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Carolin Feb 2015
And darling , I know
when something hurts
really bad all i need to
do is close my eyes and
imagine me next to you* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Your the delicate
medicine that managed
to brush all this chaos
and sin off  my skin* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Our country is a garden.
The people are the flowers.
And our army men are the
strong green stems* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
He opened
his mouth
and love
out* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
These metaphors
hold the deepest of
stories from within.
Each story is about
him. I don't care if this
culture we live in finds
that some kind of sin.
Because I can not do life
except when im with him.* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
Miles away. Cities and
oceans parting us. But
i still feel your touch. The
way your lips lock over
mine the shivers you send
down my spine. The
pounding of your heart
against my chest. The
brush of your hands on
my naked flesh.

Miles away
but that's ok. At least we
get to text and call everyday.
Till the days pass quick and
I see you again. Till the
ocean waves part and I
walk through to reach you.
And when I do I'll be kissing

Frenching every inch
of your body. Caressing
your skin. Waiting to start
new stories and memories
waiting to paint the bedroom
walls with different shades
of gentle love and sin* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Hey Mr.Motion make me a potion shake it all up with your mystery.
Dive in the ocean with me i promise this can be our favorite fantasy .
It's time to let go of all of this bottled agony . We can take a break and make out in your bedroom balcony . Forget the world and drift away with me . We can be whoever we want to be as long as you promise you'll stay here till love becomes the end of us. Just don't forget to hand that potion over to me after I finish up with pleasing you just like we always do. After all darling it's all for you. Let these lips taste a few drips of your potion before this night ends up in such a mess for you. Cause I'll strip off my flesh after I tear my dress into shreds. So come on now hand me that potion carefully ~
Carolin Jun 2015
My baby is feeling sad
and blue today. His tummy
hurts him too. I feel his pain.
It's spreading through my
every vein. It's in the ventricles
of my heart and moving to my
lungs and brain. The typewriter
in my head is writing love letters
to make him feel ok. My eyes
want to cry tidal waves to wash
his hurt away. Get well soon babe
I promise you'll feel fine in a
matter of so little time. I love you
I love you is all that my tongue
could really say to him on such
a sad blue day* ~
Carolin Sep 2015
My beauty was covered
by tragedies fingertips. It
had scarred my lips and
hips. But I covered the
marks with beautiful tattoo
art. Inked my scars with
different shades of purple
and pink. Splashed my
skin with lemon grass green
and sunset red. Drenched
my soul in literature and
poetry. Escaped my past
through fairy tales
and several
stories* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
And darling if you
want strip the flesh
off my ribcage and
use it as a diary page
to write the story of
our love using nothing
but my blood* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Having you deep
underneath my skin ,
crawling from within
is my favorite type of sin* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
I want to live inside
your delicate bones.
Melt into you like
lotion on one's skin.
I want to love every
inch of you and create
a home from with in.
To curl against your
body and bury my
face into your collar
bones. To hug you tight
and tell you thanks for
letting me make you my
home and for sheltering
me from all kinds of coming
storms. I want you skin
on skin* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
Be gentle
with my
ink* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
If his love was a
grain of sand , my
love for him would
be a universe of endless
beaches* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
You paused
those sad songs
playing in my
head for an infinity
and for that ill love
you for an eternity* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
My rose petals fell for
you the first time you
passed by my side. I
didn't know what to
really do but blush
and sigh* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Her clothes race to
the floor while they're
stripped off by him.

She's left in his room
naked again. He kisses
her soul before her
gentle skin.

While sunlight covers
them from the cracks
of his window. He sets
music in the background.
A solo violin.

While he drenches her
in kisses from head to
toe making the seeds
trapped under her curves
to bloom like flowers  
in the season of
spring* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Nap nap on my lap.
Nap nap after you trace
the map on my skin.
Nap nap on my chest.
Let my heartbeats be
your lullabies or even your
favorite melodies. Nap nap
so in the dream we'll meet up
and fly in the night sky. I'll be
your pillow while you curl up next
to me. Rest over me. Come on
darling you can nap right here
on top of me* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
You'll burn to ash
the minute you get
all your hands on his
cash* ~
Carolin Aug 2015
Nights were never meant
for sleeping. Just gentle
love and hugs.

Camping wasn't meant for
bonfires and roasted
marshmallows. But meant
for sleeping bags and your
lover to be the pillow.

Nights were meant for
kissing under the starry
skies and tangled limbs.
Soft kisses and ******
whispers in your lovers
ears as well.

They were meant for making
out gently instead of rough
messy loud ***.

Because the angels fly above
the ripples in our sheets as
they watch us and play their
harps and violins.

While we kiss each other's
lips over and over again as
passion fills our naked bodies
from within* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
No ink can write
down the love i have
for you. No ink can
write down the war
raging on inside of my

No ink can write
down the times that i
thought darkness will
drive me blind.

No ink
can write down what
I feel for you in the
middle of the night
in a few simple
poetic lines* ~
Carolin May 2015
Becareful everyone because there is an account ( ) who keeps sending weird messages. Do not reply back to their email. If you seen such a message don't reply and the same message has been sent to many other poets on HP this persons profile has no poems on it either or followers which makes the issue seem a bit suspicious and weird
how are you doing today? i hope all is well.
My name is Rita, In search of a man or woman who understand the meaning of love as Trust and faith in each other rather than one who sees love as the only way of fun, but a matured Man with Nice Vision of what the world is all about, and after reading your profile I took Interest in you, so please reply me with this Email( . i will be very happy to read your reply so that i will send my picture to you then we can start know more about each other. Thanks for reading my mail and be Bless.
Carolin Dec 2014
Nothing to lose,
No love to prove.
Only my words to confuse.
Let our words move to a groove.
For a world will see.
What the written word can be.
Stronger than the might of a sword.
To stop you people getting bored.
Listen out loud.
Yes, all of you in the crowd.
It's time for peace.
Put down your guns.
And let the violence cease*.

Therefore I’ll watch the clouds 
drop down the rain. As I dig out 
the best of words from inside my 
veins. Spread my thoughts using 
nothing but a poets feather and ink. 
While I try not to blink as to watch 
the people of the world drop down 
their silver swords. and harmful guns. 
I’m not saying we should all act pure like 
nuns. Now let’s start off from where we 
begun. Nothing to lose, No love to prove.
Only my words to confuse. Believe or not 
I’m writing these words without even 
sipping on ***** or listening to jazz and 
Hani in italics
Carolin in bold
It's our first collab together. Looking forward to write more with the talented Hani. Check out his page later
Carolin May 2015
It was not just a kiss where
the lips meet and then that's
the end. I felt him in my blood
stream. I felt alive. Wanting
the sun to drench my skin.
Wanting the world to know
how madly in love i am with
him. Flowers bloomed from
around us just like they do in
the season of spring. He brushed
the chaos and pain off of me
while our lips met to kiss over
and over again. He kissed
me with such passion that
caused my heart to beat after
I have put it to sleep. His kiss felt
like the best kind of poetry as
it felt soft and sweet* ~
Carolin Dec 2015
He asked his wife to get her
dance moves on a christmas night.
To twist and twirl like ballerinas
do in fancy ballrooms. To feel
the heat and vibes and create
a spark tonight. The candles flickering flame was moving
from the left to the right with
such an excite. The flames
went from orange to red every
time his hands slid down on
the small of her back. They
must of blushed while they
did the tango as well. They
must of sighed when they
kissed as the carols went
off. He made love to her
body on that christmas
night. When the lights
went dim and the
flames caressed
and licked the
concrete walls.
While the cold
winter's air
touched their
bodies and skin
as they were
exposed* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Miles and miles away he types to her happy new day. Promising her every time the clock hits 12:00 a.m he'll leave her with a kiss online. She sits blushing with her blood rushing through her every vein thinking this sounds a bit insane. She kisses him back in the middle of the chat. Despite knowing they have a screen in-between they felt a spark in the middle of the midnight dark ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He gave me butterflies
when we were miles
away. The Atlantic
Ocean was in our
way. But we felt the
knots untie in our
young hearts. We
felt the love as we
exchanged words
till we met face to
face and our stomachs
twisted and flipped.
That was when we
knew we fell fast
and hard from
the very first
tweet and
start* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Staring high up
above in the
morning skies.
Spreading my
arms pretending
they are wings that
can fly from one cloud
to the other. I start singing happy
songs to my lover. Letting him know
that his loves stained my soul.
And his name is tattooed across
my fragile heart. Singing out loud I live
for you and only you because this love
is meant for two. Only me and you* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
There is no cure for depression
but love.

It's what keeps you going on.
It keeps you floating on the
surface of the pond.

It clears out your veins from
the poison you sip on the way
you do with red wine

It's what makes you see when
your blind.

But society sets so many rules
for love and how it should

Forcing you to keep it a secret sometimes the way fishermen do when they capture mermaids from the sea.

Making you afraid to tell everyone you know alive including your mom
and dad.

But only the rebels know how to
survive. Only the rebels know
to how to runaway with their
loved ones.

As they pack their bags and hit
the road. Without knowing where
to go or looking back.

Not giving a **** about the
people and what will they say.
Only the rebels know how to
get away.

To marry the love of their life and have a family of their own. To
have a child and live in a little
home built from stone.

To go miles away to say their I
love you's and vows. To ditch
the crowd and yet feel very

Only the rebels know how to
slap society on the face and

Only the rebels know how to
let their love exist and have a

Because they know it's true and
not false as the people in town
say* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
On your flesh remains
poetry and stars. I don't
see any scars. The bees
and the birds hum to you
the best of melodies.Gardens
in your eyes is all i see.
When our lips touch i get
to take in all the secrets
you feed to me. I read the
secret messages behind
your tears. They leave me
lost as if i read a message
in a bottle in the middle an
angry sea. No one could ever
take you away from me. I'll
love you for an infinity.
Only us two will get to
exchange this marvelous
experience. Come on come
on darling let's exchange
this experience for an eternity.
For this is our destiny and
you and I were always meant
to be* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Our kisses
could make
shake and
create the
of earthquakes* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He promised me that
the moon will light up
the night sky on our
wedding night. While
we say our vows and
let tears of joy roll
down our cheeks.
While we dance the
night away with the
gentle melody that
he'll be strumming
on my heart strings
on that very special
day* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Follow me down out
of this town. I'll show you
around and introduce
you to a kind of love
you've never known.
We'll be free and do
all the things we wanted
to. No cops no care no
jail. It's hard to live with
you in a place where they
call love a sin it's kind of like
living in a place with no air.
And all they do is accuse
you of having the devil
underneath your skin ,
then throw you in jail when
they see you spreading
love in the air. They'll
enjoy watching you
sitting there thinking
of a friend to come
and bail you out. So
pack your bags love
and follow me out. I'll take
you to a place where we
can be free and be
whoever we want to be.
I can even kiss you out
in your own balcony.
And we'd get to dance
to our secret melodies* ~
Carolin Nov 2015
The birds painted on
the cement wall were
born to fly. Not to be
stuck on a solid wall
and die. I scratched
the wall to make the
cement crack and fall.
So I can free the birds
despite that I knew
I can't. They looked
so dark and sad. But
they still deserved
another try and chance.
All that was left in my
hands was to pray
for my paint brush
to give them some
colour and a
little life* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Paint me on a paper or paint me in your head. You can even paint me lying down on bed.
I don't care where you paint me as long as you paint me beside you. Splash the paint on my skin and watch the sin begin. Paint me in red or in different shades of blue. I don't care if you even paint me kissing you. Just promise you'll hang my portraits up on your bedroom walls. Cause they will scare any shadow that comes out and crawls ~
Carolin Mar 2015
Fold me like a paper
plane. Teach me how
to face the wild winds
and heavy rain. Write
me love letters on both
of my pretty wings. Stamp
my metal body with the
initials of your name*  ~
Carolin Jan 2016

Naked with no clothes.
Pearls and flower petals
scattered on the floor.


While filled with love
and lust. Lost and found
in your bed and arms.

Skin on skin.

While our nails are dug
in our backs. While love
bites cover our shoulders
and necks.

Our scents float around
like the fluff of clouds.
They fill up the room
from the ceiling to the


As you unlock the locked
doors in the chambers
of my heart.


As poetry rolls down
from between our thighs.
As tears of joy roll down
our eyes between every
kiss and between
every sigh* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Mouth , neck and
cheeks is where he
likes to be kissed.
There wasn't a
chance he'd get to
be kissed and let it be
skipped. He reads
her as if she's erotica
but the kind that
seems a bit chaotic
and psychotic. The
way he moves with
her to keep up is a bit
robotic. Hands in his hair
as love spreads in the
air. Standing up chest
to chest and lips to
neck she makes him
wonder what's about
to come next* ~
Carolin Aug 2015
Bobbing our heads to the
beat of the rhythm of the
people singing in the street.

Dancing on branches and
twigs with happy feet.

Flying around the city all day. Standing on statues of clay.

While our hearts bloom just
like the flowers of spring do.

We look at one another's pretty feathers and say the words of
I love you.

While other pigeons watch
us as I lean forward to kiss
you the way morning dew
kisses the flowers and their
leaves too.

They watch us as I kiss you
the way lovers do at night in
the city lights.

As they shout out for an encore
and flap their wings to clap* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
The pink places he
kissed on her body
opened up the way
flowers do in the
season of spring.
And the fluids that
came out looked
like morning dew
on the petals before
the sunshine pours
down and dries them
off drop by drop* ~
Carolin Dec 2015
Lips shut. Pin in.

Words trapped.
Metaphors drowned.

Body drenched in
unread letters.

Ink spilled all over the
room. Black stained
the white sheets and
curtains too.

Time stopped. Noises
went off.

The heart got mad. And
the soul went sad.

I was taught to never
speak my own thoughts
out loud.

I never was proud of
letting them lay both
hands on me.

I never was proud of
letting them silence
me starting from the
age of three.

Been quiet for a very
long time. Kept all my
words bottled up inside
that throat of mine.

Life wasn't easy or fine.

But the time has come
to set myself free.

To unlock the pin and
brush all the chaos off
my bruised purple
coloured skin* ~
Carolin Aug 2015
Place your ribs into my

Sing me a melody
with a few rhymes.

Tell me lullabies on my
darkest nights. Tell me
things i can't deny.

Adjust the
stars in my skies.

Kiss me in bed before
i shut my eyes.

Run your fingers through
my hair.

Whisper prayers into
my ears.

Knot your fingers through
mine in the dead of night.

Cause my arms are trembling
as i lay down scared and
drenched in fear.

Place your ribs into my

And warm my body up
from this cold winter air.

Slap your skin against
mine and make me feel
your there.

Snuggled by my side
under the bed sheets.

Sniffing the scent of
lavender from hair.

Dressed in nothing but
your favorite underwear.

Resting by my side
without worrying
about running out
of time.

Or running out of tasty
red wine coming
from fresh twisted
grape vines ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Chase fog.
Chase the sun.
Listen to a pretty
melody with me.
Put seashells and
daisies in my hair.
Blow those dandelions
in the air. Feel the
winds ruffle through
the curls of your hair.
Light a candle and watch
the flames dance like
mermaids do in the sea.
Close your eyes and count
to three then lean in to ******
a kiss from me* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Poetry saved my life when
i thought things were not
going right. I started writing
when a beautiful man came
into my life. Found a pen in
the bottom of the puddle i
made with my tears. I sat
there for hours. Drank my
wine and walked into the
water made by own eyes.
Should i drown or should i
die i said. Felt a pen under
my feet and thought about
the guy i met. Wrote poetry
on the surface if the water.
I felt oxygen enter my lungs
and the water becoming
shallow I felt my poetry lifting
me up. I wrote my way out
of the deep puddle i cried.
I wrote my way out for him.
Starting with his name and the
details on his skin. Starting
with how i tripped into his
heart while running away from
my own hell. All it took me to
save my life was a pen and a
guy. That's when i decided to
take the goodbyes i said to life
back again. I want to exist. To
marry him. To fight for my rights.
I want to write until i die. And
if the ink in my pen ever dries
i'll use my blood instead and
the tears i cried. I want to turn
my pain into pride. I want to paint
my scars up in the sky* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He drowned
in the pools
of madness
she had in
her eyes
before she
let them out
and cried* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
You can't tear us apart.
We're made of solid steel.
We live in a country where
it's golden sands turned to
pomegranate red from all
the blood that falls. But in
the end we'll rise up and
stand tall because we will
win this war. ISIS will burn
to dust and ash while our
army men enter the gates
of heaven holding up our
Egyptian flag with pride
and laughs* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
I carved your
name in the
darkest corners
of my heart. I knew
we'd fall in love from
the very start. You let
the bad thoughts fall
apart. And planted
wildflowers in the depths
of my heart. You watered
them with such pure love.
I can't thank you enough
my pretty precious love
your an angel I guess that
was to me from the heavens
up above* ~
Carolin May 2015
He said i'll make you
the most prettiest bride.
Promised to pick out my
wedding dress. To zip it
from the back for me. And
adjust flowers in my hair.
Go out for fancy pizza
instead of boring white
wedding cake. He promised
it'll be a memory of a lifetime.
And i couldn't ask him for
more. I promised i'll help him
clip his bowtie on. Tie his shoe
laces and spray him with his
favorite cologne. And to love
him more than any other day.
And to sway with him under
the moonlight. We promised
to see our bodies dressed in
galaxies and stars before we
go to bed on that day. To wear nothing but the night on our
exposed fragile skin* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
I'll follow you until death.
I'll guard you on the other
side. And ill hold your hand
so you don't feel alone and cold.
It’s true I’ll give up my very
soul to stay close to you. That’s
that and there is no going back
because I’m madly in love with
you* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
He reminds me of
red velvet cupcakes.
His clothes are dark
like it's wrapper. Skin
as sweet as the white
frosting placed as the
topping. Cheeks blood
red like the colour
additive added in the
recipe. He's sweeter
than honey coming out
of the queen bee. I'm
telling you he's a cupcake
to me*. ~
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