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Carolin Feb 2015
Repair my wings. Fix them
up for me with your magical
strings. I'll carry you with me
over endless streams. Into
your dreams ill fly. Paint them
black for me. Splash them
with different shades of grey
if you don't mind. I want them
darker than the night's sky. I
want them to be seen in the
daylight. I want them in shades
that'll make us high. I want my
wings to fly to you on days like
these where your out of reach.
On days where im alone and
far away from home. In thunderstorms they'll spread
to protect you. In rain they'll
spread to shelter you better
than any umbrella would do.
In the cold they'll wrap you up
to keep you warm from winter's
cold breeze so you don't freeze.
Now would you kiss me and
repair my wings* ~
Carolin May 2015
It was dark and cold. The
sea was my only home.
The waves almost eroded
my lonely bones. I cried
and ached. But this was
the result of my past mistakes.
It was hard to take. But i
held on fate. That there will
be a better place. Where the
sunshine pours on one's skin.
And the leaves fall for you on
the floor. Where the flowers talk
about love. And the wind carries poetry that used to be written
back then in the old centuries.
Where i'll find a man who holds
me with care and plays with
my chocolate brown hair. Where
he'd kiss me when I'm scared
and mend my chest and bones.
I held on fate the way a child
holds on his moms big thumb.
Met a boy who climbed up a
ladder in the middle of a raging storm. Held a hand out and told
me to go downstairs to his
home. Where the weather is
warm and the dark is gone. He
took me to a place where i
thought only existed in the back
of my brain. He took me home
and into his heart. And i said
you must be the heaven they
speak of found on earth. I love
you boy. And I love that hand
that rescued me from the dark.
Hold still now and let me kiss
your lips and pure heart. Together
we can make fine art with both
of our stories and sparks. And
sing a song a song of love a song
about the melodies we have
trapped deep down in our
innocent young hearts* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
She was running
towards death.
He picked her up
and ran the other
way. That was the
story of how she
was recused and
saved* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Your love grew roots
around my rib cage. I
thought it would make
me feel strange but in fact
it gave me a reason to be brave.
A reason to stand up on the
stage and wave to those who
shattered and crushed me down  
and let my pieces scatter like
ashes in a grave. Your love is
the kind that saves* ~
Carolin Nov 2015
Run away with me for a
day. Let's go to a place
that's surrounded by
mountains and a lot of
green forest trees. A place
where the flowers will sigh
and blush when they see
us kiss and touch. A place
where we'll get to be the
normal us. Away from the
public away from the law.
Away from those with judging
eyes and the haters dressed
in disguise. Let's run away
so far away. Where we could
kiss and hug. And talk about
our dreams with passion to
one another. A place where
I could scream the words of
I love you out loud while I
feel so confident and proud.
A place where you'll take my
hand and count to three. Lean forward and ****** a kiss
from me. A place where we'll
make a little bonfire and
have some coffee and tea.
Stare for hours at the blue
skies. Watch the dandelion
seeds and pollen grains float
away up high. Wait for the
stars to come out at night.
Where we'll be the only
audience waiting to watch
the show they'll pull on. The
only lovers up late in the
open wild. The only ones
who'll appreciate the light
they'll radiate in the dead
of night as they'll shine
bright in the dark
skies* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
I love my parents from
the skin to my bones.
There is nothing they
say and i answer back
with no. But i want to
run away from this town
and go back to you. To
leave this home and
be with you on my own
is all that can calm me
down to the bone. Running
away seems easy. All i'll
need is a backpack , a black
cap and some head phones to
keep me company on the road.
Curse these nights that keep us apart.
I'm running out of this town without
a perfectly sorted plan. Screaming out
in agony I run
back to you. Deep down inside
I know that home is anywhere
with you my love ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Sail with me into the dark.
Leave everything behind.
Go on an adventure with
me. Write words of love
and throw them into the
sea. Write poetry on scraps
of paper and place them
in a bottle. You never know
maybe one day a mermaid
might find them. Or two lovers
by the shore. Now now dear
come on and sail with me
into the dark before the light
of dawn comes along* ~
Carolin May 2015
Turned my back to the walls and
watched the darkness fade away.
Sat on the floor and felt my aching
bones call for your name. Shut my
eyes for a second and the glory
around me went away. Spent a day
sleeping in my head waiting for a
hand to reach out my way and save
me from myself.  My skin went cold.
And the blood in my veins seemed
to have froze. I felt numb but yet at
ease. You came in the room picked
me up like I was dust and you were
the broom. You looked at me as if I
was the bride and you were the groom.
You’re skin was warm and your heart
called out my name. I knew that was
the day I’ll be finally saved. From the
demons talking in my head, from the
blade scarring my flesh and from the
emptiness I felt from within. And so I
was saved when you walked in* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Air ?
I feel it
Your voice ?
I hear it
Passion ?
It's filling up
my broken
Cocoon ?
Turned into
a pretty butterfly.
Light ?
I see it and feel
it pouring on my
Fingers ?
Caressing my
Love ?
It was the only
thing i believed
You ?
You saved me
from myself and
heard my desperate
cries on those
dark lonely nights* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
Be the songs in my mind
when I feel down instead
of high. Be the blood that
flows in the marrow of my
bones. Lift up my chin when I
stoop down low. Soothe
my aches , because I can't
do this on my own. Cut
wide my skin and crawl
from within. Carry me over
these tides before they
drown me alive. Keep my
boat afloat before I turn
over and capsize. Save me
from the monster growing
inside. Patch my wounds
with leaves and twigs.
Mend my heart with a hug
and a kiss. Don't leave me
alone in the forest like this.
Save me now before the
wolves come out of their
dens and eat my pulsing
flesh one bite at
a time ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Stand up on the
stage and climb
into my rib cage.
          Make a nest in
           my dried up veins
           and rest inside.
Lick the bruises
on my skin and
turn them from
purple to blue to
different shades
of red.
            Kiss my
            tear stained face
           and pat me on my
Turn my
daydreams from
black to grey because
i can't stay in the
dark for long.
            me dear and bite
            my ear i want your
            love marks on my skin
Leave me
vampire prints to
remind me that you
visited me here and
there on my collar
bones and neck.
           Save me from the
           emotional wreck  
           that my fragile
           heart has become* ~
Carolin Mar 2015
I sneaked out of my home
and went inside of his heart.
My parents never knew where
i went to when it's dark.* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Scared ?
Of the dark and the
demons of the night.
Burnt ?
From the flames
licking my bedroom
walls and skin.
Voices ?
Couldn't stop them
from haunting me.
Insane ?
The pain drove me
to that.
Afraid ?
Of being alone in this
never ending war.
Love ?
It pulled me by the
hand to the light.
Kisses ?
They put out the fire
that left me burnt and
Poetry ?
It rolled down my arms
and thighs the minute
your eyes locked on
mine* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Drink the wild air
with me. ****** me
with your devil's eyes.
     Fill my veins with your
     lovely venom tonight
     and make me your slave.
I won't even mind if you
sink in your **** fangs
and drink out of the fountain
     of pain flowing in my
     every vein. All I know
     is that I crave you from
     the skin to the bone* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
Coming into his dreams
seducing him for fun.
Stripping the clothes
off her skin to make him
turned on. Starting to kiss
his neck while he sits on bed
with his legs wide spread.
Coming into his dream
seducing him with her silky
chocolate brown hair. The way
it falls down covering her *******
resembles the same way the
angels fell from the heavens
above. Kissing him there and
there marking his skin every
where while he takes off her watermelon coloured
underwear she kisses him
deep and hard before the sun
rise and before its time for him
to wake up and open his hazelnut coloured brown eyes. She comes
to his dreams to ****** him in
the dead of every single night* ~
Carolin May 2015
He made me see
the world in rainbow
colours instead of
black and grey. His
love showed me the
way* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
She has autumn leaves
scattered in her veins ,
autumn stamped on her
heart and the morning
breeze on her face* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
She wears her heart
out like a big deal.
Cause she believes
that love is real. She
believes that it exists
and can mend what's
been broken and
bent* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
She was suicidal and
sick to the bone. He
was a boy with a mind
of his own. He walked
around with his smokes.
While she walked around
with her body aches and
hurt. They stumbled upon
one another. That was when
he started flirting. He never
questioned her about the
sins her hands did. Neither
about the places where the
razor blade caressed her skin.
He only asked to marry her
and stay by her side till the
end. Till she's healthy and
strong. Till she chops off the
arms of her past. Till she
bursts in giggles and laughs.
And that was when he asked
for her to be his first kiss
while he approached to her
rosy lips* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
She's the ink and he's
the poet. Their road carries
no breaks no ends and no lies.
It's a true mind blowing fact I know.
They walk through their road
hand in hand , through fire and
stone through darkness and light
as well as angry thunderstorms in
the dead of night carrying nothing but their love , paper and pen.
Leaving poetry behind every
road they cross. Obsessed
by metaphors and lust obsessed
by the twenty five letters of
the alphabet obsessed by the
words that make their hearts
sink to the core of their souls.
He's the poet and she's the ink.
With the help of faith and
destiny he managed to put the
Us in TrUst. He takes
her out on dates and feeds
her art , poetry and literature.
He feeds her Tyler Knott and Edgar
Allen poe's words and thoughts.
They are the chasers of the
wonder words they are the
chasers of the light. They are two
young adults who are madly in
love and can both feel it coursing through their bones and in the
stardust forming their very
souls* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
She was a handful of beautifully woven whispers in his ears.
She was the one who had the only powers to stop his tears.
She was his greatest rebellion .
He was what kept her going.
He was the blood in her veins ,
the thoughts in her brain and
the air in her lungs .
He was her everything ~
Carolin Nov 2014
And she loves
him the way the
homeless love their
*******. The way the
miserable love pain.
The way teens love
their muse and high.
The way the suicidal
want to die. She loves
him like wondering
children love a safe place
to hide and cry. She loves
him from head to toe. In
winter and snow. Through
the dark and the mornings
dew. She loves him in a
way no one will ever know.
She loves him from the bottom
of her soul* ~
Carolin Jun 2015

She cried a pond the
day his father set fire
to his wings. Where
ever she walked she'd
drown the place with
her tears while she carried
her pain under her skin.
She put out the
blazing flames with the
tears she cried over
him. She put out the
fire before it destroyed
his gift and scarred his
skin. She put out the
hurt he carried from
within. The left their
homes and started a
family of their own.
They left as their wings
carried them across the
velvet skies. They left to
enjoy their new
lives* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
She's the bread
to his Nutella. She's
the vines to his grapes.
She's the garden in
his ribs. But most of
all she's his* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
Up above on the fluff
of the clouds I’ll shout
out the words of
I Love You.
Under the rainbows and
the night’s starry sky I’ll
shout out the same words
too while my hands are
wrapped tight around you* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
Show me your colours of love.
Splash them on your canvas and
me. Would your colours burn
bright with passionate shades of
fiery red, orange and blue? Or
would your colours run still and
strong in a cool turquoise calm like
the sea? Show me while they leak
down from your wrists, fingers and
palms. Show me your shades of black
and grey that you wear in the mid
of day. Are they as dark as others talk
and say? Show your colours of love.
Show me the colours of you* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Stamping his heart
with love and a kiss.
Signing his neck with
her tongue and a couple
of licks. Writing poetry
on his flesh with little
vampire bites. That's
how she writes down
her signature on the love
of her life's smooth
delicate coffee coloured
skin* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
He was a silent fighter.
Trying to get rid of the
demons in his lungs. Wasn't
long till she came along.
Asked him what's wrong
and collided her tongue
with his while she held him
in her wings. That was the
minute the demon living in
his lungs turned to glitter
and gold. And it no longer
left him with the pain that
almost drove him insane* ~
Carolin May 2015
It's my skin that makes
me feel. Feel loved and
warm. Feel that i am forever

I want to curl into your
pores. Like a seed that
waits for its moment to
bloom. I want my skin to
be perfectly stretched over
my bones just like yours.
Where i'd get to feel every
beat of your heart pounding
against my exposed chest.

Your so soft and smooth.
You make me want to melt
like an ice cream cone on a
hot summer night. To take
my shirt off in front of you is
what i'd like to to do and stand
up right while you feel my
back bone making the shivers
begin from head to toe. Making
gardens grow in the places
you touch and caress on the
small of my back and flesh.

Hugging you skin on
skin is not lust. It's just a
feeling i have with in. A passion
that stirs under my skin. It
craves to be touched by
your every inch. It wants to
be loved by a boy like you.
It wants to experience your
dark. It wants to play with
your shadows in the dead
of night. That's all what it
wants to do to forever be
touched by someone like
you* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
Christmas lights dangling
from the roof to the floor.
Mistletoe hung up on the door.
Christmas is coming get up
and decorate your lane.
Don't leave it blank and
plain. Rudolf's nose is
pomegranate red. Must
be from the cold the people
said. Hang the socks up
stuff them with candy
and be a little handy.
Gingerbread cookies
aren't baked yet. Should
we worry or just get in
a hurry. Christmas is
coming. Christmas is
coming. Oh Karl would
you get the door i think
i can hear Christmas
Oh dear the cookies aren't baked yet
And I’m looking bad too

Stop worrying about that honey
I’m always here for you

Oh don’t forget to set the mistletoe
On our old oak door

Right so please stop worrying
I’ve place the socks too

Come on now, come on now
We got to go
There’s tons of discounts
For us on that store

Can’t we just stay, just stay
Inside of our house
I’m freezing cold now
So timeout of this winter wonderland

So now it’s 12MN
People outside are calling “Yoo-Hoo”!
Come out now
‘Cause it’s quite lovely
To stroll around with you

Let me drink this med
Then I’ll come with you
Though I’m kinda sick
Let us enjoy the evening view

Settle down with me and help
me out with this eggnog. We can
gather around the tree instead of
strolling out endlessly and free
while the snow falls on our blood
red cheeks. Dinner is ready on the
stove. Tell me if it’s well cooked
or a bit raw. The Holidays make
the adrenaline kick in. That explains
why we’re over stressing on everything
since the day had begun. Now settle
down *** and sip your eggnog with
me while I turn on the lights on our
lovely Christmas
tree** ~
K Chua in italics
Carolin in bold
Hey HP people
It's our 2nd collaboration together :)
He's a talented writer ...
From all parts of world
Happy holidays
From Carolin and K Chua
All the best to you!

Check out K Chua's link below
Carolin Dec 2015
I'm a little snail with no
home or tail. All I carry is
this shell over my shoulders
and back.
Wondering slow and lost
into God's woods.
Living with the constant fear
of getting squished like cookie
dough by someones shoe.
Afraid of loosing my cool and
hiding for an eternity inside
my shell.
I'm a snail who goes wherever
my minds tells me to go. To
places that are high and
Under leaves and branches
of trees.
I'm a snail who doesn't want
to live the rest of it's life alone
and blue.

A snail who wants love , a wife
and a cozy home.
I'm a snail who wants to have
children and a wedding on pretty
river stones , where
the water floats by and
the fish pause to awe
and sigh* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
So happy that you proposed
and i said "I do". Now all that's
left is to wait till we graduate
so I can move in with you* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Dressed in nothing
but stardust and the
night. While feeding
on poetry and baby
moons* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
Opening up the chambers of my heart.
Wanting to spill out the words of love
trapped inside to you using nothing but
paper and pen , just like a drunk man spills
all his drink. I don’t know where to begin.
Whether to write down about how I felt the
first time we met. Or to write down about the
crush I had on you online. Or should I begin
with describing how my stomach twisted and
flipped the first time you sent me a kiss online
when the clock hit midnight and you typed
Happy New Day.
Oh my where should I begin. Perhaps with the
first time you held me skin on skin. Or the first
time you called me your person. You fill me up
with an infinity of words and colourful emotions.
Making me excited about writing them all down
at once. But yet you manage to leave me sitting
down confused and without a clue of where should
I begin. For now I’ll leave you with*

Thank you for existing thank you
for being loyal and true
Carolin Feb 2015
He licks the poetry
off her lips between
each and every kiss.
He reads the words
on her skin with his
fingertips just like the
blind read their words
in braille* ~
Carolin May 2015
Stay up late with me
and decorate the moon.
Hang up on it shiny little
lamps and stamps. Stay
up with me and watch it
shine in the night's sky.
And hold hands as we
watch the stories we
have in one another's
eyes. Stay up with me
all night and be by my
side. Watch the moon
enjoy it's new lights
and sigh* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
A date a kiss and a fancy dress.
A plate and an expensive piece
of strawberry cheese cake. No
need for all this stress. A rusty
car an outing at a random bar. Greasy hamburgers on a bun
can just be as fun. No need to
put on a gold shiny necklace i'll
stick with the cute skull you got
for me on the ninth of November.
Where the weather was chilly just
like it gets during the winter. Let's just stick with what seems simple. Because any where with you seems just fine and beyond fun* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
The stretch marks on
your skin look prettier
than the lines on tree
branches. Those are the
marks that set sparks in
the dark. Brighter than the
fireworks people gather
around to watch in central
park. Don't you hide this
fine art from me. For every
little mark led me to your
loving heart* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
Strip it off
strip it off.
Strip the flesh
from the bone .
Just make sure you
leave her wings
hanging on.
Take her to your
home. Hold her
in your dazzling arms
protect her from
all kinds of harms.
Warm her up with your
flames. This love feels
so **** right.
Be the gold that
God didn't take.
Let your love make
the constellations
under her skin
shine bright with
all their might causing
her body to glow
and shake. Be
her shadow in the
middle of the day
and scare away
the ravens and crows
that fallow her wherever
she goes. Tell her
darling that you'll be
stripping off her clothes
tonight* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Sitting on the edge of his bed,
not knowing what was about to
come to next. He kissed my cheek
it felt so softly and sweet. Laying a
hand over my chest sweeping me
gently off my feet. Take the shirt off
i insist , I don't want an inch of your
body to missed and not touched or
kissed. For I promise to lean over and
drench you in love. Slowly then all at
once our clothes were stripped off and
dropped down to the floor. Time froze
and the world seemed to not spin no
more. Hearts pounded wildly against our
chests not wanting to calm down and rest.
Beating so loud wanting to be wrapped
around each others ventricles and passionately
kiss. Leaving us wondering how could such
love exist* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
She's not a doll you play
with strings and put her
back in the box when you
get bored. She's not a slave
to obey your orders all day.
She's a person with skin ,
bones and flesh just like
you. Love her , respect her
and treat with tenderness
and care. Her job is not to
feed you and please you
whenever you demand her too.
That's just not fair. It's time to take a
stand because this has gotten
out of control. Treat your
woman as if she's a queen on
top of a throne wearing a
golden crown and you bow
down to kiss her lovely hands**  ~
This poem goes out to the moms facing difficult times because of their husbands madness and ****.
Carolin Jul 2014
Take me to the ocean and
kiss me under the waves.
Watch me put shells in my
hair just like pretty mermaids.
We can watch the sunset as
you braid my brown hair.
Then curl our toes into the
wet sand as we stand hand
in hand. Collect the shells
with me and whisper your
wishes to them before you
throw them back in the sea.
Hold me in arms so you can
be close to me. Rest your lovely
bones over mine. I want to feel
a fire take place inside. Tell me
those words that light me up like
one of your favorite afternoon cigarettes .
I'll promise to inhale
the smoke you'll exhale. The
of I love you I love you taste
better than my cocktail. You
make me life drunk just like
the characters that
exist in fairy tales* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
I don't want my freedom.
I'd prefer being jailed in your
dazzling arms of gold. To be
******* in your shackles with
love. That is the type of jail i
want. Ravish me with your love.
Take bits and bites out of my
heart* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Teach me contemporary
dance moves. Show me how
to groove. Teach me how to
fly up high in the sky just like
fairies do and shine with my
light. Teach me the simple things
in this beautiful life we share
together and all the magic tricks.
But most of all teach me how to
love and give you the sweetest of
kisses and hugs* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Mark the walls.
Mark the trees.
Mark the forest
floors and leaves.
Mark the mountains
and seas. Whisper
to the stars. Whisper
to the shy morning
skies. Tell the people.
Tell them about our
love. Tell them the
story about you
and me and all
the things we
want to be* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He makes love to
everything his hands
touch. He held my diary
and caressed the letters
as he read my story in the
form poetry. Sweat dripped
out of his pores. He watered
the seeds i left on the pages
between each and every write.
And my diary was pregnant
with the flowers of spring
again thanks to his lovely
hands* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Thank you for kissing me in places
that do not know shadows or light.
The places where band aids refuse to
stick and the wounds are deep as the
blood drops out thick. Where the pain
is felt and all the dark secrets i keep are
found .Thank you for seeing my body as
beautiful and something to be cherished ,
while you took off the Egyptian cotton that
keeps us warm from the raging storm off.
Thank you for allowing me to make your body
my home and shore. Thank you for loving me
when i was lost and not wanting to be found.
For painting my broken hardened heart in
colours that i thought would never exist after
it's pretty shades of red turned to ugly shades
of grey. Thank you for telling me how beautiful i am
while i saw myself as a walking corpse torn apart
and burned. Thank you for planting hope in the
depths of my soul. Thanks for staying my dearest
love. I couldn't have made it to the light without
you sweetheart* ~
Carolin Nov 2015
Thank you for existing.
Thank you for all the
kissing and hugging.
The morning texts and
the late night sexts.
Life without you is nothing.
The world is dark when we
part and go to our homes.
My body becomes numb
the minute you leave me
The shadows and thoughts
creep in my mind and crawl
out to play.
The tears begin to gather
and fall the way heavy rain
does when it pours from
depressed skies.
The noise in my head
becomes loud.
Everything that never made
me happy and proud goes
on replay.
And I start to remember the
times that i've been used
and abused.
Those nights where I slept in
my bed with bruises and cuts.
The secrets I buried deep
down in my thin veins.
It all just gives me the chills
and it feels awful and
You changed my story and
the words I had written in
every page.
Without you I wouldn't have
known the meaning of a
real love story.
I wouldn't have seen the light
or glory. I would have probably
faded out into the black
and grey.
And so today I thank you for
saving me from the
depression that took
over me.
Those eating disorders and
bad habits. All the self hate
I had towards this body of
Thank you for loving me
with your heart and not
allowing any of my flaws
get in your way.
Thank you for everything
you've done .
And thank you for all the
things that you're willing
to do in advance as you
clutch onto my little
fragile hands* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
My dreams came true
after I fell in love with

You chased them with
me and when I fell in
the middle of the way
you'd pick me up telling
me that things will be ok.

We faced many challenges
so far in our lives but we
made it out alive hand
in hand.

You stood by my side at
the moments where i was

Offered to lend me money
to take the stress off my
mind. So i'd feel that things
are fine despite that I didn't
have a penny or a dime.

My dreams came true when
I fell in love with you.

Your love made a poetess
out of me. Encouraging me
to write more than ever before.
Making me sit back and watch
your eyes make gentle love
to each and every word I

Thank you for existing. Thank
you for giving me such an
amazing life. Most of all the
honor of making me your
one and only wife* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He's the boy who
pulled the moon
from the sky and
watched it kiss
me* ~
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