The stone shattered the window to pieces
A representation that things change, so much so that they can never be put back together to look the same ever again
You will always see the cracks
I hated that moment, and i hated her for doing it
It was just a broken window so i never understood why it bothered me so much
Years later i realized it was because that window would never look the same, it wasn't a dream or a joke because it couldn't be undone
That stone symbolized the end of something irreplaceable
cass May 2015
Down on my luck, thinking of taking the easy way
Down on my luck, thinking I've got to escape

Do you know what it's like to smile, but want to cry
To always be so down, but you cant think of one god ****** reason why

**** this life, and all these people
Everything around me,  so lifeless and dull

It cant be them, it must be me
I just haven't found where i'm meant to be

I know there's a place where the sun always shines
Where life isn't filled with depression and goodbyes

I don't know where i'm going, i lost the words to say
I can't recall when life became this way

I was once a happy girl
All smiles, all the time
don't let time escape from you
cass Aug 2016
It feels like i wont see you for another 21 years
It feels like everything i have yet to experience is drowning me, like the unknown is begging me and calling my name in desperate desire

I look up at the sky knowing you are seeing the same stars as me and i cant fathom how 2 people who are so close can be so physically far apart and still make it through their day
cass Sep 2020
What ever happened to the dreamers?
They always looked beyond the sky
Entrusting love and never asking why..

I believe in the power of intuition
I’m learning to appreciate every person and every step
I still always feel like my authenticity is an audition

Always wondering who I am good enough for
Never asking myself do I deserve more

I feel so small beneath the stars
I wonder just how quickly it could all end

I love the ones who truly love me
But I wonder would I fit in better on Mars
Lost in the sky shining upon the stars
cass Jul 2016
The city lights are so beautiful.
Each light has a purpose: to guide someone to where they need to go.
Be it a hall light, guiding a young child to a bathroom, or a lamp post in the street, lighting someone's way home.
Each light i can see from my 11th floor window is on for some reason.
It has a purpose.
I take comfort in the city, knowing that someone has taken the time to light my walk home, that would have otherwise been dark.
I think it is why most fear the unknown.
We are accustomed to having our paths lit each step of the way.
I long to explore all the dark places we haven't bothered to provide with light.
I imagine those to be the most beautiful places.
cass May 2015
you take comfort in the things you buy
when you say your life has meaning, you know its a lie

you love a person based on what you see
you've never considered that what's important might lie underneath

there is more to life, than the items you hold
your desire for material things, will leave you feeling cold

just look at the stars and the way they shine
the way love can wrap itself around you just like a vine

it can take over your mind, yet put it at ease
The only thing in the world that seems to make time freeze

the love that you hold in your heart and your hand
it will be the only thing that you take with you from this land
cass Aug 2019
Her fingers carefully caressed the covers of potential readings, as if doing so they will emit something to tell her she is making the right choice. In her mind there is no wrong choice, for whatever piece of literature she chooses, she will take some piece of knowledge or understanding from it. She comes across one book that really stands out to her. It’s corners are crippled, it’s pages torn, and it’s cover mangled. She brushed off the dust using her index finger, to realize there is no title, no authors  name, and no publishers stamp to be found anywhere. Intrigued, she opened it.
“Burn this book.”
She did not burn the book, and would live to regret not taking this valuable piece of advice for a very long time..
cass May 2015
with sunburns comes aloe, and a comforting pain
we are the only thing that can keep eachother sane

we have no real purpose, but to drink our thoughts away
we don't know where were going, so we'll smoke until we forget the day

we are not true beings, just pieces to one another
we would die for each other, but don't speak to our own mothers

our parents don't know where they went wrong
our failures sound to us, like the most beautiful song

with mosquito bites comes comfort, underneath our skin
the blood running through me is not a representation of my kin

call it disrespectful, call it what you must
but through these beautiful beings i have found astonishing trust

my family does not know me, nor does it interest them to try
but these beings i have found, they live to know why i want to die

in these long, hot months we only have each other
my blood doesn't need to run though you for me to call you my brother

we rejoice under the shining stars, astonished by the moon
we've never felt so whole, as we do together in this room

wherever we go, in this long hot summer
we will always know that we have one another

take me to mosquito land, where happiness awaits
these beings i have found, are surely part of my fait
cass Feb 2018
You took my innocence and I took your name
not literally, but I made myself forget it.
I forced your face and your name out of my mind, like it was never there to begin with.
I got rid of the phone you texted me on.
I burned the clothes you so eagerly took off my body.
If I can forget your name then I can forget that it ever happened right?
You didn't stop me in the street to admire my beauty, something that at 16 I didn't realize was the wrong way to approach a woman.
You didn't invite me to your house and violate every inch of who and what I am, something that I avoided recognizing once that seed of doubt was planted in my mind.
Officer said he is a nice guy, i'll take his word for it and forget this ever happened.
You didn't happen and it never happened.
If you are too drunk to say no than you asked for it to happen.
If you accepted male attention than you asked for it to happen.
Lets just be quiet and forget this ever happened.
cass Mar 2021
No stress forget those fools because we got our cigarettes kokos and juuls

The nicotine makes my brain less mean

Frantically searching for my Juul while you call me a fiend

Got your koko in your hand because your an organized man

**** it lets get me some smokes
They taste so good but they make me choke
cass Apr 2021
I’m so grateful you aren’t the man of my dreams

The you I dream of can be pretty mean

The man of my dreams exploits every insecurity
He taunts me
He lacks everything and anything that could resemble maturity

He lies and he cheats all while laughing in my face
Showing off the new ******* his arm
He treats me as if I am a walking mistake

I am so **** grateful you aren’t the man of my dreams
cass Jun 2016
Nostalgia is the deadliest feeling in the world
It has made me and destroyed me
the most curious mysterious feeling we as humans have
Deadly and encouraging
Makes me want to die and live forever
Funny how a smell can bring me back to a moment i love
Funny how a smell makes me want to die
When the seasons change i wanna laugh and cry at the same time
The smell in the air;  it reminds me when
It reminds me of my dad pumping gas while i sat in the back of his pickup truck
It reminds me of jumping rope and hearing the words grandma is dead
It reminds me of a walk through a forest with the first boy i ever loved
It reminds me how every year is so ******* different from the one before
cass Jan 2021
I can’t remember the last time I cried

Until now nobody ever made me feel like a prize

I mirrored his intense feelings and that made me think it was so **** real

I never knew you could learn to love slowly and naturally

Every time I see you I feel better about us

Every time I leave you I feel real trust

Is this how it feels to love a man and not a boy?

He was the last one I will ever let treat my heart like a toy
cass Aug 2016
I took a plane to another universe
i couldn't stay where i was, its been 21 years of being too curious

As it turned out 8,000 miles distance is what i needed for so long
Returning to the place I used to call home suddenly felt wrong

Now everything i do is in the hopes that it will bring me closer to you
Distance doesn't mean a thing When everyday I wake up amazed by the joy you bring
cass Mar 2015
fear does not exist, fear is in your head
your imagination is what causes your dread

those shadows in the corner of your eye
simply your imagination, nothing but a lie

the bump in the night you thought you heard
nothing but paranoia, your reality is becoming blurred

those dark thoughts invading your mind
sanity is not something you are about to find

the voices they are dark, and they refuse to leave your mind
your feeling like this life is something you need to leave behind

the end is coming closer, the voices becoming louder
had you acted like you were normal, you could have made your parents prouder

“you do not belong here, this place does not want you”
the things these voices tell you, they really are not true

all you had to do was open up
these dark voices are extremely corrupt

to be alive, to laugh and cry
it still wont happen if you choose to die

stay with me, ill make you safe
stay with these demons and your mind will only chafe

come with me, we'll go away
we will tell the demons they can not stay

let me into the deepest parts
together we can repair each others damaged hearts
for the one plagued by green
cass Mar 2021
You made your bed and then your bed caught fire

I saw the flames where you slept and I called you a liar

Living for nothing more than your own vain desire

You lived a life of lust and deceit

If you live a reincarnated life it will be a pitiful repeat

It’s was always going to be a sad defeat for all the lives of the girls who’ve ended in your cars back seat
cass Sep 2020
Our love moved fast in the spring
I hope autumn doesn’t slow it down
If there’s one thing I’ve learned these past 5 months it’s that I need you around

Your warm presence wraps around me like a blanket
You’re unlike anybody that I have ever met

You’ve showed me beauty in the darkest places
You’ve made me fall in love with so many beautiful faces

I hope next autumn I will still get to call you mine
I would forever live in regret if I lost the chance to see you shine
For my star
cass Jan 2021
6 ft feels like 6 miles
How I long for the real life smiles

Socially distant for the greater good
Looking for more than a virus to be cured

Looking for a man or a woman, just a soul
So many months of solitude that need to be consoled

I’ll give you what you want if you’ll give me what I need
You can set the pace or I will take the lead

I need your skin to touch mine
Please dont make me plead
cass May 2015
sitting next to the river, under the fullest of moons
with these humans i barely know, but cant live without
how different life has become, to have beautiful people to confide in about not so beautiful things
I feel higher than I've ever been, but i haven't smoked a thing
drunk on these wonderful people, but i haven't  had a sip
I found love in the strangest place
a night of pool, where we all acted like fools
now here we are arm in arm, the 6 of us
far from where we want to be
but we know exactly where we want to go
take me away from this place we have been calling home
take me so far away, to swim the shores and discover the forests
take me away from here, from these enemy's we have been calling our friends
you are my only comfort, my longing embrace
in my darkest of places, my only light, these 6 beautiful faces
to the beautiful people i have so recently discovered, but will forever love
cass Oct 2024
I’ve had a lot of trauma,
A lot of pain
too much regret

I’ve tried to be a good person
At the end of the day I’m just a bad credit score with debt

I’ve been objectified,  categorized, forgotten and misunderstood
No matter how much good you do some people will never see you as good

I love who I love and I’d die for my blood
Their names sparkle in my mind no matter how much they drag them through the mud
cass Apr 2015
the **** has all been smoked
the movie is over
the food is gone
this is the end
cass May 2015
Lines of time
on your body and on the ground
they do not allow you to rewind

tomorrow is today
yesterday has come and gone away

time will never be your friend
it is a simple representation of the beginning and the end

time is not what you make it, but what it makes of you
cass May 2015
Another night in this waste of a thing called life
Another night of paper fun

Another night pretending we are friends
I need to know if this will ever end

Nothing more than substance and material
We get so **** high, we start to feel imperial

Looking down on the ones who are real
We mistake our highs, as the ability to feel

We know we wont amount to much, we know we wont go far
Our wasted lives are spent getting wasted at the bar

Feelings only come with the substances we consume
Together here we are, but so alone in this packed room
cass Jun 2018
Write the name of the man you love in the sand
Now watch it wash away
It is better to spend a few nights alone
Than to spend time with people who don’t care about your dreams
I would watch his name wash away an infinite amount of times before I ever stopped writing it
cass Mar 2015
tomorrow is not promised
it is a gift you might not get

tomorrow is not guaranteed
that's something you should never forget

cherish today as if it is your last
make peace with all the sins of your past

speak the words you said you never would
stand in a place where you have never stood

see the world with brand new eyes
remember your lows but bask in your highs
cass May 2021
Just a rock slide coming down the mountain side

We said hello and then we said goodbye

They said it wouldn’t hurt but that hurt more than the lies

When we said goodbye it felt temporary..

I finally know you now like I said I would

That first time I took you out on the 14th of February....

I knew for sure I would know you again
I knew for sure I could love you again
cass Jan 2021
It’s never been so easy to be alone

They used to beg to see me now they beg me to stay home

I won’t return your calls or your texts or your knocks at my door

Social interaction has always been a chore

Thank you covid-19 for providing me some peace

Thank you for this terminally ill social release
cass Apr 2015
"i could have kissed you
not even caring
that the skies
opened up above us
and tried to wash us out"
cass Sep 2020
If there was ever evidence of a higher power in this world
It would be the friends in my life and the man who calls me his girl

Tonight I count my lucky stars in the sky
The endorphins I’ve been collecting have got me feeling so high
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